It is now called "Anastasia Don Rodrigo" and so on, but until six years ago, she was just "Ana".

The daughter of a peasant who grew up in a border village in a frontier country that was dropped into the country of Luden.

No, "Border Village" was still a way to call it a costume, and Ana's hometown was, to be precise, a prison camp.

Those who lacked the means to be executed or imprisoned were ordered to cultivate land in the name of redemption, and were driven to a desolate cold village. It is the village from which it originated.

The village was always full of hungry children, because the people were poor, and because they were poor, they wanted labor to give birth to children.

It is not permissible to leave the village because of a lowly place of exile.

Just a child who worked from morning to evening and slept with her siblings in the mud - Anna was one of those common girls.

The direction of the wind changed six years ago.

The noble Marquis de Rodrigo came to bless Ana's village.

In a village where heavy snow prevented crops from growing, and an epidemic of infectious diseases made him semi-destructed, he came to such a place and spared no effort to share bread.

However, as the eldest daughter of a large family, Anna, who desperately looked after her brothers and sisters at the age of ten, appeared a little too late.

So I threw up and threw up, "What are you doing here now, hypocrite?" But what a nod Rodrigo nodded gently.

"You poison because you're hungry. I get irritated because my heart is dry. You needed bread and clean water."


Anna was surprised when she stared at a man who didn't even hit him.

And he gave Anna a round of white flowers that were blooming in the rough earth.

"You've been desperately protecting your family. I'll praise it."

A bell-shaped flower that closely resembles Suzuran "Suzuran" is a lovely but merely weedy species.

They were rather considered troublemakers in the village because they had roots in lean soil and sucked nutrients all the way to the end.

But the first time I tried to get close to the tip of my nose, there was a gentle fragrance that made my mind feel calmer.

It was the first time I was born to taste the smell of flowers.

A gentle, noble man.

At that time, it was the Marquis who was already in the early years, but in the eyes of young Anna, it appeared as unwavering as the adults of the village who had seen it before.

Rodrigo liked Anna, who was smart and fearless.

How dare you welcome Anna to your adopted daughter and take her out to the king's capital of Espiana.

If you open the lid, there were many other children under Rodrigo's protection in the same way, and Anna was only one of several adopted children, but it was thanks to Rodrigo that we were able to escape the village.

Anna was deeply grateful to the Holy Marquis for saving herself from poverty.

Speaking of greed, I wanted to bring all my brothers and sisters, and the Marquis' "brother-in-law and sister-in-law" was annoying, but it was still thanks to him that I could sleep full.

In addition to the general education, the education received as an adoptive daughter includes the preference for being a noble prostitute, and ultimately even the full-fledged martial arts.

Even though some of the "synchronization" that she adopted sounded too harsh for instruction, Anna even hit it.

I thought it would be interesting to learn purely - because I wanted to be useful to Rodrigo, whom my father and I both admire.

The former Marquis of St. Marquis, who was even royalty, but with so many political enemies, his pride in being able to support him aroused Anna.

As a result, Anna grew talented in every way while she was watching and was greatly surprised by the surroundings, including Rodrigo, who said, "Good to get out of the border."

That's why Anna didn't doubt that she could do it even before her mission to assassinate King Rouden.

Though it is not the honor of origin, the skills and guts that have been forged are origami.

There's nothing I can't do.

(In fact, an adaptive person like me must have been quite right about this.)

Now Anna looks at the sight in front of her and thinks like that.

A strange maid pushed her into the room with her children for a few moments.

The person named Elma thought she had left the room once, and then brought her luggage and crib into Anna's room, so she was fully prepared to live with her.

Anyway, while participating in the selection meeting as a candidate, she decided to immerse herself in the queen's education as Anna's maid.

"... aren't you an ant, like that?"

The rules do not specifically prohibit it. I have also obtained permission from the maid in chief... Don't worry, Ana-sama. "

If I try to penetrate it with my half-eye, I get a reply like that.

I thought it was simply because such a situation had not been envisaged, but Anna swallowed the objection under her throat.

Incidentally, the designation seems to have settled down with "Anna-sama".

(Hmm, that's fine. Though I don't know the truth, he's going to set me up from over there. Why don't you pretend to be stupid and try riding?)

I have no choice but to accept Elma's invitation.

At best, shake your tail until you're ready.

(Here, ex-poor. I have a reputation for doing so)

The beautiful girl in front of her - who now wears glasses again and can't see - is an exceptional fighter, but she was born noble to see her sophisticated waist.

Maybe it's a hidden species that was raised in secret.

Either way, nobility.

They are haters who have been devouring blood taxes as much as they can from their own country and doing their best in luxury.

(I have sent you a life of biting the grassroots and getting hungry, and a day of training while spitting out blood. In contrast, there is no Queen's education by a Luden lady.)

As a matter of fact, I have learned all my education and craftsmanship, but I am not familiar with King Rouden.

It would be useful to hear his preferences and so on.

"Now that Baltan's milk has been completed and you are in a good mood and the world is at peace, I would like to start the selection process quickly. According to past information, the first challenge of each selection meeting seems to be the performance of artistic work by the candidates."

And then Elma stood up and turned back to Anna.

Looking down from top to bottom, she nodded lightly.

Ana-san seems to be very good at dancing. It has supple muscles. It seems to have a sense of rhythm. "

"... can you tell just by looking at it?"


Though I wonder how you know such a thing, I don't feel sorry for being praised.

Espiana prides itself on the step of gaining motivation with the remorse of being laughed at by the lowly people.


But the God of Art says he lives in detail. To achieve the perfect expression, make a small correction to your body's balance. First of all, could you shift your heart slightly to the right?

─...... Huh?

Following Elma's words, Anna inadvertently became rigid.

Shift your heart?

With a plain expression, Elma added words to follow.

"Ah, if it's going to be difficult, you'll just have to get rid of the twisting of your colon about thirteen degrees, counterclockwise..."

No, what are you talking about!?

When she screamed unexpectedly, Elma was as neat as she could see through her glasses.

Whatever they say... It's a normal dance instruction..... "

Then she said, "Well, was there a difference between genres? That's a mistake..." he whispered, turning his arms around and shoulders.

The daytime sunlight from the window shines through your glasses.

Then Elma combined her slender palms and applied her strength lightly.

--Gokyu......, gokyu!

There was a sound that was not suitable for the human body.


The selection meeting is in two days. You will definitely need to master the art of excellence and despise me as "normal".... I'm going to be tough, Ana-sama. "


Playfulness is for sale, Anna.

No matter how hard she trained, she didn't leak a single weak voice.

--Gogi! Gogugugugugugugugugugugugugugu...!

"Ta... ah, help me, Master Rodrigo! Aahhh!

On this day, in the corner of the hotel, such strange noises and screams echoed.

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