The Villain Who Fell In Love

Chapter 93 - Three Words

A forgotten memory. This is what Emelia was witnessing right now. A small hand holding the fingers of her mother. 

"Your name will be Emelia, Emelia Beaumont," Alia smiled as she pinches Emelia's cheek. "Only if the Emperor will accept you," Alia frowned but seeing Emelia's innocent smile, she couldn't keep her smile up. 

"This might be the last time we'll see each other. I'll watch you from afar, but you'll never see me and only recognize me by the portraits you see hanging," said Alia while her voice trembles, keeping her tears on the bay. 

Alia removed her necklace and wore it on Emelia, "At least I hope this necklace will help you. I know your future will not be easy. That is why when the time comes of my death, I will send you a letter that contains everyone who you can ask for help."

What scared Alia the most is that her daughter will walk a path full of hardship. A place she will distrust people, and her heart will be filled in the void of darkness. The longer she held her tears in she didn't want to let go of Emelia's small hand.

"I'm sorry for not being the mother you need. I'm sorry if I cannot help you during your growth. I'm sorry if I'm not able to help you even if you need to the most. But I hope you will not fall into the dark and that there will be someone to help you, love the way you are. My daughter, Emelia Beaumont. I love you."

Has the light ever felt so warm? Emelia asked herself as she was slowly falling down into a void. That, later on, sparkled bright, blinding her eyes and forced her to shut her eyes. When she felt the bright light had faded. Her eyes flutter, and her vision was a bit blurred.

As she blinks a few more times and her vision becomes clear. The first thing she sees was a familiar ceiling. She slightly turned her head, looking at the window, seeing the night. How long has she been asleep? And there was something wrapped around her forehead. 

Emelia pushed herself to sit on the bed but struggled to move her body from the pain coming from the back of her head. She flinched and touched her head, feeling the bandages. The room was not lit, but she was still able to see in the dark. Not knowing the reason why but she wanted to stay by the balcony. 

"I'm done for tonight," said Elliot, rubbed his temples while Air organizes the papers on his messy table. 

"It's better for you to drink something warm. I'll pre- "

"No, it's alright. I plan to visit Emelia tonight," stopped Elliot and stood up to wear his blue coat. 

"At least get some rest. They won't be making a move, especially since their leader isn't working responding to them," suggested Air. 

"It doesn't mean we should lower our guards either," Elliot stood in front of the door, about to leave his office. "But thanks for worrying about me," thanked Elliot, then he left his office, making his way to his room where Emelia rested. 

When he entered his room, the first thing his eyes fell on was his bed to see Emelia, but she wasn't there. Elliot looks around his room and sees his balcony open, and there sitting on a chair, he sees Emelia, watching the moon.

His heart dropped, wishing this wasn't a dream. He walked closer to her direction and wrapped his arms around her body. Elliot buried his head on her nape and knew it wasn't a dream. Her flowery scent and her warmth. 

Elliot felt Emelia's hand on his head, stroking his head. It's really not a dream, is it?

"How are you feeling?" Elliot asked Emelia, who continues stroking his head. He didn't want to let go of her. Not this time. 

"My head hurts a bit, but it's bearable," answered Emelia as she lowered her hand. 

"You're awake. It's not a dream, is it?" asked Elliot, trying to keep his composure as he held Emelia in his arms. 

Seeing Elliot about to collapse just by seeing her made Emelia relieved that he still hasn't given up on her. Just like before. 

"It's not. It's not a dream, Elliot," Emelia calls his name. He raised his head and turns Emelia, looking at him, smiling. He grits his teeth and embraces her one more. 

"You know I had a dream about my mother. She held me in her hands with gentleness and departed with a smile," paused Emelia when Elliot embraces her tighter. "I started to wonder what kind of person is my real father. If he sees me, will he accept me with warm embraces just like what my mother did?"

"Elliot, do you still remember the bet you made?" asked Emelia while Elliot raises his head and looks at her, wondering what she was about to say. "I think I've really fallen in love with you," Emelia smiles and brushes the tears that fell off Elliot's eyes. 

After all this time? Elliot asked himself. The bet they made didn't matter to him anymore. He doesn't care about it anymore. All he cares about was the woman in his embrace right now. 

"That bet doesn't matter anymore. All that matters to me is that you are here awake in my arms," Elliot cups Emelia's face and slowly brought his lips to hers, kissing her with the most gentle kiss ever.

When their lips departed, Elliot craved for more. Everything from top to bottom, he wanted it but then not now when Emelia had just woken up. Emelia softly laughs as she nuzzles her cheek on his hand. This is it—the warmth she had been finding for. 

"Have your memories return?" asked Elliot, not wanting to let go of Emelia. Emelia nods her head, and Elliot tries to keep a smile up. He pulls Emelia back into his chest, "Thank you. Thank you for not leaving me."

"I love you, Emelia."

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