The Villain Who Fell In Love

Chapter 50 - Is It Bad To Know The Truth?

"This is what I like," Elliot smiled and took a step back. He was about to say a word but was interrupted by someone else. He clicked his tongue, turned his head to see the disturber, "Don't act as if you own this place, Count Fredrik." Elliot sounded annoyed, hinting Emelia that the man, standing in front of them was someone not to mess with.

"I didn't mean to disturb your privacy," Count Fredrik raised his brow and bowed his head, "I greet the Imperial Sun." Count Fredrik straightened his back and didn't have a welcoming look towards Emelia, "Is this the Princess of the Redodel Empire?" He asked an obvious question.​​

Elliot stood in front of Emelia, blocking Count Fredrik's view from seeing her. He had a bad feeling Count Fredrik would say something to provoke Emelia. The corner of Count Fredrik's lip raised, and he knew what Elliot was thinking. All the more, he wanted to do something bad to the both of them. But before crushing them, he started with Emelia.

There is something that connects Count Fredrik and Emelia.

"You look exactly like your mother. The only difference is the way your eyes look at me," Emelia furrowed her brows. What does the man think he is? She asked herself. "Don't glare at me, princess. You're not even an actual princess," Count Fredrik snorted and tightness his grip on his golden cane.

Emelia didn't look surprised, but she felt attacked by it. She didn't care once if she was a princess or not. It didn't matter to her. "I don't care not being a princess. I don't even need you to tell me that," Emelia stood in front of Elliot was about to pull Emelia back but then when she asked, "What do you know about me?" Elliot decided not to and quietly retreated his hand back.

"I'm telling the truth. It's alright if you don't believe me," Count Fredrik rubbed his chin, smiling while Elliot didn't want this conversation to go on. Elliot pulled Emelia to his side then said, "If you don't have anything to say, leave. From now on, you're not allowed to enter the gardens." Count Fredrik nodded his head countless times, but before leaving, he pointed at her necklace then said, "Only if you knew about that necklace. I'm sure His Imperial Majesty knows about it."

Angered, Elliot pulled his sword out of his scabbard and pointed the tip of his sword on his neck. His eyes were full of furry. If only he could kill this man, but he couldn't. It didn't seem like it, but Elliot only kills when it's necessary. "Leave before I do anything else," His voice roared, but Count Fredrik stood calm and didn't look scared about the sword that was a few centimeters away from his neck.

"Even if you want to kill me. You can't," Count Fredrik turned his back, smiling in satisfaction. While Elliot threw his sword to the ground. He clenched his fist and took a deep breath, "Don't mind his words. It's something you don't need to know." But then Emelia didn't take it lightly. She wanted to know the truth.

"You know something, and I don't. It's even related to my mother," Emelia turned her back, looking at Elliot. Concluding what Count Fredrik said, Elliot is hiding something from her. Something that would blow her mind away. Elliot answered, "Look, don't try finding answers. The more you dig into the truth, the messier it gets."

"What's wrong, wanting to find the truth?" It didn't look like it, but Emelia was angry towards Elliot, "Is it wrong? Or is it because you're also hiding some things your people don't know." Elliot wanted to cover his ears and tell her to stop talking, but he couldn't because it was the truth. He couldn't say anything leaving him speechless to her question. He heard a laugh from Emelia, who then said, "Is that so? Then I won't ask any further. I'm starting to not feel well. I'm going back to my room."

Emelia walked away from the pergola, while Elliot felt frustrated. He reached his hands out and wanted to call her name out, but he couldn't. The feeling he was carrying around was guilt. He sighed out loud, bushing his hair back, and pulled his tie-down.

More than hiding things, it was hard to tell Emelia about her mother. The fact Emelia's mother was born in the Vivan Empire and the fact her necklace hold much power.

From afar, walking towards Elliot's direction Airwalks past Emelia, who was seen crying. Air stopped walking, but then Emelia didn't seem to notice him and kept walking. His eyes widen, not believing Emelia was crying. He knew he wasn't wrong because he clearly saw a tear slipping off the corner of her eye.

"Air? What are you doing here?" Elliot asked, seen with his clothes looking messy, "Why do you look shocked?" Elliot continued to ask while Air shook his head, answering, "It's nothing. I have a report from Tanya." Elliot looks away, "Tell me later. I need some rest." Elliot walked his way back, looking tired but rather frustrated.

Air titled his head slightly, "Did something happen between the both of them? I mean, the princess was crying, and He looked angry?" He shook his head, not understand the situation, "A lovers quarrel perhaps? Nah, impossible. Elliot trying to get the girl like him? Impossible. I doubt that guy is. I mean. You know what. It's not my business, and so I won't think about it at all. But…she was crying. Should I do something?" Air paused, thinking for the last time, "You know what, it's better not to."

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