Deborah and Irene offered to escort him, Bardo while he was asleep, and Elma.

Felix's private room, which the four of us visited, was buried in the same paperwork as it was six months ago.

"Hey, Elma. How are you? I'm sorry about the evening, but I had to ask you today because it was a bad case."

And Felix himself waved his hands off the sofa without a hitch as he threw his foot into the pile of papers, and it hasn't changed at all since six months ago.

It looks like we just broke up yesterday until we talked.

Irene and Deborah appeared together because they had already shaken their jobs, "Hey, you guys here too?" He noticed Bardo and blinked his eyes.

"Oh, you must be Bardo. Hey, Bardo, do you remember me?

Felix stood up and stared into his face.

When Baldo saw that he did not speak fifty languages or wake up a cow or a beautiful infant of the world as he had imagined, he leaned his neck.

Hmm, you seem surprisingly normal.

"Yes, it is a miracle that heaven has given to the earth, even though it has an overwhelming so-called" normal "experience in the past year."

You mean, there's a face?

"Yes, it looks like it makes you feel universal. It means the face of truth."

"Besides, you're just sleeping. I thought Elma's brother was already walking, running and flying."

"Exactly. Is it a mountain that is immobile? I can't help but notice the insignificant events of the world of snobbery, and I'm paralyzed by the size of the vessel."

Elma is dynamically turning into a positive and acting stupid sister even though she's been throwing up a lot of rumors.

Felix seems to have lost interest early.

Without treatment, he raised his hands and said, "With," he turned to Elma, mostly.

"It's impolite, but could you be pregnant now? You don't, do you?

"What about it?"

Elma opens her eyes to a sudden question.

At the same time, Irene and Deborah, who had been holding back behind them, changed their complexion simultaneously due to their rudeness.

"What a sudden question, Your Majesty!

"How rude, Your Majesty!

But Felix just laughed loosely, "I'm sorry," not at all.

"I mean, I really have to check it out. Anyway, this job..."


- Bang!

It was at that moment that the heavy door was opened violently.

"What the hell is this!

Breathlessly, Lucas, a tough young man with rich black hair and blue eyes with sweetness, stepped in.

He wore unusual, formal knight clothes and even a black cape.

Did you just rush there? There is still powdered snow on the shoulder.

The gloves that were still fitted firmly gripped the sealed letter.

"If it's a joke, the nature of [us] is bad enough... Elma!

And he, who was roughing up his voice, grabbed Elma's figure.

I wondered if he would be happy with the reunion for a long time, but with a sharp expression, he approached and peered into Elma's jaw.

"You came back knowing the mission!?

"No, Your Highness, the distance is a little... Specifically, it would be very difficult for you to stay away without crushing the baltan."

"I'm asking if you know the mission!

"I'm just about to find out."

With so much sword, Elma unexpectedly re-holds Bardo.

When Lucas exhaled relieved, he finally dropped his gaze on Bardo and relaxed his expression slightly.

"Bardo, is that you? It has grown. You look just like your father."

As soon as I stroked my hair, I turned to Felix.

Then she stared sharply at her half-brother again, hiding Elma on her back.

"Again, it's too bad for a joke. If you just wanted to call me back early, you don't have to fish like this, just tell me to go home quickly. In the first place, please don't let me go too far today."

"It's true I wanted to surprise you, but what I wrote in the letter is, unfortunately, not a joke."

"What do you mean?

I can finally get some respect from Lucas's tone.

Felix pulled up the edge of his mouth like a full cat.

"I mean it. I, Felix von Rudendorf, order you, Elma, to stand as a candidate for the Queen's Selection Board."

The mild declaration froze everyone but Elma.

The only Elma who received Felix's oddly good wink pulled her chin to avoid it.

"...... am I at Your Majesty's Queen's Selection Board?

"What a disgusting reaction. Hopefully, the queen of the great powers, let's get even more tense."

"Unfortunately, neither power nor your wife's seat is at all distracting."

With a light salt response, the face gently strokes down the chest.

Lucas, who returned to me, finally regained his usual ironic smile.

"As you can see, Elma doesn't seem to be getting along at all. To be a queen candidate, you must have the nobility to look after you and your own will. In Elma, which is neither, it's impossible to be a candidate."

