The Villain Fantasy Heroine is Completely Broken

Chapter 42: : at most one unrequited love

Looking at the closed gate of the Xia residence, Zhao Hao's eyes flashed a icy coldness. From now on, he will completely start targeting the Xia family.

When I go back, I have to think of a new way to teach this second ancestor a hard lesson.

And Linnaiichi, that bitch, sooner or later, she is also her crotch plaything!


Closing the door, Xia Ye's face showed a hint of happiness. Just turning his head, he saw Lin Naiyi and Fubo with pear blossom smiles still standing in the yard.

Almost forgot, this woman is here!

Xia Ye's Lin Naiyi has never changed his temperament from beginning to end. His innate **** and royal sister's style has not changed until the end of the book.

Looking at Lin Naiyi's smile, Xia Ye's right eyelid jumped wildly.

The events of last night are still vivid in my mind, and this woman, Lin Naiyi, can't be provoked.

Crying and laughing for a while, the system's compensation for the world view won't make up for Lin Naiyi's nerves, right?

Lin Nai walked towards Xia Ye step by step with the steps of a little woman, her red lips that could be broken slightly opened:

"Are you free tomorrow?"

【available. 】

Xia Ye hurriedly shook his head and took a few steps back. Uncle Fu, who was still in the yard, just glanced at Xia Ye and Lin Naiyi, then lowered his head and continued to sweep the unfinished ground.

"I'm not free, I still have a lot of things to do tomorrow."

As if knowing that Xia Ye would answer like this, Lin Naiyi strode to Xia Ye's side, grabbed Xia Ye's arm and said:

"I knew you weren't available tomorrow, so I made an appointment at noon today, do you want to sit back and watch our father's affairs?"

Lin Naiyi: I knew for a long time that you would refuse, but I didn't expect it?

I predicted your prediction!

Immediately, as if he was afraid that Xia Ye would not understand, he added another sentence: "Mr. Saique, I have already done it this morning. Ask Dad, when there is time, let's go together."

You were really your own father at that time!

This sentence is very kind.

Those who didn't know it thought it was your father!

Although it is said that the plot in the early stage actually has nothing to do with Lin Naiyi.

But Xia Ye didn't want to get involved with Lin Naiyi from the bottom of his heart.

Especially now that Linnaeus has begun to affect the plot, he doesn't understand what Linnaeus is thinking now.

At the beginning of the book, Linnai had already lost confidence in Xia Ye.

In the afternoon, I fell in love with myself again, and it was everywhere.

You must at least have a process, right?

After experiencing a hardship or something, I also understand when I see my true face.

But you came straight at me, leaving me completely unprepared.

Xia Ye's heart panicked, especially Lin Naiyi's temptation was not small, although he said that he had seen many women.

But in this world, if Lin Naiyi is persistent and doesn't give up, Xia Ye really doesn't believe that a man can stand it.

He still remembered that someone in his comment area said that something was completely controlled by women.

To be reasonable, no joke, no one can stand it, it's okay to talk big on the Internet.

I really saw it, what virtue do I ask myself, Xia Ye's patience is already the limit.

Without saying anything, Xia Ye was really afraid of being eaten by Linnai in one bite.

"That's my father, not yours, why is your face so big!"

Xia Ye said something angrily.

Lin Nai moved forward instead of retreating, bumped Xia Ye's arm against his little white rabbit again and said with a smile, "It doesn't make a difference, your father is my father, and you are mine."

"There is a difference! You haven't entered the door yet!"

Xia Ye roared angrily.

"Oh? You also know that I haven't entered the door yet, that means you are waiting for me to enter the door? My dear, as long as you want, I will enter the door today. "

Lin Naiyi's ears turned a little red, and his fingers clenched unconsciously.

In her last life, she had never said such a nasty thing to any man.

It is even more impossible to speak in such a tone.

Only Xia Ye has this privilege.

Xia Ye was helpless, sighed and asked:

"No, why are you? Can you give me a reason?"

"Didn't I say it~ You don't need a reason to love someone, let's talk about it..."

Lin Naiyi's red lips were close to Xia Ye's earlobe, and he whispered softly: "Then tell me, why do you like Ning Ruxue, and after only a few days of contact, you are chasing her shamelessly? And helping the Ning family so much What? Why?"

The enthusiasm in Lin Nai's mouth made Xia Ye's neck itch for a while, and Xia Ye really had no reason to chase after Ning Ruxue.

You said that Ning Ruxue is pretty?

Is Linnaeus any worse?

It's not bad at all, and it's vaguely better.

Seeing that Xia Ye couldn't answer, Lin Naiyi smiled even more, and every word he said could vaguely touch Xia Ye's skin:

"So, I'm just like you. I just like you. When I fall in love with you, I'll be ashamed. You are mine in this life, and in the next."

Lin Naiyi stopped pretending at this time, and it was a showdown. He told Xia Ye clearly.

No matter what happens, Lin Naiyi will never give up on Xia Ye.

[Heh, you talk a lot. 】

Xia Ye slandered in his heart, but he didn't dare to say He was afraid.

He was afraid that Linnaeus would tell his parents.

Xia Ye's heart completely cooled down, and he was very clear about what Lin Naiyi wrote about love.

The original engagement with Xia Ye, in fact, Lin Naiyi also persuaded herself to accept Xia Ye because of family matters.

But Xia Ye went too far, and Lin Naiyi gave up Xia Ye and turned to his true love.

Don't look at Linnai's constant ranting, and the little friction on his body is even more extreme.

But that was just an appearance, Linnaeus was a complete conservative at heart.

I want one person in my life, and the white head will not be separated.

This is Lin Naiyi's label. In the novel, when Xia Ye died, Lin Naiyi specially buried Xia Ye.

Afterwards, after being moved by the protagonist Zhao Hao's various pretense, Lin Naiyi followed Zhao Hao with determination.

Even when Zhao Hao disappeared and his life and death were unknown, Lin Naiyi obediently stayed in Zhongcheng and waited for Zhao Hao.

This can reflect the character of Linnaeus, a woman.

So when Linnai showed this attitude to Xia Ye, Xia Ye was in a panic, but it didn't mean there was no way!

"We are different!"

Xia Ye bit her head and replied, Lin Naiyi, a woman, and Ning Ruxue have one thing in common.

It's just a face-saving act. Don't look at Ning Ruxue's ignorance of Xia Ye's pursuit, in fact, she also subconsciously enjoys the feeling of Xia Ye's pursuit.

Lin Naiyi was the same, they were more interested in face.

As long as she rejects herself more, Lin Naiyi's face can't hold back, and the two have no real relationship.

At most, it was just an unrequited love, not a love, nor against the original intention of Linnaeus's love.

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