The Underworld Detective

Chapter 614: Great Adventure Notes (plus more)

Biquge, update the latest chapter of the criminal hunter as soon as possible!

The old man squeaked his tongue in disdain: "Tracker, do I need such an old-fashioned method? Now mobile phones come with GPS positioning. I just need to write a Trojan program to send it to you, and I can determine your location. "

I immediately took out my phone and checked for suspicious programs installed on it. The old man lazily leaned his hands on the back seat, "Don't find it, you can't find it."

"I'll restore the factory settings now!" I exasperated.

"Just try." The old lady didn't care.

"Delete the Trojan program!"

"You call me husband!"

Huang Xiaotao interrupted the two of us and said, "Let ’s do it. The contradictions among the people will be set aside first. Let's get things done right away! Then again, this method is really good. You can try to deal with criminals in the future."

The old woman was exclaimed with an eyebrow and laughed: "Yeah, I only used Xiao Song and Song's mobile phone for experiments in order to deal with criminals. You don't have any sacrifice."

At this time, Sun Bingxin called and asked me why I hadn't returned. Then I remembered that I said that I had dinner together at night. As a result, I couldn't help myself after investigating the case. I not only forgot the agreement, but even the hunger.

I said guilty, "Sorry, we have some discoveries here, and come back later."

"It's okay, let's eat first." Sun Bing said.

"Okay ... by the way, Wang Yuanchao no longer needs to be detained. I'll explain it in detail when I return." I asked.

Huang Xiaotao called the director and notified the director. When we arrived at the institute one hour later, when we saw the lively blond demon fox, the director was so excited that he didn't know what to do. It took him a long time to calm down. Huang Xiaotao said: "This little The fox will be entrusted to you. Can you cure it? "

The director inspected and said, "Although its symptoms are serious, they are not complicated, and the medicine here can be completely cured ... yes, why do you want to seal its eyes?"

As the director peeled off the tape, when he saw the red eye, the director suddenly stopped as if he had been fixed, and I quickly covered the little fox's eyes.

"It's terrible!" The director covered his undulating chest, sweating like rain, and then looked at the bell on the wall: "Strange, I just seemed to be hallucinated. The process took at least two minutes. How can I live in reality? It took less than five seconds. "

I explained: "The eyes of a blond demon fox can close the basal nucleus that mammals use to perceive time, causing time to be confused. One second can become one minute, and one minute can become one second."

"How do you know this?" The director asked.

I'm a bit weird. He is obviously a student. Don't you know these? So I said straight: "I found it online!"

Director said: "If I didn't guess wrong, this document should come from the note of British explorer Sven Hedin. He once explored Mongolia and saw a demon fox that can make people" dream. " He was named after him, but has not been scientifically proven since they were declared extinct by UNESCO thirty years ago. "

I said, "The truth is here, it does have that ability!"

The director nodded: "Yes, I just verified this hypothesis personally, and I feel very honored! I read Sven Hedin's notes, and he was just like me and was curious about this mysterious fox, so he hired Several local guides went into the prairie to investigate, but then something strange happened. His guide committed suicide one after another. One guide kept repeating a sentence in Mongolian before his death. The meaning of the translation is, never look directly at the fox Wang's eyes. This note was not published because it was too incredible, and it was not made public until the 1980s. There was a fierce discussion in the academic world. I think the hypothesis that is most in line with the facts is that the fox king of this population It can emit a kind of nerve pulse that directly affects the mammal's painful center and brings great fear. "

This effect is exactly the same as my Pluto's pupil. I said, "If the hypothesis holds, and their ability to distort the sense of time, it will be stretched for a short time, and people will be immersed in this fear. collapse!"

"Yes!" The director replied affirmatively.

Huang Xiaotao looked at the little fox crawling on the table and said, "So it is the prairie fox king? How could such a powerful species become extinct?"

"I think this kind of defense has a huge negative effect on them. In short, they are species that have been abandoned by evolution, and are destined to become extinct, just like pandas." Speaking of this, the director's tone showed a trace of sadness.

"By the way, I have another thing to ask for!" I said.

Since I wanted to ask the director for help, I had to disclose some of the case. When I heard that someone had transplanted Fox Eye to myself, the director was shocked. I hope he finds out for me why the suspect took the blood of the little fox. I will sponsor some research funding afterwards. The director said generously that he did n’t need it. He only hoped to save the research data. And after the case is over, I hope to The only remaining demon fox was left to him.

Huang Xiaotao said flatly: "No, the research data can give you, this little fox cannot give you, it is too dangerous."

The director frowned. "A brave question, what do you do with it?"

Huang Xiaotao was silent for a few seconds, as if making a difficult decision, and finally said, "Erhim."

The director was inexplicably excited: "It has this ability and is used by human beings, but this is not its fault!"

"Whether it is its fault or not, my duty is to protect the citizens. I cannot let this dangerous thing survive." Huang Xiaotao said.

"You have to figure it out, it is a more precious species than pandas!"

"So what, anyway, it has been declared extinct, and it is a fluke that it only exists."

The two almost quarreled and looked at the innocent little fox on the table. He didn't know his fate yet, and I was very entangled. I emotionally agreed with the director, but I stood on the side of Huang Xiaotao.

Noisy, the director suddenly called out, "Hey, what are you doing?"

We followed his sight, and saw that Lao's mobile phone was connected to a computer with a data cable, and there appeared to be some suspicious programs running on the computer screen. Hearing the shout, the old man quickly pressed the Esc key, and the window disappeared immediately. He said with a smile: "Uncle, my phone is out of power, can't I use your computer to charge it?"

"Charging, wouldn't you borrow a charger? Did you just run something on my computer just now? I warn you that the test data inside is worth millions. If you lose it, I will ask you to take a lawsuit!" The director angered.

The old man said scornfully, "Yo, what are you shouting? Menopause, I just opened an anti-virus software to kill anti-virus. I didn't even have a game on the computer, so I was too lazy to touch it."

Although the director looked suspicious, he still believed. If he knew that the old man was a senior hacker, it is estimated that he would not let us go today.

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