The Villain Who Fell In Love

Chapter 98 - The War IV

"I've done nothing wrong. Nothing wrong. Nothing wrong," mumbles Henry as he shook his legs out of fear as Elliot silently looks at him. 

This man is just so foolish to the point Elliot wanted to be the one to kill him. But then, thinking of Emelia, he held back just for her. 

Henry bit his nails that were bitten countless times to the point there weren't nails left on his fingers. His eyes wander around the room he had been sleeping in for a month. The charismatic knights who stood behind Elliot scared him the most. Especially his former ally, who he had thought was dead. 

"You've done nothing wrong? Really?" huffs Elliot as he rolls his eyes, looking at the pathetic man who sat across him.

"Y-yes. N-nothing wrong. I've been deceived. It's not my fault," stammers Henry, nodding his head like a dog. 

Elliot hums, not looking impressed at all, "Deceived? That's not anyone's fault but yours." If a person gets deceived by another, then it's his fault for getting deceived. He should have known better than the world isn't kind as it is. 

"Where is she? Is she still alive? Bring her to me. I need to talk to her," begged Henry as he crawled on his knees towards Elliot. But then Argus stopped him midway and pushes Henry onto the ground. 

Henry looks up at Argus, who didn't look welcoming at all. He still clearly remembers that night when they came to get Emelia, only to be abandoned. It's all thanks to Emelia that he is still alive because Elliot wouldn't spare his life at all. To make it better, he became her personal knight. It is the best reward that he could ever receive. 

"Argus, look at you all fine and well. Why won't you tell me how you're doing?" Henry tugs Argus' sleeves and nervously smiled after. 

The expression on Argus's face didn't change. All he can say is that Henry hasn't changed at least a bit. His shameful acting never changes at all. Even if his life is at risk right now, he still thinks highly of himself. Not a single bit. He has not changed a single bit, and it's nauseating. 

"I see you have not changed," said Argus and slaps Henry's hand off him. "You don't have to ask how I'm doing when I'm perfectly alright. Thanks to you my life has been so much better," Argus took a step back and walks back behind Elliot. 

"How is Emelia? Where is she? Bring her to me," Henry whined, which triggered Elliot to slam his foot on the wooden table. He glares at him, telling him to shut his mouth. 

"I don't want to hear my name being called by you," said Emelia as she enters the room. When Henry heard her voice, a smile rose on his lips. Henry looked so happy to see her as if he had not seen her in a month when it has been just a week and a half. 

Emelia sat beside Elliot and coldly asked, "Is there anything you need to tell me? I received word that you want to see me." Though he was going to die any sooner. 

"Emelia, spare my life. We have been friends since we were younger. I've always been by your side, and yet this happened."

Does this man have common sense at all? Not once did Emelia treat Henry as her friend. Rather than a friend, he was a stranger to her. They grew up together, but then Emelia strayed herself away from him. It's clear from the very beginning that she didn't like him at all. 

It started when he showed a psychopath side of his when they were younger. Since then, Emelia knew that Henry was going to be a harmful person in the future. Pulling the wings off the butterfly and laughing as its body falls onto the ground. It's not a normal child's play.

"I think you have gotten the wrong idea," said Emelia as she crossed her legs. "Not once did I think of you as a friend. Since when have you gotten this idea?" asked Emelia. Not once did she trust anyone after her mother died. Even if she goes friendly around some, it didn't mean she trusted them. 

"What are you talking about? Emelia, we have been together since we were children. We're fated to be," desperately said Henry as he stood up, only to be stopped by Elliot when he pulled his sword out. 

Elliot glares at Henry, telling him not to take another step. But then Henry knew Elliot wouldn't kill him because his head was for Emelia to cut. Henry took another step and smirked when Elliot didn't do anything. 

"I forgot to tell you, but if you anger Elliot all the more. I don't mind him giving you some wounds before you die," said Emelia and stood up to pull her sword out, "But I guess this is where our conversation ends."

Henry whimpers as his legs fell weak, seeing Emelia's murderous smile. Is this how things will end? He asked himself, trying to get ahold of himself. But his legs wouldn't stop shaking when Emelia raised her hand that was holding a sword.

"This will be the last time I'll be seeing you. The entire world will know you as the villainous foolish emperor. As the future generation hears of you. You will be only known as the worst emperor whose rule only lasted for a month. Not just that but the end of the Redodel Empire."

Emelia didn't hesitate to swing her sword to his neck and watches him scream in agony. With another slash on the neck, he turned silent, lying on the ground lifeless. With this, it ends. It's finally done. Henry is dead and will no longer be here to get in their way.

The Villain who fell in love dies in the hand of the woman he likes very much. It's unfortunate, but then that is life where not everything goes according to their plans.

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