The Villain Fantasy Heroine is Completely Broken

Chapter 70: : The depth of peach blossoms is rare in ancient and modern times!

And vaguely, Xia Ye felt that the True Qi in his body seemed to be breaking through.

Different from others who get up early to use the power of heaven and earth to cultivate, Xia Ye's mental method is running all the time.

It looks like he's playing, but he's actually cultivating!

"Two little friends~ Do you want to make a calculation?"

Xia Ye and Xia Jiu were walking towards the Xia Mansion, but a young voice suddenly came from their ears.

As soon as the two of them turned their heads, what they saw was an old flag, with two big characters written on it crookedly—fortune-telling.

The table and stool with short feet, covered with a leather cloth engraved with gossip, it was made of some unknown material, and it looked a bit old.

Bamboo sticks, copper coins, everything was on the table.

A dark-skinned young man, his clothes had long been covered with oil stains, he wore a round black-framed mirror, and he held two topaz stones in his hands, which he kept turning.

Quite a bit of an old-fashioned look.

Xia Ye just glanced at it, then shook his head and walked away. He knew all too well who was the main character in this world.

Obviously, this young man is not an important person, just an idle NPC, or the kind of NPC without a mission.

"Brother, let's do the math~"

Xia Jiu grabbed Xia Ye's arm, looking very curious.

"This is a liar in all corners of the world. You don't look like a fortune teller. Someday if you want to calculate, I'll take you to see an expert."

Xia Ye naturally knows who the person who can really count is.

But Xia Jiu was obviously interested, and pulled Xia Ye to sit in front of the stall. At this time, the young man said again: "Hey, little friend, please don't talk nonsense, often things are not on the surface, how can you What about abilities based on appearances?"

"It's this little... little friend! This little friend looks more real."

The young man was wearing glasses, so he couldn't see the expression below, he just pointed at Xia Jiu and paused for a second.

"Then let's take a look at the palmistry first."

As Xia Jiu spoke, she spread her palms on the table, Xia Ye saw that she could not be stubborn but Xia Jiu, so she also stood aside and watched.


I saw the young man suddenly put his hands together, shook his head and said, "Fortune-telling, we want sincerity, where is the sincerity of the little friend?"


Xia Jiu flicked it, and two pieces of silver rolled onto the small table.

The little young man immediately smiled happily, put the silver in his arms, and said with joy: "Yes, little friend is sincere and can learn from the world, let me show you later."

"Look clearly, don't blame me for not warning you."

Xia Ye, who was standing on the side, couldn't stand it any longer. He needed money, so he wasn't a liar?

As if he hadn't heard Xia Ye's words, Xiao Young pulled Xia Jiu's hand in a little and looked at the lines on it carefully.

I have to say that Xia Jiu's hands are very good-looking, with slender fingers and rounded fingertips, not like a pair of martial arts hands.

Thinking of the weapons used by Xia Jiu, Xia Ye was also a little curious.

Any martial arts practice will change the hands. Men's martial arts have always been strong, they need to be practiced hard, and they don't care if they look good or not. It's normal to have calluses on their hands.

Women are different. The exercises focus on self-cultivation, and girls love beauty.

After daily practice, you must soak your hands with herbs to avoid calluses on your palms.

Xia Jiu's hand...

Why is it that it doesn't look right the more you look at it?

At this moment, the young man at the fortune-telling booth moved, let go of Xia Jiu's hand, picked up the copper coin on the side, shook it a few times in his hand, and threw it on the table.

"Um... The mirror flower water moon, fantasy comes true, not on the surface, but in it, the fate is quite hard, not seeing the fog in the mountains, only seeing the people in the mountains..."

After the young man babbled, he stopped talking.

Xia Jiu's expression was obviously taken aback, and she glanced at the fortune-teller in front of the young man with a complicated expression.

On the other hand, Xia Ye couldn't stand still. Does he know fortune-telling?

do not know.

"At least you made it clear? Who can understand you, you are in a fog?"

Really anyone dares to deceive, do you know who I am?

Midtown Villains!

Whoever sees me not bowing my head and bowing, has to force myself to show some of the villain's skills, right?

"Brother! Don't be in a hurry."

Xia Jiu held down Xia Ye's desire to do something, but even though this was the world of novels, Xia Jiu only knew that there really was such a mysterious and mysterious existence.

But he is the author, can he not know if the person in front of him is capable?

Everyone who is famous is a character written by Xia Ye, and this person is not a person at first sight!

When writing this book, Xia Ye had such a character set, but not this young man, but an old man with gray hair.

After all, it's easy to convince people with this kind of age fortune-telling.

"I know what the son wants to count. My answer is only four words. The time has not come."

After saying this, Xiao Nianjian took on an old-fashioned look again, looked at Xia Ye on the side and said, "Is this young master interested in calculating a fortune?"


Xia Ye pulled Xia Jiu away and sat down on the bench, looking like a bad visitor.

It's like a small game.

A smile appeared on the corner of Xiao Young's Looking at Xia Ye's open palm, he suddenly put on a look of surprise and said:



"Tsk tsk tsk."

The young man seemed to sigh with emotion, shaking his head while sighing.

"What did you see?"

Xia Ye's eyes were full of disbelief, and he looked like he didn't care. He thought he was going out with Xia Jiu for a little entertainment.

The young man pushed the round-rimmed glasses with his fingers, smashed his mouth, and said, "This young master has so many peach blossoms in his life, and the deep entanglements are not uncommon, but he is the first person in history!"

I am the villain, I have a hairy peach blossom luck.

"What I'm talking about below is robbery, not luck."

The sudden words made Xia Ye stunned on the spot.

Mind reading?

Ning Ruxue, Lin Naiyi, Yun Mei, three women appeared in Xia Ye's mind at the same time, plus the Yun Guanzong plot that had not yet started.

Several women will appear later.

If you play the villain yourself, isn't the heroine a robbery to you?

At this moment, Xia Ye put down the contempt in his heart and seriously looked at the young man in front of him.

The young man's mouth curled into a smile, leaning on the bamboo chair with a confident look.


In this middle city, almost everyone knows about his own affairs. Ning Ruxue and Lin Naiyi have recently stirred up the storm in the city, and Lin Naiyi said the word "Yunmei" at the door just now.

It is not difficult to want to know about yourself.

Are you playing this set with the young master?

Xia Ye put on the appearance of a playboy, and asked in a slightly arrogant tone, "I haven't seen you in Zhongcheng, what's your name?"

"Pin Dao entered Zhongnan Mountain when he was young, and his surname was Yang Mingguo."

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