Winter in Rouden is harsh.

The girl approached the window and gently pushed open the armoured door as she exhaled white breath into the dazzling early morning air.

Eyes narrowed to the brightness of the sky, beginning with white. When I shook my neck in the cold wind that came in, my rich black hair waved.

Well, what a beautiful garden.

In the huge garden before her, the girl shouts with admiration.

At the time of the year, sixteen, seven.

The accentless Luden-speaking voice was a lovely, modest smile, and she looked like such a poor girl.

She looks around the garden with her puppy-eyed brown eyes.

When the distant knight and the sentinel gazed at each other, they groaned and then turned away from the window with satisfaction.

The steps back to the bedside are light and seem to bounce.

However, she poked her cheek cane on the pulled knee, and the expression disappeared.

Yes, it's a big garden. I'm going to show you the power of Luden. "

Spinning is a foreign language with lotus leaves.

Its language, characterized by its rolling tongue, belonged to one of the countries of Rouden, the Espiana Country, located in the southwest.

That's the tone that people living in downtown talk about.

I can't believe the big Powers are going all the way to build a hotel for the Queen's Selection. It was a great pleasure for ordinary people from the exile to see the land of Luden from the fourth floor. "

Ironically distorting her mouth, she spread her hands and threw herself on the couch.

Yes, it is.

She is here to join the Queen of Rouden, who took office about two years ago.

She was enjoying the feeling of a fine bunk, lying on her back, but her tongue slapped like she noticed something.

"... no, I'm not a" common man ". I'm the Marquis de Saint now. Not Anastasia, Anastasia. Anastasia Don Rodrigo...."

Rodrigo, only when you spin her name does the girl - Anastasia's lips break happily.

When I took out the hair ornament on the desk by the bedside, I gently dropped my mouth as if it were a letter from my lover.

Cute design The hair ornament has white flowers that resemble Suzuran and a small bell.

The flowers were, of course, fake, made of shells, but processed to smell exactly the same as the real flowers, and the bell made a pleasant sound in the ear.

Master Rodrigo. I'll do my best. I will surely demonstrate the achievements of this decade since you took it back. "

Hazel brown eyes like a rich earth with waves of glossy black hair.

When you look at her now with healthy radiant skin and a lovely, well-dressed face, no one will notice her origins as a poor person in Cold Village.

Of course, the poison that lurked in the ring and the dark vessel that was planted everywhere in the body were also present.

She then stares down at her feet.

The feet lifted into space were wrapped in delicate shoes with glasswork.

Glass shoes and hair decorations.

Both are gifts from her adoptive father who saved her from poverty.

A wizard-like rodrigo who transformed himself from the tip of his nails to the top of his head. Every time I think about him, I feel motivated by the task that lies ahead.

How trivial it is to assassinate the king of the great Rouden compared to the favors I have received so far.

Anastasia lay still and narrowed her eyes towards the window earlier.

"A garden that is easy to get lost. There are twenty or more knights on guard. An iron fence in a thoroughly controlled passage. It's a beautiful cage....."

That's how you think.

Behind her appearance, she was calmly grasping the situation.

In the garden that I saw earlier, there are many skilled and beautiful knights.

Escape and killing will be easily prevented, and women lacking chastity will be sifted off there.

The room division is also very closely organized considering the identity and circumstances.

They're arranged to have thin candidates next to each other so they can't tie up or, on the contrary, pull each other's feet.

(A benevolent prince of foolishness and reputation, but blessed at least by a capable close associate)

Anastasia snorted and thought of the face of Felix.

Actually, she only met Felix once.

That said, they wouldn't even have put us in sight.

A few years ago, when he was still a prince, he came to visit his kingdom, Espiana, only to treat him as a maid of the Holy Marquis.

(Even though Rodrigo was waving his story frequently, he was a picturesque "Prince of All Fools" who laughed and answered all the rare things....)

Remembering the scene at the night club seat, Anna frowned.

Rodrigo was royal before Espiana was nationalized.

With the annexation of the country, he was deposed as a minister and drank considerable boiling water.

Nevertheless, without giving it away, the attitude of entertaining the prince of Rouden was a fine one, but Felix did not realize it, he simply responded out of tune.

Even though he is such a man, it is ridiculous to think that excellent women from all over the country are gathered in this hotel for his seat of queen.

Anastasia couldn't help laughing when she saw the candidates blurring their eyes with power and throwing a line of control at their rivals.

(If you're dealing with a man, I'll do it in your garden at best. I'm sorry, but my purpose isn't such a vulgar one. That's why, although I'm from a weak country, I've worked hard to train the queen with my life.)

Felix is the only king of the great country, Rouden, always under strict protection.

Anastasia specializes in the manipulation of poison, but it is difficult to get close enough to touch the skin.

The only place where that is possible is in the final selection. It is time to reward a woman who has fought well.

For a woman who has been appointed queen, the king himself hangs the necklace of the national treasure, and Anastasia is aiming for that position.

For this reason, the appearance, manners and cultivation have been polished with unparalleled efforts compared to girls of the same age.

Nevertheless, realistically speaking, regardless of the adopted daughter of the Holy Marquis, I also know that it is difficult for me to stand back from my own country.

Therefore, as for Anastasia, we were also aiming for "pillow questions" that can be targeted if the finalists are successful.

"Pillow inquiry", as its name suggests, is a ritual that confirms the compatibility of the body before marriage.

In light of world common sense, premarital negotiations that are considered immoral are also justified before the great importance of generating succession.

Originally from the diaspora, Anastasia, who may have a strong sense of chastity, regarded the "pillow question" that women hesitate to answer as a good opportunity for assassination.

(Does any hand matter? I won this selection meeting and approached the King anyway -)

Anastasia lifted the embellishment she was holding in the air and rang the bell.

"Kill the despicable thief, Felix von Rudendorff..."

Hazel Brown's eyes had a terrible light.

It was then that the heavy oak door was knocked.

"Excuse me. Is Anastasia Don Rodrigo in?"

"... yes"

Anastasia wakes up quickly and responds briefly in Lutheran.

The voice of a young woman.

From the polite tone, perhaps a maid.

But I don't know why I came to the room so early in the morning.

She unconsciously searched around her thighs, asking the door, "Who is it?", exposing the corresponding confusion, including acting.

Reconnaissance from other candidates. Or an assassin from Rouden who quickly realized who he was.

In the latter case, we must turn back so as not to raise the scream.

But Anastasia raised her eyebrows slightly as she stared at the person who was ahead of the open door.

"I'm sorry for the early morning. May I have a moment of your time?"

There stood an incredible maid who carried the backlight and shined only his glasses.


It is too shameful to be a maid of Rouden, the greatest glory on the continent.

I am not too willing to kill an assassin for an assassin who has come to kill him.

More than that,

"... why are you bringing a baby...?

"Don't worry about my love, Baltan. No, I understand the love that attracts my eyes violently, but I'm sure you can concentrate on talking to me as much as you can here."

The maid was somehow holding a baby about six months old.

"... um?

"I'm terribly sorry for the inconvenience, but I'll settle this conversation before Baltan wakes up next time. Finally, I'd like to ask you a straightforward question -"

The maid cleverly pushed up the bridge of the glasses while holding the baby.

"Would you be interested in the seat of Queen Rouden?

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