The Underworld Detective

Chapter 362: Cruel killing

Biquge, update the latest chapter of the criminal hunter as soon as possible!

Huang Xiaotao and I returned to the dormitory to inspect Lin Xiaolan's body.

Because I went to see the agent at night, Lin Xiaolan was wearing bright clothes and looking at the blood and the dimly-decapided corpse on the ground, I couldn't help feeling a sense of incense!

I put on rubber gloves and passed the autopsy. The time of death was less than half an hour. The cause of death was a ruptured brain and massive bleeding. Judging from the traces on the ground, she should have been very convulsed before death.

Next to it was a cement-built table that was slightly damaged, covered with blood and some minced meat.

I checked Lin Xiaolan's hair roots, and there were signs of hair follicles falling off. Obviously, the murderer was dragging her hair from behind, slamming her head on the concrete table!

In addition, I noticed that her cheeks were red and swollen, and she seemed to be slapped hard. The fan was very heavy, causing the corners of the mouth to bleed, while the cornea fell off, and the whole eyes were red, and there was bleeding inside the mouth. I also smelled a smell of urine in her mouth.

There was an abrasion on her knee. I turned the body over and found a clear shoe print on the waist. Huang Xiaotao immediately took a photo with her mobile phone, although it was of little significance.

It seemed that the murderer had kicked her back with her foot, forcing her to kneel on the ground.

Huang Xiaotao said suddenly, "Song Yang, there is something on the ground!"

I looked up, and there was a mineral water bottle in a corner, which contained some clear yellow liquid. I took it, and when I opened the lid, I smelled the smell of urine.

I stood up and said, "This time the imitator seemed very uncomfortable, forcing her to drink urine, slapping her ears, and then hitting her head on the concrete table, tortured to death."

Huang Xiaotao frowned: "A repeat of school bullying!"

I then examined the body, looking for other traces. It is strange that there are no other scars on her body. If it is said that the imitator is venting some emotions, there should be some kick injuries on her body, but there is no.

There is also a doubt that Lin Xiaolan was persecuted. There was no trace of **** or restraint on her body. Did she come by herself?

I said, "If you take back what you just said, the imitator is still calm this time."

Huang Xiaotao couldn't laugh or cry: "Torture is also called calm?"

I looked up, my eyes fell on one place, and I asked Huang Xiaotao to come and see. I saw that there were two double-sided adhesive tapes on the tile on the inner wall, and there was some dust on it. I gestured with my hand and said, "This size seems to be a mobile phone!"

I glanced back: "The imitator is executing another person's order. He sticks his mobile phone here, so that the employer can" appreciate "the abuse of Lin Xiaolan from beginning to end. He is calm like a machine."

Huang Xiaotao frowned: "But why did you abuse Lin Xiaolan? Was she also a perpetrator?"

I shook my head and said, "The three perpetrators were all home-broken, but Lin Xiaolan was an exception. It seemed that the murderer had a special 'emotion' to her. Lin Xiaolan said that he was obviously lying when he was bullied. I later watched some of her Interview records that she once acted as a victim of school bullying on the show and won everyone's sympathy! "

Huang Xiaotao suddenly realized: "I see, the bullying incident did not happen to Lin Xiaolan, but another person, Lin Xiaolan was a bystander. She put these tragic experiences on herself and used it to beat her position and become a hit. Beauty writer. "

I interfaced: "The murderer seems to hate her even more, so she chose to kill her in this way and let her taste the bullying!"

I said goodbye, Huang Xiaotao asked, "Are your footprints wrong?"

I shook my head: "He won't leave his footprints, and I didn't bring a post-mortem umbrella!"

Because the murder scene here, the technical team will come over and scan again, so I will not burn the paper money, I will burn it when I return to the bureau.

After going out, the police found a witness. The passerby said that he had just seen a car parked nearby, and a man and a woman came down from the top. The woman was very beautiful, and the two went to school. He thought it was a dating couple who didn't care too much.

Huang Xiaotao asked, "What does a man look like?"

The passerby recalled for a long time: "It's ordinary, the public face, I can't remember."

It wasn't just that he couldn't remember, I couldn't remember, the imitator just talked to me face to face, and now told me to recall that face, and I couldn't say it. He has a very, very ordinary face, so ordinary that he can forget it when he turns around.

I asked, "They came in side by side?"

The passerby answered, "Yes!"

Huang Xiaotao then asked, "What about that car?"

A passerby shook his head: "I didn't notice this."

The car should be driven away by an impersonator disguised as a police officer. Huang Xiaotao asked someone to look for the nearby surveillance. As a result, there were surveillances at the end of the street.

The license plate number was photographed, and after being restored by technical means, it was a deck.

This person is just like a ghost. He can always find blind spots in the middle of surveillance cameras throughout the city. No shadow, no trace, even I admire!

On the way back, I have been turning over a novel previously published by Lin Xiaolan. Huang Xiaotao asked, "Why are you still reading these?"

I said, "I'm watching the release date!"

I noticed that the award-winning novel about school bullying was published the earliest. Since then, there have been some works on this subject, but they are not as amazing as that one. Later, Lin Xiaolan wrote a novel novel, "Broken Seventeen". I took a look at the introduction, which is basically the subject.

I think Lin Xiaolan was probably inadvertent at first, but did not expect the novel to be a fire. Later, for marketing, popularity, and image considerations, he put this experience that happened to others on himself and shaped himself into a tragic hero.

She did not intend to fool the world from the beginning, but step by step, she has become a 'liar' in the eyes of the murderer step by step under various factors!

Maybe she didn't realize how much harm she had done to the killer? So when the imitator found her and offered to meet her with the killer, she didn't refuse. Maybe she still had the idea of ​​"talk about it."

Unexpectedly, when I came to school, I saw only a mobile phone. The imitator suddenly started violence against her, and the person who was stolen by her watched the whole process.

After speaking, I said with emotion: "A person who lied a lie must continue to lie to round it, and in the end he couldn't even tell which was true and which was false!"

We passed by a downtown area, and I unconsciously looked out the window, thinking that everyone might be a copycat, of course, how could this guy be found so easily.

Huang Xiaotao sighed: "The clue was interrupted again, and this time it was the most thorough. The murderer killed all the people who wanted to be killed. We don't even know who he is. In this case ..."

I said, "No, we still have a clue. This clue may not even have been realized by the killer. You can take a look!"

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