The Villain

Chapter 179 - Beauties Are Fatal

"My. My. What do we have here?" Nash grinned from ear to ear as Killian opened the door. 

Nash was lying on the bed. His head was wrapped in a bandage along with his arm. He appeared severely injured to Killian at a single glance. 

"What on earth have you done to yourself?" Killian asked him in shock. He had heard that he was pursuing a woman in hospital. Then how did he get hurt? "How did you get injured?"

"I was saving a beauty, " Nash snickered. "Beauties are so damn fatal. Look at me, no one's here to accompany this sick man." 

Nash was still in the mood for a joke. Although he had been staying in hospitals, his mood these days had been exceptionally good. And why wouldn't it be? Valencia came every day to visit him. 

Killian shook his head in resignation. Nash would always be Nash. Even an accident as severe as this wouldn't shut his mouth. It was good as long as he wasn't lashing out. 

"I heard you have been pursuing a doctor. Do tell me how this rake decided to settle down?" Killian couldn't help but ask. He was exceptionally curious to know which woman was capable enough to tame this rake? 

Nash smiled in a silly way as his eyes curved to form a crescent. "Amour. My friend, Amour. Even a proud Rake like me can be swept off his feet when armour comes into his life." Completely forgetting that he and Killian weren't on talking terms, he began narrating his love life. "You have to meet her once, Killian. I'm telling you that you haven't met a woman like her in your entire life. She is so beautiful, so intelligent and so great that I'm in awe of her. Fuck, I can't imagine my life without her. Ah, I will be the happiest bastard in the whole wide world the day she accepts me and my love." 

"I'm happy for you," Killian said. He was glad that Nash was genuinely happy with his life. 

Nash had always been a man who had never taken his life seriously. His hobbies were extreme just like his behaviour. The missions he selected were always suicidal. He was genuinely glad that Nash found someone worth living for. 

Perhaps, separation from Santiago was better than they initially thought. He was married now with a real goal of life except for finding Alicia, Callum was finally working on himself and Nash was about to settle down. 

Probably, he could curse Santiago a little less in the future. 

"I'm gonna make her mine soon," Nash added with a smile. However, his smile froze when the door opened once again and in came a fuming Santiago. 

He didn't want to see him at all. If he wanted he would have met him when Santiago was insisting on meeting the man who saved his wife. 

Killian turned his head to find Santiago standing at the door. "Where were you?" He asked him. "I thought you left after dropping me." 

Nash, who saw Killian talking to Santiago in a friendly manner, growled, "What are you two now? Best friends?" Pointing his finger at Santiago, he shouted," Did you forget what he did? He fucking broke all of us. What did he say? He didn't need any of us. There was no need for us to be a unit. Just because he failed once, he decided to break all of us. He knew all too fucking well that we don't know how to survive without each other. Yet, he asked us to leave him when he needed us the most. Hell, we needed him too."

Santiago didn't answer him back. Instead, he looked at Killian and said, "Tell him, he is going back tomorrow. Callum will be coming to take him back." 

"The fuck I will," Nash shouted. "Who the hell are you to make rules? Do I need to obey you anymore? No fucking way. Instead of a 'thank you', you decide to throw your seniority here. Santiago fucking Vitello, I am not going to leave." 

Killian knew that out of all the three, Nash was affected by Santiago's decision the most. When Santiago was living for revenge, Killian for finding Alicia, Callum for a better future, Nash had no ambition, nothing. He would work for himself or these three because he had no life of his own. Hell, he didn't even have any expectations from himself. He takes jobs that give him thrill and enough money to last for months without bothering to work again. He was a playboy who loved Alcohol and women more than anything else. 

But when Santiago asked all of them to get out of his life. They were mad and enraged. Most of all, Nash. He broke his relationship with all three of them and never looked back. 

"Nash, calm down." Killian held his arm because his IV was moving with his arm. "Calm down, Nash."

Nash was seething and refused to heed to anyone. He looked at Killian and asked, "Who the hell is he to make decisions for me? Why should I leave?"

Santiago finally looked at Nash and said. "I'm no one to impose seniority on you. But King Leonardo can order you all too well. He is the one who ordered you to come back. Did you forget your identity, Nash? Did you forget who signed your hefty paycheck? Or did you forget what will happen if your real identity is leaked here? You will go running for your life!" 

"If you are not aware, then let me inform you, I resigned several months ago," Nash argued back. "I'm a simple businessman now." Pausing for a minute, he added," Can't you see me happy for a second? I have lost many things in life too. But my sole agenda is not revenge like you. I now have a life here. So, don't you dare take my happiness away from me." 

"But was your resignation approved?" Santiago asked him with a sneer. 

"Fuck you, Vitello," Nash spat out. " Why are you after my life? What the hell do you want? Can't you see me settling down? I'm not going back until I marry my girl."

"Marry who?" Santiago smiled at him. "And what girl are you talking about? Valencia?" He paused for a minute and then asked in a gravely calm voice. "Do you dare, Nash?" 

Something in Santiago's expression stopped Nash from retaliating. He didn't understand what it was but he could feel himself suffocated under his gaze. No matter how much he tried he couldn't remove his gaze from his face. Something was telling him Santiago came to destroy the harmony of his life. 

"Eighteen years. Nash, eighteen fucking years. For eighteen years, my father and I had been paying for the one mistake my grandfather made in his youth," Santiago began narrating his story. 

"Unlike you all, I wasn't an orphan when we all met. King Leonardo didn't lend us help without asking for anything," He scoffed at remembering the face of the king who was given the highest status in his country. "He is next to God for the people of his country, but we had seen the devilish side of him. We had sold our souls to that satan years ago. He gave us our present life and took our past and everything connected to it away from us. The identity he gave us came at the cost of everything that was dear to us once."

It wasn't that King Leonardo was an evil man, it was just that an ordinary man couldn't be a king. Especially the one who saved his country from such devastation. 

"For eighteen years, I have been seeing my family from the sidelines. I saw my sister getting married. She became a widow just a couple of years after marrying her childhood sweetheart," He let out a sad smile. "She welcomed a new life just a few months after she lost her husband." Looking at him, he added," Oh, I have a brother too, who has no single clue that I am still alive. You know what was more painful-- not being able to attend my parents' funeral and every fucking thing. So, don't you say only you lost and I didn't." 

"Valencia… "Nash felt as if he couldn't breathe. " She…"

"Yes asshole, she is my younger sister and you will stay the hell away from her." 


Author Note: This volume with end soon. In the next Volume, Our leads will reconcile and we will go back to the place where their romance started. 

And one more thing, this story will end in around 250 Chapters. It can be less but not more than 250. The real story will be about 50 more chapters and rest will be the side stories. 

I have not decided what side stories will be like. But I have a perfect ending in my mind. I will work hard to get you the best ending! 

Once again, Sorry for unedited chapters.

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