The Villain

Chapter 171 - Connection Between The Two Of Them

Seeing Killian's widened eyes, she let out a chuckle. Caressing his jaw, she said, "Surprising, isn't it? How could a boy who could solve chemistry olympiad questions at eleven and solve mathematics problems just in mind, can fail high school?"

Killian had no way to answer her question. He was shocked and confused beyond words. He didn't know what to say. Could it be that what Emma was trying to tell him was correct? No, he didn't think she would lie to him. But could his research be wrong? 

"No one could disguise better than him," Emma further told him. "He makes you think about what he wants you to."

"Then why did you run away from the marriage if he was so amazing as you make him sound?" Killian asked him. If Salvatore Marino was so great as Emma was telling him, then why did she leave him at the altar? 

He didn't know why but a sliver of jealousy ran down his spine, making him lose control. He never thought before that Salvatore Marino stood a chance against him but now… he wasn't so sure. 

"Because…" Emma paused before forming words to say. "He had been signalling to me for years now to let go of this relationship. He didn't want to marry me from the start. This push and pull game was not worth my patience and time. I think I deserve better."

"Then why did he not break the marriage?" Killian questioned him.

If he didn't want to marry this woman in the first place, then why did he keep her hanging? 

"Because he wanted to show everyone that he is still the king of vanity," Emma replied him with a sad smile. "He wanted to show everyone how he was going to marry will marry the leftover fiance of his dead brother. He wanted to be called, snobbish, arrogant, petty and narrow-minded."

"You are making me dizzy…" Killian wrapped his arms around her body with a tight grip now. 

Emma chuckled mirthlessly, "Well, he makes me dizzy too. Especially when he was obsessed with a girl so much to let her go. And then I came to know that he married Belle. Shocking isn't it?"

"Obsessed with a girl?" Killian asked with curious intent. 

What kind of girl was capable enough of getting hooked on a single girl? 

Wasn't that man a notorious womaniser? 

Or maybe, he just wanted to be called a womanizer only? 

How many layers were Salvatore Marino hiding beneath his disgusting exterior? 

"He says it was a hate relationship. But I beg to differ," Emma said with a scoff. 

"How do you know?" Killian inquired. 

He knew that his wife was not some goody two shoes. She had her fair share of being a scheming woman but he still couldn't believe that she could be evil. No matter how stalkerish she might ne, she still was Emmaline-- the girl with a heart of gold. 

Salvatore Marino threw one hell of a magnificent woman in his path and there was no way he was going to let him take her back. No way in hell. 

"Because I might have had a catfight with a girl several years younger than me on a university campus," Emma confessed with a sheepish smile. 

"You are kidding," Killian refused to accept. His prim and proper wife to engage in a catfight with a girl on a university campus? He couldn't even imagine it. 

"I'm not," She tried to convince him. "Even saying that fight as a catfight was an understatement. He clawed my face and it took several weeks for me to heal. The girl grew up on the streets, Killian. I was no match for her but I still did a pretty good job. I cut her hair with small scissors that fell from her bag! Damn! I don't even wanna think about that incident. It still makes me embarrassed."

"I can't believe my Em chopped a younger girl's hair," Killian said in shock. He didn't know she had an evil side too. 

"Killian, you don't know the intensity of obsession I had with a boy named Salvatore Marino back then," Emma said. "When Don Marino punished him because he was fed up with his son's laid back attitude and sent him to university to get a college degree and that too in Las Vegas. Miles and miles away from New York, I was restless."

"How could I live without him here? I spent a month cooling my heart that he is my fiance and I don't need to be so controlling but I still end up getting on a flight to meet him. When I reached his University, I got to know that he and a girl, much younger than him were each other's, arch enemy."

"Yes, arch enemies not lovers," Emma emphasised on the words. "But that time I felt like I was losing him. Salvatore Marino never gives his time of the day to just anybody. And suddenly, a girl out of nowhere appears and gets under his skin. I couldn't bear it. But that fight on the campus put me on the ban and I was prohibited to meet him until he comes back. He spent like two years there and I tried to make her disappear from his life but every time, the outcome was more embarrassing than ever." 

"Perhaps, they were just arch enemies and you were just thinking too much that time," Killian reasoned with her. 

"You can be right," Emma agreed with him. 

"You said salvatore was in university in Vegas?" Killian questioned as he remembered something else. 

Emma nodded. 

"I think you can help me here." Killian had a hopeful smile on his face. 

"What do you mean?"

"Alicia too went to the same university but then she dropped in the middle of a semester. Some say she got married and some said that she moved states. I have been at that university as a professor but still, I can't get any useful information."

Killian wasn't able to find any substantial details there. 

"I think I have a way to help you," Emma said.. She just knew a way to help him.

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