"That's mean. I really wanted to make sure I had the best heirloom, so you don't have to imitate it like you put water in it."

Felix slightly choked and smiled. As always, it was a fox smile.

"I didn't mean to leave any blood behind, but you told me to keep the king. Well then, you'd better have enough blood to overwrite my blood."

The voice seeps with a slight, sincere color.

But before the surroundings noticed it, he returned to his usual delayed tone.

"You can execute it right away with Elma, but it feels a little bit like it mixes with the blood of the demons. I was wondering if I should look at the other candidates. That's where the selection board is. Luck at intellectual strength, then beauty. Take any of them and let Picky Elma participate, and the level jumps all at once. It is also a good reason to cut the feet of a miscellaneous fish lady. So I can focus on choosing the highest quality queen."

"... as the King's idea, I can understand certain things. However, this task should not be ordered in disregard of the will of the individual. Before the king, as a man."

"Is it just a question of your will? Then it's easy to talk."

Felix smiled at Elma to seal off Lucas, who objected in a low voice.

"Hey, Elma."

"For the record, I am no longer the one who can easily ride you."

"Yeah, that's right. By the way, your brother is so cute, he seems smart, he's grown well, and he's the most wonderful baby in the world."

It's like the palm of a painting.

Elma, who had already learnt the spirituality of Shaba, struggled to repel it.

"... well, even if you say such a fact, it's not like you're deceived at all, but, well, it's an unforgettable fact, isn't it, Baltang? Wow."

I failed lightly and showed a brilliant upright posture.

"I can't, she's the world's worst sister...!

"But Elmael-sama is also lovely...!

As Irene and Deborah secretly commented, Elma became entangled in Felix's tale.

"You're such a cute little brother. As a person with a brother, I know exactly how you feel about making everything come true. You actually think so, don't you?

"Let's do that. When I look at Baltan's face, I want to do anything for him."

"I know, I know. It's going to get a lot passed on. You want to remove all obstacles and give them all happiness."

"Yes, exactly as I said....!

Bardo was brought in, and Elma got caught up in the story.

When she made her face shine and hit her gavel, Felix darkened her expression.

"But... I'm really sorry. At the moment, he's definitely missing something."


Elma took a breath like she was frightened.

King Rouden, nicknamed Fox, hid and told him low by gently lowering his clever eyes.

"It's a family register. Above all, it is necessary to live a" normal "life in society. But your sisters and brothers, who were born in prison, don't have it."


Elma staggered as if she had been struck by lightning.

It was Lucas who understood Felix's intentions and said, "Calm down."

"Don't be fooled, Elma. Even if you don't have a family register, you can work like this with my cleverness. Moreover, Walzer's medical environment is better than that of King's City. Even if you don't have a family register, don't you have any problems with your job or checking up?

"That's right... What do you do when Baltan grows love and marries someone one day? When you have a child? Baltan will be the husband of the inner circle... and you won't be able to have a formal parent-child relationship with your child?

"You can use your good scam or brainwash to counterfeit it it already!

"No, I can't believe you gave Baltan something!

It is no longer a strange thing for a knight to devise, and for a sinner's daughter to devise a way.

There, Felix threw extra fuel with a loud voice.

"Recently, I set up a knighthood of honor."

Point your cheek stick at the sofa rail and flick your other hand into the air.

It was a smooth movement like a spider in front of a prey somewhere.

"A one-generation title for those who have greatly contributed to the nation. Nevertheless, if you make a contribution from here, it is possible for you to become a Count, and if you become a Count, you will be recognized as a heretic. You mean you're one of the nobles. Incidentally, if you are awarded a title, you will automatically be awarded a family register. Officially (...)."


"Yes, with a knighthood, you can go to the castle and socialize. Conversely, we can return to the civilian population. That means you won't get your back finger pointing at anyone, from royalty on top to civilians on the bottom."


Elma shuts up.

"If you show up at this screening, and you're right, if you stay until the final screening, I promise you an honorary knighthood. You don't have to be a queen. I just want you to be the best horse shooter."

"... but..."

"Now I'm going to give Bardo a special title in a set. Plus, give me your last name."

"I'll do it."

The three men watching the exchange shouted at Elma, who answered immediately.

"Stupid Elma! You shouldn't have the dexterity to get out in the finalists!

"I can see the future of inadvertently becoming queen!

