The Villain Who Fell In Love

Chapter 59 - So Close, Yet So Far

"Don't let your emotions take over. You're feeling overwhelmed now," Said Elliot, moving his hands to hers. He held both of her hands, smiling, "Aren't you showing too much of yourself?"

Her cheeks flushed red and freed her hands from his. Emelia rubbed her wrist though she didn't feel pain. She felt shy all of a sudden.​​

"I'm not," Denied Emelia as she took a step back away from him. But then Elliot walked closer to her cornering her to a wall. He smiles as there weren't any problems, but then their bodies were so closed to one another.

"Aren't you going to move?" Emelia asked shyly, trying to push Elliot away, who was just enjoying her reaction. He raised his lips as if he was thinking, "But I don't want to." Emelia felt ticklish all over her, and the more embarrassed she became.

"Are you starting to fall for me?" Elliot whispered in a low tone which made her shudder and instinctively cover her ears. This time as she turned her back facing Elliot, she forced his hand away, but then things went much worse.

Emelia couldn't move because and surrender to Elliot as he locked her in around his arms. One arm pressing onto the glass pay while the other on the wall. His face was so close to hers as if their lips would touch second. Emelia couldn't even look down or to the side because Elliot forced her to look at him straight into his eyes.

"Let me go," Emelia said with a hint of tremble in her voice. Though Elliot didn't listen to her. He wanted to do more tease her, but then Emelia couldn't take it any longer. It was her first time feeling so weak to another guy. Why does he make her heart shake?

Elliot's fingers rose to Emelia's lips. He gently traces her lips from left to right. He looks at her lips, but then they were interrupted by a cough. Elliot turns his head, looking at the door, and sees Air smiling. His face clearly states, 'Don't mind me. Go on. I never saw a thing."

This was a chance for Emelia to push Elliot away. She didn't care what she looked like anymore and ran out of her own room. Emelia stopped running when she was away from his sight. Emelia hid her face between her knees,

"That bastard," Emelia muttered to herself as she sits on the grass. Her face grew hot when she was reminded how close their lips were about to touch. She touched her lips while blushing pink and sighed out loud.

Back in Emelia's room, Elliot brushed his hair back and gives Elliot a smile. When the good part was coming, they were interrupted. But at the same time, they were because Elliot wouldn't able to stop.

"You're in luck," Elliot told Air as he loosed the first two buttons of his long black sleeves. Air, who was at fault, looked away after seeing a view he never wished to see. His eyes were bleeding. As much he wanted to say it out loud, Elliot was not going to let him go.

"You're welcome," Air joked, but Elliot didn't take it as one, "I apologize." Air slowly turned his neck. Elliot covered his mouth, thinking back to what he had just done. More of Emelia falling for him, he came to realize he had fallen for her. "You must be kidding," He muttered under his breath, "Anyway, what are you here for, Air?" Elliot asked as he leans onto the glass pane.

"The black knight wouldn't speak. Unless we bring the princess to talk to him," Air lowered his head, waiting for Elliot's response. Elliot rubbed his chin then made his mind up, "I allowed him to become Emelia's personal knight. Either way, he will speak because he is a loyal knight."

That day when Emelia begged on her knees to spare Argus's life and to be her personal knight. Air though Elliot would not allow it. Elliot's head is just messed up. They will never know what he's thinking.

"You're too kind," Air blurted, which made Elliot raise his brow, asking, "How am I kind?" He looks down at his hands that had scars. "These hands have killed thousands of men. How am I kind?" Elliot continues to question Air, who retaliated as he said, "But those hands saved the lives of those who live in this empire."

Air wasn't wrong comparing the population with the other neighboring empires Vivan Empire had been the empire that has prepared a lot. Not only known for their military power but their engineering and others more.

"Right…" doubt Elliot, "But these hands were also the ones who killed my parents. It's because of me." Everything Elliot had said was a lie. It was never him who killed his parents. But the reason why he blames himself is because of the countless fingers who pointed at saying that he is the killer.

Air couldn't bear to listen any further. As one of the people who knew the true story, it was unbearable to hear. His fist was clenched as he grit his teeth. Even if Air told him it wasn't him, nothing would change. But at least he wanted to comfort Elliot, saying.

"I'll say this for the very last time. It wasn't you who killed your parents. It was someone else. That's why stop bearing the lies of the people who pointed their fingers at you. You'll only grow weaker because of it."

"I don't know. I don't know, Air. Even if you try telling me millions of times, it still won't change. It's already too late, to tell the truth," Elliot knew Air was going to feel displeased and felt grateful for having a friend to care for him. But until now, the image of his parents and the pool of blood he stepped on still haunted him. It's all in the past but still traumatizing.

Air gave up with a breath of a sigh. The both of them had fought over this since before, and it never goes anywhere. If only there was someone who could heal his heart. Maybe Elliot would become a better person. But what didn't make sense to Air was a wounded heart helping another wounded heart.

"Is there anymore to tell me?" Elliot asked Air hoping the topic would change. Air shook his head and couldn't bear to meet his eyes. As Air was about to leave the room, Elliot stopped him, "That's right before you leave. Write a letter to the Lady of the Quila family." Air nodded his head and bowed his head before closing the door.

"What a day," Elliot laid on the couch and places his right arm, covering his eyes. Today went a bit unexpected, but he didn't dislike it at all. He wanted to see more of her reactions and wondered what he should do next to her.

Elliot smiled, recalling what he did earlier. So close, yet so far.

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