The Villain Who Fell In Love

Chapter 122 - 8 Years Later

"Brother, when is mother arriving? The sun is already setting, and yet they're not here," Asked a platinum blonde girl, holding onto the sleeves of her older brother. 

The boy stopped walking alongside his sister and bends down, matching her height. He smiled gently at his sister and patted her head.

"Evelyn, you do know where they went, and as much as you miss mother, I do too," He smiled. 

Evelyn stares at the emerald green eyes and nods her head with a frown. While her brother chuckles softly then stands up. He carries her into his arms. Though not looking like it, he was tall for his age and stronger than other children. They say he got it from his father. 

"Then you don't miss father?" Evelyn tilted her head.

"My dear little sister, who doesn't miss their parents?" 

"Uhm…the people who don't like them?" Evelyn answered, not thinking what she had said. 

"Well, you're not wrong. Where did you learn this? It's not something you should know," He furrowed his eyebrow then swung her up to the sky, catching her back. Evelyn giggles as she is caught in the arms of her brother. 

"I'm intelligent as father!" Evelyn announced out loud, making her maid laugh along with other servants. 

"Then what about me?" Her brother asked. 

"Hm… You're intelligent like mother!" 

"Why not grandfather?" teased her brother, making Evelyn think twice of what she had said. "I'm just teasing you."

"Brother! It's not fair. You always tease me," Evelyn crossed her arms together. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that. It's because you're so adorable," said her brother. 

"It's okay because brother doesn't mean it!" 

A servant rushed to their side and bowed his head, "Your Highness, His Imperial Highness, and Her Imperial Highness has arrived."

Evelyn looks at her brother, eyes filled with excitement. She wanted to jump off his arms, but at the same time, she didn't want to. 

"Brother, let's go!" Said Evelyn. 

The carriage stopped in front of the halls of the palace. Alan, who gets off his horse, opens the doors for the other two people in the carriage. A black-haired man got off the carriage and proceeded, offering his hand to his wife. 

"Thank you."

"I'm just doing what I think is right," smiled Elliot. 

"You're still such a flirt," teased Emelia as the door behind her shuts. 

The servants greeted them as they took the stairs to the palace, and waiting by the doors, they saw two children, welcoming them with their best. 

"Mother! Father! You're finally back!" Jumped Evelyn, rushing down the stairs, and gave Elliot a hug. 

"Evelyn, didn't I warn you not to rush down the stairs like this? What would have happened if you'd gotten hurt?" Emelia scolded Evelyn, who tightly clings her arms around her father's neck. 

"I'm sorry. I was just excited to see you," frowned Evelyn. 

"It was just for two weeks, and you've missed us already?" Elliot asked Evelyn, who nodded her head. "How can I make up for it?"

"Play with me and sleep in my room," answered Evelyn. 

"Father, mother, welcome back home. How was your trip to the Saffron Empire?" Asked the boy who went to hug Emelia. 

"It was a good trip. How about you? How are you, Edward?" 

"Great, it's just that I regret not being able to spend more time playing with Evelyn," Edward sighs, looking at Evelyn, smiling and laughing as their father makes funny faces at her. 

Emelia patted Edwards's head and shook her head, "Don't worry about it, Edward. You've just started to take lessons. You'll get a hang on how to manage time soon."

"That is right."

"I bought a present for the both of you," said Emelia asking Vanessa to bring the presents to them.

Vanessa opens the box, revealing a necklace similar to the one Emelia wore. At the same time, the other one was a sword crafted by one of the best smith shops in the Saffron Empire. 

"This sword is amazing," said Edward, gently sliding his fingers across the blade. 

"I asked them to craft one just for you," proudly said Elliot as he placed his other hand on his shoulder. 

"Thank you, father and mother," smiled Elliot as he couldn't stop admiring the sword. 

Evelyn, who sat quietly on her father's arm, looks back and forward at the necklace and Emelia's necklace. 

"Mother, our necklaces are the same?" Asked Evelyn while Emelia shook her head. 

"It's not the same. It's similar," answered Emelia, showing her necklace to Evelyn, who compares them. 

"It's both pretty!" exclaimed Evelyn. 

"This necklace will be your treasure," said Emelia as she slipped the necklace around Evelyn's neck. 

"Treasure?" Asked Evelyn. 

"Yes, it's something very special that you'll want to keep forever until you grow older," answered Emelia, looking back at her necklace. 

"I remembered something what grandfather told me," said Evelyn, leaving her parents curious. 

"What is it?" Asked Emelia. 

"My name has grandmother's name!" Exclaimed Evelyn while Emelia stood speechless for a while, then nodded her head.

"That's right. Your name is Evelyn Alia Renaud. While your brother has your uncle's name."

"Edward Dew Renaud," mutters Edward, then feels a hand on his head. He looks up and sees the eyes of his father. They rather looked thrilled than saddened.

"How about we talk more once we get into the dining hall? I'm sure everyone is starving, am I right, Elliot?" Asked Emelia. 

"Now you've said it. I'm starting to feel hungry. Let's go in. Also, Edward, I've heard from Sir Argus about your improvement with the sword," said Elliot. 

"It's because of the guidance of Sir Argus. He's an incredible knight."

"Now speaking of knight. Nelson told me about having another sibling."

"Another sibling?" Emelia looked at Vanessa, who looked a bit flustered and nodded her head. "Since when? And why didn't you tell me?"

"Emelia, let's head in first, and Vanessa join us at the table. I already called Air to join us."

In a flash, eight years had passed already. There were many happy endings and tragic endings for those who fought. Stella Empire continues to grow, growing into an empire that others become jealous of. 

Many events happened.. However, the villain who fell in love will never be forgotten and forgiven throughout history.

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