Just as Perona was about to leave, the voice of the Warring States sounded again: “By the way, if you can become His Majesty Seven Wuhai.” At that time, the Navy Headquarters will hold a secret conferral ceremony for you, allowing you to directly become a vice admiral of the Navy Headquarters! ”

These words shocked Perona’s heart, if she can become the king of the Seven Wuhai with the support of the navy, can she also become a vice admiral of the navy headquarters by the way?

The sudden surprise was like a tornado that caught Perona off guard.

If you yourself have the rank of “Vice Admiral of the Navy headquarters” on the body.

Wouldn’t that mean… Never be afraid of being arrested in this life?

That’s no worries at all!

Such a good thing under the sky was encountered by yourself?

Perona suddenly felt really lucky.

As for a pirate who took refuge in the side of the Navy … Whether it will be spurned by her peers or something, Perona does not care about those gossip at all. If she were a person with a good face, she would not have listened to Rona and killed all the pirates on the terrifying three-masted sailing ship that were enough to be sentenced to death.

But soon she became distressed again, His Majesty the Seven Wuhai… It must be very competitive!

Although he is a Devil Fruit ability, he was once one of the three cadres of the terrifying three-masted sailing ship, commanded two zombie legions, and has certain leadership experience.

But in the first half of the Great Voyage, and even in the more dangerous new world.

Devil Fruit ability is basically the kind that grabs a handful.

There is nothing worth being rare at all.

There are also countless pirates with leadership experience.

There must be many pirates who want to get the vacant place of His Majesty’s Seven Wuhai in the World Government, because becoming His Majesty Seven Wuhai means that there is no need to be hunted down by the navy, and this specific area can be legally plundered!

Such a great thing… It means that as long as you become His Majesty the Seven Wuhai, you can eat a huge cake.

How to stand out smoothly among many competitors…

It is Perona’s biggest headache at the moment.

What is her own level like?

Will Perona be unclear?

She’s still a bit pressing!

“You can leave now, by the way… Before you go back to the Terror Three-Masted Galleon, remember to follow the vice admiral outside the door to the scientific research room of the Navy headquarters. Have them test your fruit abilities so they can give you useful enough fruit ability development advice. ”

Sengoku reminded Perona, and the fruit ability development suggested this thing… It was Rona that came out of the premise, and the headquarters of the Navy has been used to this day.

Because Rona feels that the development of fruit ability does not only depend on the so-called “brain hole” of the capable person

A certain amount of physics, chemistry and other knowledge is also a must.

What if not? Then you need someone to help you.

If the Devil Fruit Ability is on its own, the Fruit Ability is developed.

It may be like Nanilu on the empty island.

Or those who will be able to achieve magnetic fruits in the future.

These two belong to the slag who have no physical knowledge and rely on their own brain holes to develop fruit ability, and as a result, the fruit ability is developed like.

Magnetoelectric, electromagnetic, such a simple principle, these two people will not use.

Rona’s suggestion makes up for this deficiency of the able.

So much so that those Devil Fruit Capable people in the headquarters of the Navy.

Especially those with superhuman and natural abilities.

Fruit development is unprecedentedly powerful.

Perona nodded slightly, indicating that after she understood, she slowly floated up again, and after opening the office door, Perona floated out.

Lieutenant General Motobu, who had been waiting outside the door for a long time, glanced at Perona in front of him.

He didn’t know why the Marshal of the Warring States wanted to meet a female pirate.

But the marshal definitely had his plans and schemes.

He said expressionlessly: “Next, I will take you to the scientific research department of the Navy headquarters, which is a little away from here, please don’t be anxious.” ”

Perona didn’t care about the thoughts of this vice admiral of the navy headquarters, and at this time she had been pondering what Sengoku said.

Why did the Warring States support himself to become one of the members of His Majesty’s Seven Wuhai?

Why did he really become a seven-armed sea if his luck broke out.

The Warring Congress promised itself the rank of vice admiral?

Perona’s eyebrows couldn’t help but frown slightly, and she felt that the sea headquarters seemed to be planning something.

Wait a minute! If a pirate, it is ostensibly His Majesty the Seven Wuhai.

In fact, the headquarters vice admiral of the headquarters of the Navy.

And the words of allegiance to the headquarters of the Navy …

Perona’s eyes widened suddenly.

Can’t help but gasp.

The headquarters of the Navy turned out to be under the King of Seven Wuhai! Or rather… The Navy Headquarters wants His Majesty the Seven Wuhai to become all the people of the Navy Headquarters! Hiss…… How bold and skillful is this to be able to make such a decision?

His Majesty’s Seven Martial Seas were approved by the World Government, right? Isn’t the headquarters of the Navy a department of the world government?

So why should the Navy headquarters elevate the Seven Wuhai under the king?

What exactly happened between the headquarters of the Navy and the world government?

Perona suddenly felt like she had caught a blind spot.

But she did not dare to ask the Marshal of the Warring States questions.

Never mind…… Let it be!

The vice admiral of the navy headquarters who led the way for Perona glanced at Perona, whose expression had been changing, and wondered in his heart why this female pirate had such a rich expression.

However, he was too lazy to ask, and led the way calmly, but at this moment.

The footsteps of this lieutenant general of this headquarters suddenly stopped… His calm face showed surprise.

He hurriedly straightened his waist, gave a military salute to the front, and respectfully said, “General Bai Ze!” Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit! ”

I saw that Rona, Nami, and Peach Rabbit had already come out of the canteen of the Navy headquarters at some point, and happened to run into this vice admiral and Perona.

The distance between the two sides is only five or six meters, and both sides can see each other.

Although Peach Rabbit is also a lieutenant general, she has the title of “brigadier general”.

Identity, status, fame… are much higher than the other lieutenant-generals.

That’s why this lieutenant general in the headquarters is so respectful. _

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