The Villain Who Fell In Love

Chapter 68 - The Journey VI: The Tower

"We've arrived in the dark woods forest. Princess, what is our next move?" Asked Argus.

The dark woods forest, just like its name. The bark of the trees was all in a dark shade of brown, making the forest look unlighted. Not a single ray of sun entered through the leaves, making Emelia and the others see. What made it worse was the fog, gently covering their vision.​ ​

Emelia looked around the tall trees, finding a mark. What she remembered from her memories, there is a mark pointing in the direction of the tower.

"What's this? A drawing?" Asked Elliot, tracing a drawing with his hand. That looked like an arrow with a cross. Emelia squinted, and her eyes widen, knowing what that drawing is. It's not a drawing but the mark she was looking for.

"It's not a drawing rather a mark. I remember seeing this when I was younger," Said Emelia, walking towards the mark. She traced the mark with her finger and looks in the direction the arrow was pointing, "Where the arrow is pointing will lead us to the tower."

"How long will it take us to reach the tower?" Alan asked Emelia. While he looked around, being cautious of any danger that might bring to them.

"Minutes," Answered Emelia as she walks to where the arrow was, pointing, and as she walked a bit further from the first mark, she sees another mark, "We won't get lost in the forest. Not to mention the mark looks re-engraved recently."

Elliot carefully looks at the mark, and she wasn't wrong, "We should move before the fog becomes grows thicker," suggested Elliot, to which everyone agreed.

The fog continued, spreading into the forest, making it chiller than usual. But this didn't stop them when they reached their final destination, the tower.

Emelia removed her hood and looks up at the tower. The tower was high, built with cobblestones. It didn't look maintained at all where mosses were visible along with vines covering the windows.

Nothing changed except there was a new building beside the tower. Beside the tower was a small wooden cabin. Smoke was coming out of the chimney, giving them an idea they weren't the only ones in this dark wood forest.

"Was there ever a gatekeeper?" Elliot whispered to Emelia. A gatekeeper? Why would the original crown need a gatekeeper when anyone could become the next ruler? Emelia shook her head as she observes the shadows moving by the window.

"It's weird. Wouldn't anyone want the power to rule? Unless the gatekeeper is guarding it for someone?" Elliot pondered, but when he heard the door open, he hid behind the bushes.

The others went into hiding quickly. Emelia, who hid in a spot that could see the gatekeeper took a closer look at him. Her eyes grew open when she saw the so-called gatekeeper. Rather than a gatekeeper, that man is a murder.

His appearance and style of clothing never changed—old ragged brown shirt, shoes that had holes, and a black beard. In one hand, he held a butcher's knife, walking as if he had no energy at all. Emelia gulped as she continued watching him.

"Should we get him?" Asked Argus, watching the man walking to where they were. Emelia nodded her head but then when another person came out of the cabin, she stopped Argus.

Not just one came out but two more, making them four in total. From their body build, they looked like trained soldiers, or all those muscles are just for show?

For now, they couldn't make a single noise because the man was coming closer to them, but his footsteps stopped. Emelia felt her heart pounding every second. It felt so thrilling, as if she was reading a mystery novel.

"I swear I saw shadows in this direction," The man spoke, following a sneeze. He sniffs and wipes his hands on his ragged shirt. He turns his back, "Hey, what are you three doing? Quit dreaming on wearing the crown."

One of them answered, "Boss, but then whoever wears the crown can become the next emperor, right? Then why won't I just wear it and have a great rich life?" The man sighed, rubbing his temples.

"Are you an idiot? We're being paid to guard this tower. If you wear it, we're all going to die," The man yelled at him, "Young people these days just don't know." He rolled his eyes after, "Let's get hunting. Unless you want to be the meat for tonight's dinner." The man walked to where the others were, and Emelia watches them disappear into the dark forest.

"It looks like we're in luck today. We should get the crown before they get back, " Said Elliot, to which Emelia agreed, "Argus and Alan will stay here. We have our messenger here, right?" The messenger Elliot was pertaining to was a small, innocent-looking bird but, in fact, is a trained, fierce one.

"I insist. I should go with the princess," Said Argus, but then Elliot didn't allow it. It's not he wanted to be with Emelia, but if those men came back to find out, they were getting the original crown. It would be better if Argus and Alan are both down there to beat them.

"I cannot allow that. If those men came back, who would protect us? I trust Alan can trounce them. However, we can't let our guards down," said Elliot.

"I agree with him. Remember, we're not in the Vivan territory. I know you just want to do your job as a knight, but I forbid that," Emelia looked at Argus, "Remember his orders are also my orders."

"I apologize for my rudeness," Argus bowed his head, and Emelia forgave him.

Emelia wore her hood back and walked behind Elliot, who lead the way to where to crown is. The tower had six floors, and the original crown is located on the highest floor. Emelia took each step carefully due to the moss that covered the stairs.

"We're finally here," Said Elliot, turning the knob, showing the original crown, caged into a glass cover. Elliot walked into the room, carefully checking for traps, while Emelia stood one step behind the door. She couldn't walk into the room when it still scared her.

When Elliot saw the emerald sticking on the crown, it reminded him of Emelia's eyes. Elliot turned his back, "What's wrong? Come in." But Emelia shook her head and insisted on going in, "Emelia?" He called, but this time she didn't respond.

Emelia hid her trembling hands in her cloak and continued shaking her head. The memories of her time here reminded the horror she had to live through.

It was around the time her mother was announced dead. She clearly remembers being brought here as a form of distraction. How can she forget this important detail? The day she was forced to this tower was the day she was supposed to meet her mother.

The more she thinks about this, the more her heart ached. She wanted to stop and run out of the tower. Emelia knew it. It wasn't a coincidence that they brought her to this tower. All this time, they never wanted Emelia to meet her mother. It might be because her mother knew something that would expose the emperor.

It wasn't time to run. She needed to face her fear. Emelia hesitated to step in. She shuts her eyes tightly and walks into the room. Before she knew it, she stood in front of the original crown. Her heart was pounding quickly, but at the same time, she felt relieved.

"Come, let's get going," Said Elliot as he removed the class casing while Emelia took the crown and placed it into the bag. "I'm bothered with the crates by the corner," Said Emelia, taking a step closer to the crates.

Emelia opened the crates and sees a journal, along with a purple dress that looked just like her size. As she scoops deeper in the crates, she sees a necklace lying on the bottom and went to grab it. She traced her fingers on the necklace which she had a feeling there was a picture in it.

"Try opening it, " Elliot said, which Emelia did, and what he saw shook him. The necklace had a picture of a girl who looked exactly like Emelia. His eyes grew wide to realize the girl in the picture was Emelia's mother. The only difference was the hair. It was like Emelia in light brown hair color.

Elliot knew it was Emelia's mother because he remembers what his parents had told him. She was described as a gentle, caring woman. Whose beauty was envied not just by the noblewomen but also the commoners.

Any man who saw her thought she was an angel, ascending from the skies. That is how unbelievable her beauty is.

"It's a locket," Said Emelia as she continues to stare at the picture of her mother. Then looks at the journal. Then it means this owner was her mother's. If so, this could answer her questions about her own mother.

As Elliot was about to say a word, a bird flew in his direction, landing on his shoulder. Elliot's brows furrowed, not expecting them to come back when they went hunting, "We should leave."

"Your Imperial Majesty, please leave the tower now! We weren't the only ones here," Yelled Alan, where his voice echoed through the forest.

"Let's go," Said Elliot, grabbing Emelia by her wrist.

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