The Villain

Chapter 136 - One More Dead

When Santiago and Persephone were lost in their world, there was someone else whose world had just shaken or was about to be shaken. 

Richard Costas!

He was sitting on the balcony, a lit cigarette held in his hand as his eyes were glancing all over his estate. He was a wealthy man but what was the benefit of all the wealth when it couldn't get him the status he wanted in his society? Just as he was about to be uplifted, his daughter threw him right back on the muddy and dirty ground.

He turned his head when he felt someone standing behind him but as he was about to shout, a palm closed his mouth and dragged him back to the room, shutting the door in the process. 

"Richard Costas! It's how you will welcome me now?" A hearty voice rang accompanied by a peal of evil laughter. 

"W-who are you?" Richard Costas managed to let out the word. 

"How boring," The masked man seemed to be offended with his choice of question. "I thought since we were meeting after so long, you would at least express some shock, flow some tears and convey some emotions? But look at you, pretending to be all unfamiliar to me! You break my heart!" 

Richard had seen all kinds of crazy bastards that this world had to offer, but he had to say that the one before him was one of a kind! 

"Why are you so silent?" The man in the mask asked with a pout. "I thought that you would welcome me in an escatic manner but I guess I was asking for too much from you! You are the same sorry man I remember from decades ago! You are still the scum who should have been long killed but don't you worry, I have got you! I will kill you now and free my mother earth from the burden of a scum like you!"

Richard Costas took out a blade and pointed it at the man before him, "Come ahead and see how I kill you!" 

The masked man shook his head, in the dimly lit room, he was standing there, dressed in all black clothes, his tall and built frame was appearing as if a grim reaper was standing there, waiting to collect his life. 

"I'm a ghost," The man whispered. "No matter how many times you kill me, I will rise from the ashes all over again." 

Richard was looking at him in shock as the flickering light fell on the man dressed in black's face… although, his face wasn't clear, his eyes were completely visible to him. 

He had an inkling as to who this man was… 

"I didn't kill you," Richard mumbled. "I have no hand in your death. I never wanted you dead." 

Richard didn't even know what he was speaking. He wasn't a weak man. If the man in black even tried to fight him, Richard had enough power to fight him or shout to call for help. But it was his guilty conscience that wasn't letting him speak or beg for help… His first step was to put the blame on his comrades. It was not a lie that he didn't wish him dead, he wasn't a party in the former's death but he knew something that was making him an asset to Don Marino. Or else why would Don Marino still keep him by his side? 

"You sure didn't want me dead but how can you forget that you were the reason why the whole Palmero family was wiped out?" The man in black said. "You were planning on betraying Alessandro too, then why did you betray your alliance in the end? Why throw all the blame on him?" 

Richard scoffed. "If I didn't push the blame on me, he would have fucked over me. He wanted me dead too. So, what if Palmero was killed in the end? The motherfucker was just as twisted as Lorenzo!" 

"You are untrusting, to begin with," The man shook his head with utter derision. "You never know who played you… you and Palmero were thinking of deceiving Don Marino, but in the end, you got played by him." 

"What do you mean?" Richard asked, his eyes wide open. 

"Something that your dead brain cells won't be able to decode," The men in black said. He got something from his pocket and threw it before him and continued, "Sign the papers." 

"What is this?" Richard asked. He was asking all kinds of stupid questions. 

"You think I will tell you?" He raised his brow. "You are dying either way. However, the sign on the paper will tell if you will have the painful death or the painless." 

"I will never sign any kind of paper," Richard replied. "And I won't die…" 

The man in black sighed and sat on the couch with another shake of the head. "It's good to have a great imagination but it's not very good to have it all the time…" 

"You don't want to cross me, " Richard threatened him. "You can't afford to offend me." 

"How can I offend you?" The man said. "I have no intention of offending you. The only intention I have tonight is simply to kill you." He opened the pages of the document, and continued, "Come on, sign here." When Richard didn't budge, he sighed and took out his gun to point at the bastard's neck. "Enough of the drama, quickly sign here. I don't have time. The sun will be coming out soon and this ghost has to go back." 

Richard gulped. He thought of fighting but seeing the gun and his own blade in the man's hand, he sighed on the document with shaky hands. 

In the same manner, the man had laid the document before him, he put them back in his pocket once again. Looking at Richard, he sighed out," You have spent all your life making money and more money. Now after your death, your daughter won't have to worry about it. The only thing she ever asked you wasn't given to her but after your death, she won't at least have to worry about money."

He pulled out another packet and laid its content open before Richard once again, "Your daughter got married, did you know?" 

Seeing the way his eyes bulged, it was clear that he had no idea or he had no impression of where his daughter was. It was impossible, right? Even his immeasurable wealth and connections couldn't locate his daughter. 

"It's good that you don't know," He continued. He put out one particular picture before saying," She looks happy here, happier than she had ever been." 

The man in black then pulled out a small black bottle and a syringe. "Your two other best friends left the world in the same manner. They were injected with this favourite medicine of mine. Plain death; no pain, no bloodshed, nothing just death once you fall asleep." 

He sighed in despair, "You don't know the infamous Scuderi couple died under my scheme? How sad! Nobody remembers me. They don't even remember my deeds either. You should have remembered what kind of poisons I was capable of concocting." 

Obviously, Richard struggled but the tall man overpowered him. "Goodbye," he left with a whisper. "Don't fall asleep or you will never be able to wake up ever again." 


When he left the room and sat in the passenger seat of his car. Peeling the mask off his face, he threw it on the dashboard. He heaved out a sigh before rubbing his face with his hands but only after discarding the gloves. 

"He will be dead soon," He then said to his right-hand man and also the man driving the car. "Keep an eye on him. He will surely try to contact someone now that he knows he will be dead." 

Even if Richard tried to contact a doctor to save him, it wouldn't make any difference as at this time, he would have been having a hard time opening his eyes. His drug only worked better when the victim was asleep. It worked fine on the Scuderi couple though. 

"You intentionally disclosed that you were the one behind the death of the Scuderi couple," His right-hand man said. "I wonder why it's so. As much as I know Richard, he must have called Marino saying how his long-dead son is alive." 

The man in black scoffed, "But is he really alive? I'm just a vengeful ghost, not his son." 

"But I still don't understand why you took the blame of someone else's deed on you?"His right hand asked once again. " Is it for her?" 

"For Isabelle Moore?" He raised his brow. "Perhaps." He didn't try to deny it. "She has her whole life left ahead of her. Her revenge is over. She should try to leave everything behind to start fresh." 

His friend scoffed,"Then, what about the marriage she is trapped in?"

He smiled,"You both know why she was trapped. Her curiosity got the worst of her. She shouldn't have poked her nose where it didn't belong…" 

His friend burst out laughing. "In the end, it's still for Alicia. Has there been something till now you did which is not for her?" He paused all of a sudden before narrowing his eyes. "But my dear friend, when the time comes, would she try to understand why you did what you did?" 


This novel is a contracted work with W e b n o v e l. c o m (remove spaces). If you're not reading 'The Villain ' on W e b n o v e l, it has been stolen. It's very heartbreaking to see pirates profiting from my hard work. Please support the original author,(tanu_sam).

This novel is a contracted work with W e b n o v e l. c o m (remove spaces). If you're not reading 'The Villain ' on W e b n o v e l, it has been stolen.. It's very heartbreaking to see pirates profiting from my hard work. Please support the original author,(tanu_sam

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