The Villain Who Fell In Love

Chapter 118 - [Bonus ]Plans To Take Them Down

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"From the report Duke Yves sent us earlier, it seems like our assumptions were not wrong," said Elliot as he looked at the rest of the council members. 

"Viscount Chel is quite a powerful man, and yet he turned a blind eye on us," agreed Duke Louis, rubbing his chin in deep thought. "When His Imperial Majesty was in the war, Viscount Chel had been secretly bringing other nobles to his side. However, I can say that his followers aren't that powerful nobles."

"This might be his way of venting his anger at us," added Count Rovil. 

When the new council members were formed, many nobles expected, and Viscount Chel himself thought he would be part of the new council. But it turns out to be wrong. Even if Viscount Chel had power Elliot wasn't foolish enough to let a man like him lead this empire. 

As known, there are two factions. One led by Viscount Chel and another by Viscountess Layla. Viscount Chel and a few other nobles disagreed with the merge of the two empires. As for Viscountess Layla, she agreed with the merge. 

"If those two merges, I'm sure they're planning something," said Elliot as he taps his finger on the table. 

"I suggest we keep more eyes at them and about time to bring them down," Count Rovil said as he called in his secretary, who bows his head and hands them a piece of paper. "The paper you're holding is the proofs of their malicious attacks and more. If we stop them, we can help those who fell into their scams."

"However, we need to take into count those who believe in the temple. Unless we have them replaced," commented another council member.

"That is right. The people will surely become angry at us not unless we expose the temple with their scams. That is why we need someone to spread rumors. Then that is the only time we can address it," said Elliot.

"There will be people who will go against us, but then this is the best for the empire. We can't let the temple control people. It's too cruel," added Duke Louis as he crossed his fingers. 

"Not only it is cruel but not just. Their system should not exist from the beginning," said Count Rovil, which everyone in the room agreed to. 

"Let's set up an act," suggested Elliot while they looked at him, not understanding. "As much as I don't want my people to be involved, this is the best we can do."

"That is because if they're the ones who start it, fire will spread faster and efficiently," said Duke Louis, looking at Elliot, who nodded his head. 

"We can hire actors, but at the same time, we should send people to protect them. We can't afford them to get hurt," added Elliot. "Then I'll be asking Duke Louis to lead this matter."

"I'll be waiting for reinforcements," said Duke Yves. 

"Then I'll be asking the rest of the members to help him out. You're all dismissed."

One by one, the council members except for Duke Yves, who stayed in the council room. Elliot shut his eyes then said, "Have you heard of the guy imposing as my brother?"

"Ah, you mean the guy who has been flirting with a maid? Your lover's maid" asked Duke Louis. 

"Yeah him. We can add him to this plan. Use him as much as you can. I don't want him to fight with Air."

"Can't you kick him out of this place?" Duke Yves asked, pouring himself a glass of water. Elliot shook his head. 

"It's too risky for him to be set free. Plus, he doesn't want to leave. No matter how hard I kick him out, he gets into the palace as if he knows this place very well."

Duke Louis chuckled and asked, "Yet you're not throwing him into prison?" 

"Somehow, I can't."

"Because he saved Edward?" Silence fell in between them. While Duke Yves chugs down the water. "If I were in your position, I would have a hard time too."

After all, Albert saved Edward, but because of his weak body, he died. It can't be counted as saving, but then Elliot felt relieved that there was someone by Edward's side while he was dying. As much as he wanted to kick Albert out. It was impossible. It is hard to repay him back.

"Albert is also a victim of the temple's scam or maybe someone who has a connection with the head priest. You should interrogate him furthermore," Elliot stood up and walked out of the meeting room. 

It's hard to forget. It's problematic that sometimes Elliot didn't want to know anything at all. 

"You're back?" asked the familiar voice. 

"I'm back," Elliot smiled upon seeing her and buried his head under her neck. Now that they're together, he feels at ease. 

"How was it? And father?" Emelia asked Elliot, who raised his head. 

"It's alright. We've decided to expose the temple by using actors. Of course, they'll be protected by our men," answered Elliot, who hugs her into his arms. "You're dad still scares me until now."

A soft laugh escapes from Emelia as she gently pats his head. She tried comforting him as much as possible, but what can she do when her dad does look cold? 

"You'll have to get used to it then," said Emelia. 

"Because I'll be marrying you one day?" A smirk flashed on his face while Emelia looked speechless. 

"How are you sure we'll be together in the future?" Emelia averted her eyes away from his. But then he lifts her chin, looking at him. 

"I am sure because I'm the only person you'll allow to touch and be this close to you," said Elliot, then planted a kiss on her forehead. 

Emelia could feel the heat on her face grow and pushes him away. She sat by the window, trying to calm herself while Elliot sat across her and stared at her. He wondered how did he encounter this gorgeous lady?

"Emelia, I love you.. Trust me when I said that you're the only one who I see."

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