"Elma, do you really know how serious this is!?

When I reached Lucas, I grabbed Elma's arm with a sharp face.

He shouted in a low voice, as if he were crawling with a sturdy beauty.

"At a selection meeting held in Luden in the past, some kings used the 'pillow question' before the final selection....!?

This means that even if you don't become a queen, you risk losing your purity.

As a knight, he was quite straightforward in pointing out such a crisis, but Elma's reaction was faint.

"Pillow question. Through the book, but I understand the definition. But it is unlikely that such a thing will happen between me and His Majesty."

Er, is it trustworthy, or on the contrary, is it subtle that it's not in sight?

Lucas roughened his voice as he approached Felix in a protracted tone.

"You don't know anything!

The air in the room shook in anger.

"You're the prettiest girl I've ever seen! Why come so casually to such a malicious event that you are officially handcuffed without a sense of power!? It's too defenseless and defenseless for human desire and inferiority!

Elma looked scared, but when she held the bard back in her arms, she opened her mouth.

"Um, I'm afraid you're worried, but this is just a mission. In other words, it's just a form of queen candidate, and in case that happens, I have some martial arts knowledge....."

"Alcohol and medicine, there are many ways to do it. Don't underestimate a man's lust. And this is a matter of honor before that--"

"And His Highness?

Elma gazed strangely at Lucas, who tried to keep looking harsh.

"Your Highness also has such a 'man's desire not to underestimate'?

For this, the people around him who were watching the exchange rang louder than Lucas himself.

"Eh, Elma, that's the hardest to answer...."

"It's an unconscious critical hit...."

Irene and Deborah, who were supposed to be fighting each other, had cold sweats in their hands sometime.

Before Lucas answered anything, Elma stepped out.

"That shouldn't be the case. Even if you are called a fully automatic takeout, you will always be honest with me. I wonder if His Highness is a little too worried."

Elma was serious.

"I'm sure I'll do my job well again this time. I want to do it. Previously, it was to do the task from my mother, but now it's for what I want. I will definitely take the knighthood."

"That's enough."

But the heat valve was blocked by a low voice.

"If you say so, you can do whatever you want."

It's like a snow-cooled voice flickering outside a window.

Lucas's blue eyes were as cold as ever.

"Um, Your Highness...."

Remove your gaze from the confused Elma and turn your ankle back.

Then the cutlets and boots rang and turned back to the door.

"Brother-in-law. This is a direct mission order to Elma, right? Then I don't know anything about this."


He leaves the room without listening or listening to a relaxed reply.

Elma, who was left behind, stood up with her brother in her arms without expression.

"Well, well, what should I do? This is the first time that His Highness and Elma have had a real fight...."

"Well... well, 'I'm sure you want me too, Gao! His Highness, who can't be attacked, is just a man until then."

Incidentally, Irene and Deborah seem to be divided in favor of the situation.

"If you think about it, it's good that Elmael-sama's rivalry decreases. It's no problem for me to finish here with the Emperor."

"You bastard! For the past six months, you've been so careful to throw away your colored man's title, you've written to Elma, and I don't know how you've been secretly defeated by the Great Sin Seven, so I can tell you that!

Irene, who knows the circumstances behind six months, is a lot closer to Lucas.

Even today, Felix ran away in a hurry to get to know the situation. Elma only cared about her younger brother when she ran for the wife of another man for her brother, to name a few.

"What are you going to do, Elma...."

At the tip of her eyes staring with tears, Elma was still standing in silence.

Felix, who was looking at it, called out joyfully from the sofa.

"What do we do, Elma? It's not the first time I've had a big fight with Lucas. Actually, are you a little upset?

"... especially no"

The voice feels a little stiffer than usual, and my face feels strong.

No, or as usual?

Even Irene, who knows a lot about Elma, doesn't know if she's covered in glasses.

Irene, whose eyes were wide open, shook Bardo gently, as Elma did nothing, and looked up to heaven in despair.

Humans who fight with a favorite man will not normally give someone so much love.

"If you get a knighthood while avoiding the pillow question, I think we can get rid of your concerns."

The silent answers still do not appear to be even a shard of upset.

Instead of pushing up the bridge of the glasses, Elma clasped Bardo's cheeks.

"To get a 'normal' status - a princess candidate who is not far from winning. Let me do it."

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