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"What?" Ye Jiuge suddenly surprised, and quickly asked Qingliu Road, "When did you meet in the aunt's room?"

"Just three days ago!" Qingliu said the situation carefully.

At that time, she and Qinghu had just come to Qiushuiyuan, and they wanted to have a good relationship with the maid in them, so they often helped them do what they could.

Xinghua, who shares the house with her, is responsible for cleaning the interior of the five aunts.

That day Xinghua was uncomfortable, Qingliu volunteered to help her clean.

It was just that soon after entering the room of the five aunts, Qiu's mother came in angrily and drove her away, and also taught Xinghua a meal. Later, Xinghua no longer dared to help anyone clean it.

"The slave-maid just glanced a little on the table at that time, and vaguely saw a thing with jade inlaid on a black background. She was kicked out by Ms. Qiu without looking carefully. It was only after Sister Xinghua said that. It's a belt around a man's waist! "

"Mother Qiu?" Ye Jiuge frowned suddenly.

She did not expect this matter to be related to Ms. Qiu.

She didn't believe that Ye Yuxuan would let Qiu's mother help Su Yufeng frame the five aunts.

"No wonder Mother Qiu wants to poison slaves and kill her mouth, because it is because of this." Qingliu didn't expect that Mother Qiu would even deal with them for a small thing, and she was really hated and afraid.

"Mother Qiu pretended to be sick and rested. She didn't want to make her suspicious. She wanted to kill you and her mouth was normal. She didn't know what method the wife used to let Qiu mother help her." Ye Jiuge Thoughts.

Ms. Qiu is the old man next to Ye Yuxuan, who has always been loyal and sincere. If she was not held by Su Yufeng, she would not help her. It seems that it is necessary to check this mother.

"Miss, Qiu mother deliberately put that belt in the aunt Wu's house for Xinghua to see, just to take advantage of the rumors that the aunt Wu steals and loves, what should we do?" Qingliu looked sad.

Everyone in Yefu knew that Xinghua Xianzi Han didn't lie, so Mother Qiu deliberately set this bureau.

"See the opportunity to act!" Su Yufeng has been planning for a long time, and it must be arranged so that it will not leak. She can't find any flaws at present.

Fortunately, Aunt Wu didn't lie in bed with the man. The situation was not too bad. Let's see what Su Yufeng did to resolve it.

Ye Jiuge was about to bring Qingliu back to the house, but heard an unanimous call from outside the courtyard, "The slave-servant has seen the master."

The next moment, Ye Yuxuan appeared at the gate of the courtyard.

I saw him servant, and his face was as dark as the bottom of the pot.

However, anyone who knew he was working hard outside, but the aunt at home gave him a green hat, afraid that he would not be happy.

"Father!" Ye Jiuge shouted lightly.

"Why are you here?" Ye Yuxuan frowned, seeing Ye Jiuge's mood even worse.

"The daughter heard that the five aunts were thieves here, so she came over and looked at it deliberately." Ye Jiuge said with a worried expression.

"Has been thiefed?" Ye Yuxuan froze for a moment, didn't he say that the five aunts were arrested in secret, how did they become thieves?

"Master, don't listen to Jiuge's nonsense, she always had a good relationship with Aunt Wu, she naturally helped her speak." Su Yufeng heard Ye Jiuge's words when she came out, and she was very angry.

It turned out that Ye Jiuge, a dead girl, was waiting here to think of the wicked as a complaint.

"Really? How did I hear that my wife and four sisters were better than my five aunts recently, and I heard that my father praised you." Ye Jiuge's mouth tickled, and he laughed very ironically.

"Big sister, I know you want to help offend the five aunts, but you don't have to touch my mother!" Ye Shanshan said angrily.

Before she came out, her mother repeatedly told her not to talk indiscriminately, but she couldn't hold her back for a day.

"What's the meaning of the second sister, did the lady cheat?" Ye Jiuge covered her mouth and made a frightened expression.

"What are you talking about?" Ye Shanshan raised her eyebrows, wishing she could tear up Ye Jiuge's mouth.

"You said that the matter of the five aunts and your wife are involved." Ye Jiuge made a grievance.

"When did I say this? It was clearly you who made a far-fetched meeting and deliberately insulted my mother!" Ye Shanshan gritted her teeth.

"All right, shut up for me." Ye Yuxuan glared at Ye Jiuge fiercely, scolding, "Not too shameful enough, right?"

"Don't be angry with your father, you also know that the second sister has always been thick-skinned and not afraid of embarrassment. I apologize to you for her." Ye Jiuge's obedient words almost didn't make Ye Yuxuan and Su Yufeng angry.

Ye Yuxuan's chest fluctuated violently a few times, and finally decided to ignore Ye Jiuge's annoying spirit and turned his head to ask Su Yufeng, "Where are the five aunts?"

"Master, she and the adulterer are both in the house. The concubine is afraid that you will be angry, so she helped them sort it out a little." Su Yufeng said this as if how uncomfortable the five aunts were.

Ye Yuxuan threw his sleeves and strode into the house.

The house still keeps the original. Mother Green stared at him next to it. No one dared to go up and mess, but this scene was enough for Ye Yuxuan to be angry.

"Wake me up with these couples of dogs and men." Ye Yuxuan pointed to the five aunt's fingers shaking.

"Father, things haven't been investigated yet. How can you just convict the five aunts?" Ye Jiuge conquered Ye Yuxuan. Does he want to wear a green hat?

"Master, the concubine's body has been found out clearly. This man was the cousin of the five aunts before she entered the house. The two were already deeply rooted in love, so they would do such an unbearable thing. Please also ask the master to take it for the sake of Ruyi It ’s time for Aunt Wu! ”Su Yufeng wiped her tears and pleaded with Aunt Wu.

But her pleading made Ye Yuxuan more angry, "What a slut, he has been hiding from me for so long!"

"Father, this is just a one-sided word for the wife, and you also see that the house is in a mess. I would like to ask who would cheat in his own house and make such a big move?" Ye Jiuge asked.

"Jiuge, didn't I say that just now, Aunt Wu discovered the rape, so she even locked the door. The mess of the ground was made by herself. As for why she chose to be in this room, it was because she was fearless. , Even if it is found, it can escape the disaster with Ruyi's face. "

Su Yufeng sneered in spite of the way he just helped the five aunts for mercy.

"Ma'am, how do I feel like saying this to yourself, as soon as Ma's foot is lifted, Qiushuiyuan has such a big thing, it's really awesome!" Ye Jiuge said without giving up.

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