"The finest dried seaweed from the Eastern Continent for baltan tooth consolidation."

At first, it is as hard as a plate, but if you keep chewing, it will be soft and the taste will spread.

Fluent Espiana, somehow proudly explained, but I don't want to hear that.

Anastasia, a girl who was stopped from harming herself with kelp, sat there stunned with a giant kelp sticking out of her mouth.

Ahahah... hahaha......

Let's keep the kelp away from your mouth for now. When talking to people, don't put food in your mouth. It's Shaba's common sense.

I don't know how to react to someone who says such a thing while pushing myself in.

Along with the rigid Anastasia, Elma gently knelt down and put the removed kelp in a bag and said, "Here's to the snack", smiling gently.

"We sincerely apologize for the delay in greeting you. My name is Elma. I work as a maid at this castle, but I was ordered to participate as a candidate at the selection meeting."

"Eh... ah..."

But there are circumstances that I have to lose in the final selection. I really need your help to do this. "


Anastasia sandwiches only one syllable in a talk like running water on a standing plate.

Elma barely took off her glasses and took the hands of a small girl and stared at her from a close range.

"Beauty is good, language is good. Physical strength, guts, flexibility, and more aggressive behavioral tendencies. There is no more queen qualified woman in this hotel than you. I will give you my full support, so please be sure to win the Queen's Selection Board."

"No, the queen's aptitude... What are you talking about...?"

Even though the identity of the assassin should be known, Anna murmured in a plain tone to the other person who was not comfortable talking.

Hearing that, Elma stepped out more and more.

Are you concerned that your assassination plan will be hindered? Then rest assured. The more you progress through the Selection Board, the more contacts you will have with Your Majesty. In other words, if you become a queen, Your Majesty will have all-you-can-go access to Always, your neighbor on Avliday. It's only a delicious situation for you. Are you not motivated?

No, it's crazy to make a criminal a queen candidate! What kind of nerve are you?

I was overwhelmed and Anastasia was half-girled.

But Elma just tilted her neck.

It's a normal nerve... My mother said it wasn't a crime if she didn't find out, and you weren't a criminal yet, were you? What's the problem?

In mysterious theory, Anastasia is utterly stunned.

"Elma, what are you talking about...?

Irene, who doesn't understand the speech of Espiana, asks half-eyed.

"I'm just trying to understand by telling the humble Anastasia that you don't deserve a queen."

Elma blurred in the sky.

I'm not lying.

"Don't fool me. She's an assassin from another country, isn't she? That girl..."

"Dear Anastasia, May I ask, are you an assassin?

Elma interrupted Irene, who tried to move things forward in common sense, asking Anastasia, in Lutheran.

What? That's why I've been...

"If that were the case, I would be prepared to inflict severe torture without tolerating self-harm as one of those devoted to His Majesty... but still an assassin?

I said "all - you - can - aim for Felix" earlier, and I said that without any bad news.

But in fact, it's a little bit of a splash from the girl in front of you. Understanding one end of it made Anastasia tremble.

There is no gap anywhere. And I don't know what to do.

There's no way we can be enemies.


Elma, who overwhelmed the opponent with one gaze, carved a beautiful smile into the world in the name of [arrogance].

"A powerless woman who can seal her movements with a single kelp - no wonder she's an assassin carrying the fate of her country?

I hear something dry.

I suppose that was the sound of Anastasia's nose pillar being summoned to heaven.


Irene saw an exotic girl with tearful eyes.

Ah, this is the one you can't hunt down anymore.

"Now, Anastasia-sama. You're not an assassin, are you?

"... uhh, uhh..."

"You are nodding yourself. There is no problem. Hey, Deborah?

"Yes! There's no problem with a single grain of wheat, Elmael!

It was a substantial trial in absentia by the incapacitated party and the full Jesuit.

Now, Elma lifts Anastasia's jaw.

Elma whispered to the person who was still stuck.

"I wonder what it is. You just take my hand and obey. That way everything will work out."

Smiling with a perfect face is like a goddess.

At the margins of the absolute predator, seeping from the tone of tone, Anastasia, prey, simply trembled and stared at the hand offered.

Impossible development.

You can't take this hand.

Yeah, but why?

Just looking at these slender white hands and dawn colored eyes makes you feel like you have to obey everything.

"---... uhh, fu..."

However, at that time, an unexpectedly high voice struck the same ear.

"Uhh, uhhhh, uhhhhh..."

It's Bardo.

When he woke up naturally at dawn, he noticed a strange ceiling, or a situation embraced by someone else, Irene, and burst into tears like a fire.


"Ba...! Baltan!

Elma's change was dramatic.

