The air froze, and Faber's wrinkled face, who was still sweeping the floor, became serious.

He stopped sweeping the floor and looked towards the four of them.

When Lin Nai saw Xia Ye holding her back, she was overjoyed. The man also said that he didn't like him.

This subconscious performance is proof that he loves me.

Xia Ye: I love you big star!

Lin Naiyi also listened to Xia Ye's words and put down the sword, and she also realized that she was a little reckless.

But she couldn't control what happened in Xia Ye!

Lin Naiyi calmed down, looking at her hand still being held by Xia Ye, her face was a little red, her **** red lips opened slightly, she looked at Lin Naiyi and said:

"Oh? No one really uses other people's likes as a springboard to let others deal with the mess, right? No way? No way?"

As soon as Linnai regained his usual calm, he sneered at MAX as soon as he opened his mouth.

Ning Ruxue was also a little strange in her heart. Logically, Lin Nai's attitude towards Xia Ye was the same as her own.

Not to mention helping the Xia family to deal with the problem. When the contract was signed yesterday, if only that idiot shopkeeper from the Xia family came over, Ning Ruxue would definitely not have signed it so quickly.

It was because he knew that Lin Naiyi and Xia Ye were at odds, so there was no doubt.

"Then what's the matter? This is what you want and I want!"

Ning Ruxue herself didn't know why she said that. Anyway, she just didn't want to fall behind Lin Nai.

And Lin Naiyi's transformation made Ning Ruxue a little suspicious, so she wanted to try it out.

Then he turned his head and put the sword on Xia Ye's neck: "You said you like me, is it true?!"

At that time, the sword was only 0.01 centimeters away from Xia Ye's throat.

But after a quarter of the incense stick, Ning Ruxue would be completely swept away by Xia Ye's anger.

"It's not love, it's love! Ruxue, I love you, I fell in love with you deeply from the first time I saw you, I was afraid, I was afraid that you would stay away from me, somehow, I suddenly fell in love with you. Become a fool who worries about gain and loss, like snow, I love you."

[Nima's, point your sword at me, right! Are you pointing your sword at me? 】

[I'm so special, but if I don't have the setting of chasing you, you can see that if I kill you now, I'll be done! 】

[You don't even look at what you look like, you want a **** without a butt, a chest without a chest. 】

[If you put Linnaiyi together, I will definitely choose Linnaiyi, you idiot! 】

Xia Ye's thoughts were passed on in Ning Ruxue's ears, and Ning Ruxue's sword-wielding hand was shaking.

Immediately, he looked at Lin Naiyi who was beside him, and saw that Lin Naiyi's face did not show the slightest change in emotion.

Ning Ruxue was certain now that only she could hear Xia Ye's heart.

Linnaeus changed because of other things.

If Lin Nai could hear Xia Ye's heart, he would definitely have some reactions when he heard Xia Ye's heart.

It seems that I am the most special one in this world.


Lin Nai stabbed the long sword in Ning Ruxue's hand one by one, standing in front of Xia Ye as if protecting food, and said coldly:

"What's wrong? If you can't force a man, you're here to grab a man? Threatening my husband with a sword?"

Of course, Lin Naiyi had the same idea in her heart, but if Ning Ruxue was reborn, it was impossible for her not to know about the Lingshi mine.

Therefore, the fact that Ning Ruxue was a rebirth was ruled out by Lin Naiyi.

Linnai laughed heartily, it seemed that she was the most special one in this world.

Ning Ruxue may have changed her mind because of other things. After all, it's not impossible that her man is so good.

However, Xia Ye is mine after all, and no one can take it away!

The fight between the two women made Xia Ye's mind feel like a mess.

What is this situation?

Are the two girls all wrong? (Except for the heroine, the rest are all female secondaries, don't ask, ask is the setting.)

Especially in her own character, pursuing Ning Ruxue is the lifelong goal of the villain in Xia Ye.

Now it's good, the heroine agrees, what should the villain do?

It's not right to answer or not!

[I'm chasing you, not to be with you, but to make Zhao Hao slap himself in the face, please get away from me! 】

[It was fine before you came, why did you become a different person the next day? 】

[The Son of Heaven is on your side, please turn your eyes around, okay? 】

[Besides, there are so many people watching at the gate, how would you step down if you deliberately did it? 】

The servants around the gate of the Xia Mansion were all looking this way, including Zhao Hao.

True Destiny, the male protagonist Zhao Hao.

At this time, her face was already blue, and Ning Ruxue didn't talk about it, it was already something Zhao Hao had in his heart.

After Lin Naiyi met today, Zhao Hao had a second goal.

But now these two goals are fighting for the sake of others.

How can this be tolerated?


With another sword, the two instantly jumped into the courtyard of the Xia family, two figures, one blue and one purple, and the sword energy scattered in the courtyard.

The beginning of this sword was Ning Ruxue's active attack.

Because Xia Ye kept scolding Ning Ruxue in her heart, Ning Ruxue could no longer control her emotions.

She is better than me, isn't she?

If you can choose, you can choose her or not, right?

Where am I missing?

Ning Ruxue doesn't Now Xia Ye's heartfelt words are completely leading Ning Ruxue's emotions away.

Naturally, Lin Naiyi did not step back, looking at the stabbing sword and scolding:

"Good day! I've wanted to hit you for a long time!"

The figures are dazzling, and the two beauties are fighting each other.

The two weapons collided with sparks in the air, but the two women had no intention of stopping. Both of them were at the peak of the ninth rank, and the sword energy was coming from the courtyard at this moment.

Let the servants of the Xia residence quickly find a place to hide.

"Stop! Stop fighting! Stop fighting!"

Xia Ye hurriedly walked to the yard, watching the two women fighting each other frantically, and subconsciously looked at Zhao Hao beside him.

I don't know if I don't see it, I was startled when I saw it.

Why is Zhao Hao's face white like a dead person?

They couldn't let them fight anymore. At this moment, Xia Ye suddenly understood what Ning Ruxue was going to do.

[No wonder, no wonder you have to do it first, it turns out to be arousing Zhao Hao's anger! 】

[My dear, in a moment, whether you are injured or Lin Nai is injured, Zhao Hao's injuries will be counted on my head in the end. 】

[Then Zhao Hao took revenge on me and killed me horribly. Your Ning family also solved the matter of the Lingshi mine, which is really a good method. 】

Ning Ruxue, who was still fighting fiercely, listened to her sudden heartbeat, and the sword in her hand slowed a step.

After being dodged perfectly by Linnai, the purple blade appeared in front of Ning Ruxue's face.

Naturally, Zhao Hao couldn't continue to sit back and watch, and his strength approaching the eighth rank instantly rushed into the arena.

But halfway through the flight, he was suddenly bounced off in the air and slammed into the door of the Xia family...

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