Ning Ruxue left the heroine?

Xia Ye was stunned. Before coming, the system had said that Ning Ruxue was only a short distance away from leaving the heroine, but he didn't say which one.

It turned out that the protagonist himself admitted that he had nothing to do with her!

All right, there are a total of two heroines in Midtown, all of which are separated from the heroine.

It's okay, Xia Ye sighed, after all, the plot of Midtown has been completed.

The heroine doesn't have to follow the hero to live well.

As long as the heroines written by him are stable, it will be fine. Although it is a cool article, Xia Ye is still very concerned about each heroine.

This can be seen from the description of the appearance and clothes, this is her own daughter.

"Xia Ye, you said that Zhao Hao was joking, so the news of Ning Ruxue and Zhao Hao in Zhongcheng is also fake?"

Bai Jinshuo brought the topic back. In fact, what Zhao Hao is like has nothing to do with her Bai Jinshuo.

What Bai Jinshuo noticed was why Xia Ye's attitude towards Ning Ruxue had completely changed, didn't she say she was the heroine?

Wouldn't this affect the subsequent plot?

Xia Ye didn't update the video, and Bai Jinshuo was anxious, but she didn't know that Xia Ye said this entirely because she was afraid that Bai Jinshuo would affect the follow-up plot.

At this time, Xia Ye also understood that Bai Jinshuo roughly knew that Zhao Hao was messing around in Zhongcheng, so he deliberately came to Yunguanzong to trouble Zhao Hao.

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Xia Ye first breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, then glanced at Ning Ruxue, who was standing beside him, from the corner of his eye. In order to stabilize Bai Jinshuo's plot, he fought hard.

Besides, now that Ning Ruxue has left the heroine, she doesn't have to worry about Ning Ruxue anymore.

Xia Ye stretched out his hand and dragged Ning Ruxue into his arms, like a frightened white rabbit, Ning Ruxue was overwhelmed by the sudden net.

But smelling the light fragrance on Xia Ye's body, Ning Ruxue suddenly realized that Xia Ye hugged herself, and Xia Ye took the initiative to hug her.

"Just kidding, Ning Ruxue is actually mine."

[Hey, if you break off the marriage, the future plot will disappear directly, don't cause me trouble. 】

[I beg you, go home well and wait for the protagonist to go back to live. 】

[Yun Guanzong is very dangerous, why did a young lady like you come here! 】

Like the oath of a domineering president, the deer in Ning Ruxue's heart collided. At this moment, she didn't want to hear the messy thoughts in Xia Ye's heart.

I just want to sleep peacefully in Xia Ye's arms.

Xia Ye hugged Ning Ruxue and looked at Zhao Hao and Bai Jinshuo with a certain expression.

Zhao Hao's gums may be bitten, and his entire face is covered with blue veins. He knows very well that his relationship with Bai Jinshuo is not strong.

It was entirely by the marriage contract that Zhao Hao could only reluctantly abandon Ning Ruxue for Bai Jinshuo's sake.

This is something that can't be helped. Seeing Ning Ruxue shyly snuggling into Xia Ye's arms, Zhao Hao's heart is angry, but there is nothing he can do.

He knew that from today, Ning Ruxue would no longer have anything to do with him.

No woman will accept that her man chooses someone else and loses herself.

Looking at Ning Ruxue's blushing face, Zhao Hao thought of his own body. Once upon a time, his mind was full of delusions, but now such thoughts are becoming less and less common.

Especially recently, even though Zhao Hao's mind was full of filth, his body still couldn't stand up.

Pain, endless pain.

The woman he was chasing was lost, and his lifeblood was now dormant. Zhao Hao suddenly had the idea that God was against him.

All this was brought to him by the summer night in front of him!

One day, I will trample all of you underfoot!

Zhao Hao's eyes flickered with madness, but he lowered his head to hide it well. After all, it will be one day, not today.

Seeing Zhao Hao giving up, Xia Ye felt that his actions had been successful, but sometimes the storm came so suddenly and unexpectedly.

Bai Jinshuo's face became strange, and there was a burst of irritability in his heart for no reason.

Especially looking at the appearance of Xia Ye and Ning Ruxue cuddling with each other, Bai Jinshuo's hand holding the sword was slightly bulging.

The reason why she told Zhao Hao about breaking the marriage was to let Xia Ye update the plot earlier so that Xia Ye could mention herself in the video.

After all, it is up to the head of the family to discuss breaking off the marriage between the families on both sides, and it is not something her younger generation can veto, even though her parents don't care about the engagement with Zhao Hao.

But this marriage contract is something that the Shenzhou family is watching, and there needs to be a proper way to deal with it, otherwise the Zhao family's face will be difficult.

"Yo! The original script!"

Two fiery red figures came over, Tang Wenran had a smile on his face, looked at Ning Ruxue in Xia Ye's arms, and then looked at Bai Jinshuo and said yin and yang: "Do you marry such a man? Coercion of ordinary children, Forcing a marriage contract, I didn't expect Miss Bai's eyes to be so high!"

"Tang Wenran?! You're here too!"

Bai Jinshuo and Tang Wenran know each The two met at a party before, and the two of them just greeted each other at that time, and they couldn't mention the word friend at all.

Tang Wenran watched for a long time, from Zhao Hao to persecute Ning Ruxue, Xia Ye was forced to keep silent, and then after Bai Jinshuo came forward, Zhao Hao's change, his eyes threatened Xia Ye to regain the relationship.

Tang Wenran sees all of this in his eyes. The woman Zhao Hao fancy is now being held in Xia Ye's arms, and Zhao Hao will definitely trouble Xia Ye after that.

Tang Wenran knew Xia Ye's difficulties, and naturally he didn't want to see Xia Ye suffer any further grievances.

"Your man forced the couple to separate. Why were you not there when the fight happened in Qingxia Town yesterday?"

Tang Wenran's mouth curled into a beautiful smile, and then nodded at Xia Ye again.

[I'm going, why did you come here as a woman? With all three female protagonists here, how can the protagonist stand it? 】

【No, now it's... Zi...】

(Involving the system, you can't hear it, I said it before.)

Xia Ye originally wanted to let go of Ning Ruxue, but Ning Ruxue turned her back on the guest and hugged Xia Ye's waist tightly, no matter how Xia Ye moved, she would not let go.

Ning Ruxue knew that Xia Ye was holding her for the sake of Bai Jinshuo's plot, and it wasn't that she didn't want to let go.

But now so many people are watching!

Ning Ruxue's face was already thin, so how could she have the face to see anyone again this time? She could only bury herself in Xia Ye's chest and greedily smell the fragrance.

"Miss Tang, I did it for Brother Tang Xing yesterday. All the people in the street can testify. How can you be so reckless!"

Zhao Hao doesn't want to talk now, he has to talk, the black pot has already hit his face.


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