Until then, the smile that reminded me of the inclined whore in my mouth quickly faded.

I let go of Anastasia and quickly turned around and received the bald from Irene.

"I woke up! I can't believe it's six minutes and 32 seconds ahead of this week's average... Milk, perhaps? Yeah, what? Or was it cold?

While holding him with his left hand, he took out the childcare goods one after the other from the cloth bag with his right hand for dexterity.

Baby bottle, powdered milk, water bottle, diaper change, gauze, deodorizing bag, blanket, haori, hat, socks.

How the hell did you get into this little bag?

Seeing her crying all the time, she looked more and more anxious, and now she took the props out of her body.

"I'm bored...!? No, or are you scared because the air tastes different...!? Ahh, Baltan, why...!?

From the cuffs to the rags, from the chest to the stuffed toys, from the belt to the finger dolls, from the inside of the dress to the machines and violins with lots of buttons, baby aromas and small air purifiers.

"No, so you ignore the law of mass preservation too much!

"Ah, that violin is the inscription of the Velk Workshop, which is the only one in the world...! From what I've seen, all the other goods are first-class, that's Elmael-sama...!

Irene and Deborah cannot forbid thrilling excitement at this strange sight.

Only Anastasia, suddenly thrown out, was gloomy.


I'm afraid to talk, but Elma doesn't even look back.

"Come on, Baltan, put your heart in this healing music... will you listen to me...!? Implicit!? If you make a suggestion, you'll stop crying quickly!?

Wherever I went, I almost panicked.


"Stimulate Tanda with an Ayurveda massage... or hunt Hypnotic Demon Beast" Hunops "sooner...? Or [greedy] oniisama's organic anesthesia...? Well, what do I do...?"

Hey, hey...

"Poor thing, you're crying like this....! Wouldn't that hurt your lovely and delicate throat! Baltan! How can you stop crying!?

At the end, he took massage oil, hunting axes, and syringes from somewhere, and Elma took them away from her brother with her helplessness.


Listen to people!

And there, finally, Anastasia with the thread of tension roughs up her voice.

She stood up and grabbed the bald brutally as she approached Elma.

"Ah, what..."

"Hey, kid. Can you stop crying because I can't talk?! I need to talk to an adult."

Hold it with your familiar hands and get close to your face.

Chewy Baaa

"Ugaaaaahhh... uhh?

After turning from his glanced face and deciding on a brilliant strange face, Bardo pulled in his crying voice.

Looking up at the baby, she gave the glasses Elma had just taken off and placed on the floor, lookingly letting go.

Heere, play with this. You can break it.

Then, Bardo grabbed his glasses strangely - eventually, he would raise his voice and laugh.

Anastasia snorted,

The kid cries because the adult is in a hurry, and he climbs up because he's flattered. In such a case, it should be properly decorated!

As if nothing had happened, he pushed the crying bald against Elma.

"So, finally, I'm back to business. I know very well that I'm an enemy to you. Otherwise, I'll have to get hungry. That's why I have to..."

"Hold on"

But Elma's little trembling voice, which clasped Bardo, blocked the question.

I'd like to ask you the terms... Say "?

Are you an angel!?


Anastasia slightly raised her face to Elma, who screamed in Espiana.

You! Are you an angel of blessings who throws light at me and my childcare problems!?

What are you talking about with your face!?

"A strange face that boasts SS-class power that can stop tears in an instant... Instead of a few of the finest toys, this choice captures the interest of Baltan with incredible inorganic qualities such as glasses... The shape that guides Rin and Baltan without charm, without shaking, is exactly the ideal form of childcare that I have imagined...."

Elma moisturized her eyes as she was impressed, and then knelt on the spot.

Dear Anastasia...... No, with all due respect, can I call you Ana Onee-sama?

Absolutely not!

Anastasia shook away her right hand, which Elma stretched out trembling.

No, I tried to shake it off, but it grabbed me.


We sincerely apologize for your arrogant attitude. Word has it that I will force you to sit on the queen's throne. I will obey you wholeheartedly, Fu Kazu

Elma looked up at Anastasia with her eyes sparkling, holding Bardo in her other hand.

In that case, I will do everything in my power to ensure that you become a queen!

Nothing has changed as a result!?

A screaming anastasian clatter echoes.


Irene, who was watching a series of exchanges, murmured.

"I don't speak Espiana very well, but... it's better to understand that she's a poor Elma victim than a dangerous assassin..."

"What are you saying? He's the luckiest man in the world to be given a miracle."

Deborah answers softly.

In the meantime, Anastasia Don Rodrigo thought it would be okay not to take too much risk.

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