The Villain

Chapter 125 - Creepy But Hot

"Oh my God, Val. Why did you not call me?" 

Persephone asked her, wide eyes. "Oh, God. That Nash, guy? Where is he? And the fucker James? What about him?"

"The family lawyer helped me in getting a restraining order against James," Valencia said with a worried expression. "As for Nash, before I can bail him out. He was roaming in the police station as if he owned it. That man is not normal, Percy. He has connections to support his cockiness." 

And his connections truly scared her. That man was so different from the one she grew up with. Her dad was a cop, her late husband was a soldier and her mom an attorney. So, she grew up in the family where laws were taught in the womb. But Nash? He was born to break them. He didn't even care about the police. He surely wasn't a normal man. Or perhaps, a mafioso like Percy's family? 

"I'm sorry , Val, " Persephone mumbled, hugging her even tightly. "I call myself your friend but when it comes to helping you,I fail myself as one. Please, next time if you are in danger. Just ring me once. I promise I will help you as much as I can. Although I am a useless woman, I have a capable brother." 

Valencia nodded. "I know. It's just that my head stopped working suddenly when I saw Nash beating James." 

Persephone could understand what she was saying. "So,are you going to give this Nash guy a chance? Even his name sounds sexy. He was a classic example of a knight saving his beauty in a damsel.I think you should go on a date with him." 

Valencia scoffed. "He is nothing but trouble. And Percy, I am a mother of an eight years old boy. I have to plan my life keeping him in mind. I agree he is an attractive man but he screams danger. Last night was a promo to what would happen if I am with him. He is volatile, crude, violent and short tempered, all the qualities I want to keep my Santiago away from." 

Not just this, he could be a criminal. And Mama, she couldn't be in love with a criminal. She was past the age where she would find such man mysterious and desirable. 

"You know what you are doing, Val," Persephone sighed. 

"Enough about me, tell me how is your life going?" Valencia said and Persephone groaned. 

"As bad as word bad can stretch to, but the only golden event is that I get to see my baby today, all thanks to you," Persephone said. She paused and then added, "I thought only my life changed in these few months but yours too changed so much because of me." 

Valencia smiled as she looked at her home. Her life changed so much in the last few months. She left the place where she shared every moment of her childhood and youth. She experienced love there for the first time and even her first experience of heartbreak was there. She shattered into pieces there but glued her back too. So many emotions and memories associated with a single place. And in the end, she left that place too and came to New York. A city she had dreamed of visiting once in her life but never thought about settling down. She found a great job here. Did it for a few months and lost it when she met Persephone. But maybe, it was for the better. 

Now she has a small clinic near her home. She invested the little money she inherited from her parents after their death. Well, the sum of money she received after her husband's death wasn't little for a white collar worker. It was almost a million dollars.And her husband had been saving behind her back and so she had no idea about it. She only got to know about it after her husband's death. When she found herself pregnant and lonely in college after his death, the little amount of money was helpful in filling her bills. 

But when it was combined with the money they got as remuneration as she was the wife of a martyr with a child, it was enough for her to plan her and her son's future. She used this amount to create a trust fund for Santiago. Life is really unpredictable and she has learned it the hard way. If something happens to her tomorrow, at least her son would have financial security. 

As if losing her husband wasn't enough for shattering Valencia, she lost her parents too after four years of her husband's death. She had just graduated that year from the med school and her son had entered the pre-school when she was allotted thirteen years old Cameron's custody. 

Losing her parents was the biggest setback that Valencia had ever gotten. At ten, she lost her elder brother. Her best buddy, her crime partner, her everything. At nineteen, she lost her husband. At twenty, she was a mom to a baby. At twenty four, she lost her parents who had been keeping her sane. And four years later, she still was parenting an eight years old kid and a seventeen years old teenager brother. But she swore that if Santigo and Cameron hadn't been there, she would have long gotten insane. She didn't know what to do and for whom to live. 

Well, enough of her soap story… 

Right now, both of them were at Valencia's house. Kale had dropped Persephone at her clinic and since her home was opposite of her clinic building, both of them were spread on the couch in the living room after having a heavy lunch that Valencia had cooked. Everytime, Persephone would come for a check up, Valencia would keep her day vacant and would hang out at her house. 

It was Salvatore's arrangement and Persephone didn't forget to inform her brother that she quite liked his arrangement. 

"So, you are telling me that you find Sophia's fiance creepy?" Valencia asked her. 

Persephone nodded. "Creepy but hot too." 

Persephone was sometimes so straightforward that Valencia had to take breath to calm herself down. No, ordinary women would use the word hot for the man who they find weird but Persephone was far from ordinary. And she still was understanding how extraordinary this friend of hers was. 

"Why did you find him creepy?"Valencia asked her. She had met Sophia several times along with Persephone. She had to say that the girl was honest and just as straightforward as her sister. She didn't think that Sophia would agree to marry a creepy man like Persephone said. 

Persephone sighed. "I met him two days ago. And since then, he is everywhere. Wherever I went, he was there, doing one thing and the other. Always studying someone or something. He just is everywhere...and he makes me so uncomfortable. And my womanly hormones rage whenever he is in my proximity." 

"Creepy indeed," Valencia said with a mysterious smile. "Would you now tell me why you find him hot?"

Without their knowing, Valencia was her lowkey therapist too. 

"He had blue eyes, blue as in the color of the ocean or my necklace." Her hand had clutched the sapphire in her hand. It was a habit that was instilled in her mind. 

"Just for it?" Valencia raised her brow. 

"Yeah why else?" Persephone furrowed her brows in confusion. 

"Why does he make you uncomfortable?" Valencia then asked her. 

Now Persephone was quiet. Even now she was thinking about it. Why did she find him uneasy? It could be because various blurry scenes flashed before her eyes whenever she was in his proximity. She had words to say to him, but when it came to saying, she just found herself speechless. It was like she had all the words on the tip of her tongue but when it came to saying, it didn't come out of her mouth at all. Her brain seemed to know something but never let her recall it. It was really weird. 


In the evening, when Persephone returned home. She went straight to the kitchen as she was sure that she would find Carina there overseeing dinner. 

"Hey mom!" Persephone said, leaning against the counter, her eyes eyeing the dishes simmering in the pot. 

"You came already?" Carina asked her. "Since Alessandro wasn't at home, I thought you would spend more time with your friend."

"Your husband is not at home?"Persephone asked her. Why did nobody tell her? Whatever! "Why are you cooking so early?" She then asked. 

Carina smiled at her. "Oh, Santiago is here. He arrived just an hour before. He had some work with your papa but since he wasn't home, he asked his subordinate to assist him. A maid informed me that their work is almost done and he will be coming down." 

'Ah, work with papa? Must be to kill someone.' She scoffed.

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