“I always feel a little unbelievable, you who reported your death five years ago have come back from the dead today, and just now I thought it was a young man who looked like you.”

Looking up and down at Rona in front of him, Kurokas, who was once the ship doctor of Roger’s Pirates and is now the caretaker of the Twin Cape Lighthouse, his weather-beaten old face was full of strange looks.

Kourokas and Rona are not acquainted with each other, and this is the first time the two have met.

But this does not prevent both parties from getting to know each other.

Rona knew Culokas because he had read the original One Piece.

Kourokas knew Rona because he was a general in the navy headquarters.

“You let the old man and I be a former pirate, give you a navy to sell medicine… Aren’t you afraid that the old man will poison the medicine? And looking at your face, it doesn’t seem to be a big deal. ”

Kulokas asked his question, leaving no trace of vigilance in his eyes.

Although he is old and retired, he used to be a pirate after all.

And this young man in front of him … Another famous admiral.

Even if Kulokas didn’t have a ghost in his heart, he was a little nervous.

“I didn’t take this medicine, and… You are just a former pirate, and I will not do anything about retired remnants like you. But if I find out that you are all retired and still helping the young people in the pirates, it will not be so good to talk to. ”

Rona spoke in a very flat tone, and there was no threatening hostility in his tone.

But it made Kulokas’s back cold, and cold sweat involuntarily overflowed.

When facing this young man, the feeling given to him … It was as if he had met the world’s strongest man, Whitebeard, on Roger’s ship.

This invisible sense of oppression gave Kulokas great pressure.

Reluctantly pulling out a smile, Kulokas handed a box of medicine in his hand to Rona and said: “This is a medicine for dizziness, and according to your description, the patient should just be hypoxic and cold, just for a while.” ”

“Thank you.” Rona nodded, took the medicine, and handed a few Baileys to Kourocas.

Before Culokas could react, Rona had disappeared.

Looking at the few Baileys in his hand, Kulokas’s face was a little emotional.

He seemed to have thought of something, and muttered to himself: “I don’t know what kind of waves the new world will make because of his return… Forget it, anyway, the old man I am in my seventies, and I have also withdrawn from the stage of history. ”

Kourokas shook his head, smiled wryly, and turned back inside the lighthouse.

He also does not know what kind of impact Rona’s “resurrection from the dead” will have on the pirates of the New World.

I don’t know if the existence of Rona will affect this era of sea thieves.

Maybe it will… Maybe not, this kind of thing, Kourokas can’t guess.

But here’s one thing he knows now.

The world is about to stir.

Who would have thought… In the headquarters of the navy, such a monster general appeared, and it was terrifying. Captain Roger didn’t expect it at the beginning, right?

It is said that five years ago, in the battle of the New World, two four emperors participated in it.

And besides that… There are also three sea pirates second only to the Four Emperors.

Such a lineup could not even kill Rona.

Kulokas raised a bold idea.

Maybe this young man

Stronger than Whitebeard ….



On Nami’s side, after swallowing two pills of the medicine handed by Rona, although her complexion did not improve much, her mental state seemed to be slightly better than before.

After all, this is just a medicine, not an elixir, and it cannot be effective in an instant.

“Your physique is a bit weak… If you go to the new world like this, I am afraid that the aftermath of a battle may kill you little guy. ”

Rona pondered for a moment, touched his smooth chin, looked at Nami in front of him, and made a suggestion: “Do you want to become stronger?” Girlish? ”

“…… Get stronger? “Nami is stunned, do you have to train to become stronger as a navigator?

Rona nodded and said, “The Great Voyage is more dangerous than you think, and if your physique is not raised, it is very likely to die.” ”

“Isn’t your dream to draw the most complete nautical chart in the world? I can take you around the whole sea, but the question is… Your strength must keep up. ”

His suggestion was also unreasonable, Nami now went to a few kilometers in the air and became half-dead.

If she encounters the extreme climate of the New World, I am afraid that she can be killed casually.

If Nami doesn’t raise her physique, I’m afraid she won’t last long in the new world.

Nami, on the other hand, bit her lower lip, nodded resolutely, and replied, “I want to become stronger!” ”

Drawing the world’s most complete nautical chart was just one of her dreams.

Her other dream was to become a navigator of Rhône’s benefactor.

And he definitely can’t hold back his benefactor.

If that’s the case….

It’s not impossible to get stronger.

The question is…

Can I become stronger?

It seems that “powerful” is not something that can be possessed as long as you “want”, right?

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