The Villain Who Fell In Love

Chapter 57 - Red Strings III: Two Wounded Hearts

"Though the question is do you trust me, Princess?" Melissa asked for assurance, but Emelia stayed silent and answered a bit later on, "I only hear the truth from the actual person," Emelia said, which Melissa understood.

As a person who writes to inform the people, the most reliable sources are credible sources from the actual person. Having to hear second-hand information can lead to some misinformation. Which ideally is not counted as a reliable source.​​

"It's alright. At least you get to hear two sides before asking the actual person, right?" Melissa lowered the teacup and places it back on the table. "What do you know of the story?" Melissa asked before beginning.

"I've heard that he killed his parents while they were asleep. They said he wanted to hurry up and become the emperor," Melissa shook her head in disappointment. Just like she had thought the story is being altered again.

"Elliot never killed his parents. Why would he when he loved them very much?" Melissa took a pause as she felt her tears would flow out again. If Melissa was stating the truth, then why don't the people believe is what Emelia wanted to ask.

But looking at the world they lived in, it's understandable. It's to tarnish the royal family's reputation.

Emelia knew this because she had experienced that already. Not just once but a hand full times. Since the first generation of the Renaud royal family, they have taught one another to love each other no matter what. Elliot is the 5th Emperor of the Vivan Empire and there everything changed when he was accused of killing his own parents.

Melissa clenched her hand on her dress. For someone who knew the truth, it was hard to tell because she was scared no one will listen to her.

But if she doesn't say it, how will the people know the truth? And that starts with Emelia knowing about it. That's if she could change this empire. Melissa began telling the story, but then it wasn't as shocking for Emelia.

That same morning the empress announced she was pregnant. The people rejoiced, congratulated, blessed her as a new child will be born into the royal family. Of course, the most excited one was Elliot. He yearned for a sibling after waiting for ten years. The empress at that time was still able to bare a child since she was in her early 30s.

The people were happy, but then not everyone is especially one specific person. It was Elliot's wet maid and her name was Sera. Sera was picked up by the former emperor and somehow fell in love with him despite him truly in love with his own wife, the empress.

Sera is a jealous woman. The only reason she was hired was due to the empress not able to produce milk. Sera was married, but then her husband died due to an illness. As her life began to turn horrible, the emperor found her, hired her, and silly, she thought the emperor favored her.

But things changed when the empress was blessed with another child. Sera grew furious, and that same night she killed Elliot's parents and destroyed the Renaud royal family's image. As this is why there are some nobles who didn't side with him as he grew up.

"That night probably still scares Elliot the most," Melissa commented and continued to telling the story, "I remembered when I saw Elliot shaking in fear with blood all over his hand. My heart sank. All I could do is watch him while he bears the horror of the world."

That same night Elliot had a nightmare and ran towards his parents room. He entered their room just like what he always does. He approached their bed quietly, but when he felt a liquid feeling under his foot, he stopped.

Elliot didn't know what that liquid feeling and thought it was just water. He continues to approach his parents until he heard a hoarse laugh coming from his father's bedside.

That night the full moon was out. Curious little Elliot is, he walked to his father's bedside to see bright red on the ground. Not only that, he sees Sera in a state, her mind isn't proper.

Elliot gasped when he sees Sera on the ground, blood flowing from her neck. She started to laugh out loud, and she said, "How dare you. You are mine. We shall die together My Imperial Majesty."

As a small child, Elliot didn't know what to do, and the only thing that came into his mind was to run. His head was full of images of his dead parents and the blood that was flowing out of Sera's neck.

"Imagine being a small kid and seeing that sight. Who wouldn't run away?" Melissa furrowed her brows while Emelia agrees. If he was eleven at that time, it would be around that time Emelia's mother had passed.

"Honestly, I don't know what happened after Elliot ran, but then the next day, people were calling him murder," Melissa filled her cup with tea and took a sip, "I know this story sounds unrealistic, but I am sure Elliot wouldn't murder his parents."

This is the truth, the real story of Elliot's parents. As he continues to grow being called, a murder, it soon changed to a tyrant when the war began. He had slaughtered thousands of soldiers on the battlefield along with his loyal servants.

"His parents may be a sensitive topic to him, but Elliot isn't a bad person. It's just he was a deep wound in his heart. Maybe the princess might be able to help him," Melissa hesitated to say those words since before. She told Emelia his story because she believes two wounded hearts can be healed together.

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