The Underworld Detective

Chapter 617: Three Rabbit Caves

Biquge, update the latest chapter of the criminal hunter as soon as possible!

It was an hourly worker who came in through the door. She was startled when she saw so many people in the room, and she subconsciously prepared to escape. Huang Xiaotao immediately identified himself: "Don't be afraid, we are police."

The hourly worker was relieved and asked, "Are you guys anything?"

"Is the person who hired you Wang Ran?" Huang Xiaotao said.

"Yes, but she doesn't come back very often."

This hourly work was quite honest. When we saw that we were a police officer, we told us what we knew and what we knew. She told us that Wang Ran gave her the key to the house and asked her to come over to clean it every day, and then make a meal here for herself, and said that the house can be used casually, so often, this hourly work is simply here Stay overnight as if you were home.

After listening, we were all shocked. It seemed that Wang Ran hired her not to keep it clean, but to create the illusion that some people live here.

Huang Xiaotao asked, "Have you ever met your employer?"

The hourly worker replied, "Have seen it once."

"How does she pay you every month?" Huang Xiaotao continued asking.

"Hit the card," said the hourly worker.

Huang Xiaotao cast his eyes on us: "It seems that this is just one of the three caves of the cunning rabbit ..."

I looked at the map of Nanjiang on the wall in a daze. At this moment, we must find Wang Ran earlier than Zhang Shuo, but how to find her, the clue seems to be broken.

I suddenly had a flash of light: "You checked yesterday, all the places where Chen Ying lived?"

"Yes!" Huang Xiaotao answered blankly.

I asked the hourly worker to leave first and told her that she didn't have to come today. Then I asked Huang Xiaotao to tell me where they were. She called the office and took a pen to mark the locations one by one.

Chen Ying has moved too often. I originally thought it would be possible to use a trick. When all the places were marked densely, I found out that I did n’t need to do calculations at all, because this time the move was all on a large circle. .

I point to the center of the circle: "If nothing else happens, Wang Ran lives here."

Huang Xiaotao snapped his fingers and said, "What are you waiting for, start now!"

We rushed to that neighborhood. Wang Ran brought a fifteen-year-old child to school. The child must be in contact with the people around her. She couldn't be completely hidden from the world. inquire about.

It took two hours to finally inquire about Wang Ran's residence. We found the apartment and opened the door. The apartment looked cluttered but very lively. Judging from the furniture, clothes and supplies here, it was obvious that a mother in her forties and a son of 15 years lived.

Sun Bingxin opened the refrigerator and said, "These dairy products and fruits are still fresh, which means they are still here recently."

Huang Xiaotao came out of the bedroom: "There are some clothes just dried on the bed."

The old man opened the computer in the living room and said grinningly, "You idiot, you can't just look at the computer directly. The browsing history of the webpage is 11 o'clock the night before."

"What the **** are you! Do you want to die?" Huang Xiaotao reprimanded.

The old man smiled shamelessly: "I usually play games and scold my teammates. I'm sorry!"

It seems that this is where they really live, and the mother and son stayed here the night before, but they noticed that the wind was not right and they immediately moved.

We looked for clues in the room, and I found a mezzanine behind the cabinet. The inside was empty. I sniffed into it, smelling the smell of a banknote and the smell of camphor, which was probably used to prevent maggots.

I analyzed: "It seems that they once stored huge amounts of money here and then hurriedly transferred."

Huang Xiaotao frowned: "With so much money, I won't run far!"

"That would be great, you can run a long distance with a car ..."

I looked up and found that the top of the cabinet was a bit unnatural, so I moved a stool and looked up. Judging from the dust, there were two suitcases stacked here before. These two suitcases must be used to hold money.

These two boxes are very large, and ordinary cars can't fit. I guess Wang Ran must have a big car.

Huang Xiaotao called the bureau and told me: "Wang Ran has no car ... but Chen Ying has a Class A car, which is a bus!"

"Big ... bus?" I was a little shocked, it was too big, wasn't it too ostentatious?

Suddenly, Sun Bingxin slaps and slaps and applauds: "I see. I have read a news before saying that a young man transformed a bus into a touring car. They must have done the same thing. King Jing's people absolutely could not think of them. People are constantly moving on the road. "

"That makes sense!" Huang Xiaotao nodded. "Touring cars are relatively rare in China, but buses are more common and not easily suspected."

We used the computer in the living room to log in to the traffic management office, and found it upon inspection. This is a Yutong zk luxury bus, which is equipped with sunshade glass, and the inside cannot be seen from the outside. The license plate is N74130.

Huang Xiaotao immediately contacted the traffic police department and closely monitored each intersection.

After a meal, the traffic police department gave us a coordinate, and we drove there immediately. When I saw the bus in sight, I was excited in my heart, and finally found this 'sly rabbit'!

Huang Xiaotao told Wang Yuan on the walkie-talkie: "Lao Wang, you have a loudspeaker in your car, come to the front to pretend to be a traffic policeman."

Wang Yuanchao drove the car to the front and cried out the loudspeaker: "The bus behind us, we are traffic police, please stay aside, thank you for your cooperation!" I saw the two cars slowly parked on the roadside, I said: "It really looks like it."

"You probably don't know, Wang Yuanchao also spent six months in the traffic police team." Huang Xiaotao laughed.

"Experienced old man." I followed with a smile.

As soon as the bus stopped, we rounded up and came down from the car, a bearded uncle, holding a cigarette, and said, "Comrade police, what's wrong?"

As soon as I reached out and tore off his beard, it was fake. What kind of uncle is this? It's obviously a minor ghost, deliberately pretending to be mature. I asked, "Is your surname Chen? Your mother's name is Wang Of course, right? "

The teenager froze and quickly waved his hand: "No, no, no, you recognize the wrong person."

I smiled: "Pretend? Rest assured, we are really the police. Please come down with your mother. We want to ask her something."

A woman's voice came from the car: "Some people come up and sit!"

When we walked into the car, everyone couldn't help but "Wow", this RV is too good, all the facilities are available, and it feels more comfortable than the presidential suite. Huang Xiaotao said: "Next time I also encourage my dad Get one, and we can drive out later. "

Wang Ran was sitting on the bed. She was a middle-aged woman. She probably lived a relatively moist and well-maintained life. She looked like she was in her thirties.

The car kept parked on the road, which seemed suspicious. Huang Xiaotao told him and went down with Wang Yuanchao. The old man said that he was dizzy and got on Wang Yuanchao's car. They both got into the car and followed the bus. Wang Ran's son was still sitting in the driver's seat and started the bus.

This was the most special questioning. We asked on a moving bus.

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