The Villain Who Fell In Love

Chapter 120 - To Understand

Emelia had her knees tucked into her arms. All she felt was betrayed, thinking of the reasons why Elliot did that to her. Emelia knew she acted childish and immature, but there are times where emotions control actions. 

She sighed for the nth time, unable to get rid of the heavy feeling in her chest. The more she thought about it, the more she felt devastated. She shook her head, telling herself to calm down and forgive. But for some reason, she couldn't do it. 

Distracted in her world, Emelia didn't know that a person crept into her room using the balcony. Emelia only knew when she heard a loud thud which made her stand away from her bed. Her eyes furrowed as she cautiously walked towards the balcony.

She pushed the curtain to the side, peeking to see who it was. To her surprise, she sees Albert, waving his hand and smiling as if he had done nothing wrong. Emelia opens the glass door leading to the balcony while Albert smiles.

"What are you doing here?" Emelia asked Albert, who sat on the railings. 

"Well, you see. My favorite person wants to know what's happening behind the doors. She's rather concerned about you," answered Albert, bringing an apple out of his pocket. He asked, "Want one?"

"No, it's alright. I don't eat apples," rejected Emelia. "I know Vanessa is concerned about me, but you don't have to go this far to trespass."

"Technically, I didn't trespass. I'm not in the room," boldly said Albert. 

"You're on my balcony."

"Now you think about it, you're right. Well then, I should move," Albert stood up and climbed to a tree that was beside Emelia's room. He sat on the limb of the tree and asked, "Is this better? Does this count as trespassing?"

Emelia broke into laughers and shook her head. Who in the world is this guy? Doing things as if they're so easy. 

"That's better," smiled Emelia. 

"So, do you mind telling me why you locked yourself in the room?" 

"It's nothing. I honestly don't know why I did that," frowned Emelia, rubbing her shoulder with a hand. The more she was being questioned, the more guilty she felt. 

"Couple fights. I see," Albert muttered to himself, which Emelia heard and rolled her eyes. "What? I'm speaking the truth. Well, honestly, it's a good thing you realized why you got angry and asked yourself why you did that."

"Why?" Asked Emelia. It was weird hearing someone like Albert being mature. But it sparked her interest. 

"Self-realization. Not everyone has it. Some are just painfully dumb. And I guess you're the type of person to be swayed by your emotions."

Emelia stood silent, repeating Alberts's words. At one point, he was right and wrong but wrong because she didn't want to admit it. 

"If I were you and your lover. You know, talk about it without arguing. Since arguing wouldn't fix anything," advised Albert. 

"I guess so…."

"As they say, the best key to a relationship is communication."

"I'm curious, but why, Vanessa?" Emelia asked out of nowhere, making Albert flustered for a few seconds. He cleared his throat wanting to avoid her questions, but it would make him look like a wimp.

"Well I don't know. But she looks attractive. Like love at first sight?" Albert chuckles, rubbing the back of his head. 

"Just so you know as her closet friend I'm not allowing you to drag her into you and Air's argument," said Emelia. "If you do I'll never approve of you. No, neither of you to be exact."

"Does this mean you've cheered up?" Asked Albert while Emelia averted her eyes away from her. "You're surprisingly easy to please."

"When I lower my guard," scoffs Emelia and looks at him. "Now, can you now leave me alone? Tell Vanessa I'll be out in an hour."

"As you wish, Your Highness," Albert said as he climbed down the tree.

"But you left your apple," mumbles Emelia as she picks up the apple Albert left on the railings. "I guess I'll have to eat it."

The tension in the office hasn't calmed down since Elliot heard the voice of Emelia. He had his elbow rested on his desk. As he massages his temples. From the beginning he knew this was bound to happen. Now how will he talk to Emelia? Knowing from her personality, she wouldn't want to talk to him. 

Air lowered the papers he was reading and raised a brow, looking at Elliot. He warned him Elliot didn't listen. But this is not his problem. The only problem he'll need to solve is how to make Elliot sign the papers for approval. 

"Your Imperial Highness, please sign the papers if you want to leave this office as soon as possible and run to your lover," Air sarcastically said, reading the reports once more. 

"I do know it's wrong, but her safety is my priority, and I don't want to involve her in this mess. Have you seen those old geezers the way they look at her?" Mumbles Elliot. 

"Yes, yes, I do know. Now, if you want to stop stressing yourself go to her and talk about it. It would help if you weren't inefficient right now, especially since it's work hours," said Air. 

"You're my secretary. How dare you speak to me like that."

"I'm not your secretary now. I'm your friend. Your closet friend in this world," answered back Air. 

"Let me see him."

Hearing the voice of Emelia again made Elliot and Air shocked. But this time, the tone of her voice sounded lighter and softer than earlier. 

"We cannot allow Your Highness to enter with-"Alan was cut off when the door opened.

"Come in," said Air as he opened the door wider for Emelia to enter when Emily was in the room. Air walked out of the office to give that two privacy to talk. 

Air looked at Alan and Enoch and asked, "Why are you both looking at me like that?"

"Nothing," they answered in unison. 

"Those two have something important to talk.. Walk a bit further away from the door," said Air, and they both followed.

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