Felix snapped his arm out of the rope that was supposed to hold him tightly and shook his hand to the people. Soon afterwards, the thunderbolt sounded even louder.

Thus he leaned his neck in an innocent manner to his dazed half-brother.

"You know, you have a spare tank there. Now that you're so excited, why don't we" appraise "you? I wonder what happens then."


Elvin is undoubtedly Verner's natural child, so the holy water will not react and will remain transparent.

He was impatient to point out that, but he realized what it meant in this (...) situation, and increasingly lost his face.

"The people will be surprised. If I knew you weren't my grandfather's son. You have fallen from being a hero who repels a false king to a villain who tried to replace you with a king of truth. Congratulations."

"Chi... no... the holy water will change color if it's not your real child, and if it's your real child, it will remain transparent...!

"Are you stupid?

Felix scolded Elvin with a faint tone, spitting and arguing.

"White and black have already been replaced."

He narrows his eyes to remind him of a fox.

"Ah, not white and black, but transparent and red."

And, strangely, I made a correction.

"Nh... nh, nh...!

"Now, before the people who know you're not a real child start a riot, wrap your tail around and go home. The exit is that way!"

When Felix pointed to the back of the room in a prolonged tone, Telesia raised her eyebrows, who had also untied the rope.

"... you're not going to kill me?"

"Yeah, I... The Real King is merciful."

Speaking of being dumb, Felix smiled at Elvin.

"Be careful on the road."

Besides, I told her that I was satisfied to dispose of it just by not getting my hands dirty.

Elvin looked through Felix and Telesia, the aquarium and the people with a confused head - and then he slipped out of the balcony like a rabbit.

For I knew that if I stayed there, I would be "not a natural son" and dragged away from the people as a prince of evil who tried to plot against the country.

"Elvin! Please wait..."

"Damn it...! Shit, shit, shit!

Elvin runs and gets sick as he shakes off his confused closeness.

Why is that?

Why have you gone insane like this?

I am a hero, and Felix is a king of lies.

The truth is that justice is on your side.

Felix murmured again, "You're stupid, aren't you?"

"The truth is not true. It's an event that a large number of people believed."

"Or something powerful made you believe."

Telesia added slowly.

She sighed as she stroked the wrist bearing the marks of the rope.

"I can't believe how they (...) planned this... I'm scared of that prison."

"Really? I don't think there's such a pleasant" friend. "

Felix is as calm as ever.

Yes, it is.

Shortly after Hydemarie said "give back," the great sinners came together to launch a campaign to recapture Felix's throne.

First, I will use the great news of the Devil Awakening ritual to thoroughly attract the interest of the people to you.

The Elma girl in question was actually the daughter of the demon king, the mother was actually a former saint, and when Elma woke up as the demon king, the sea was so powerful that the new world could be broken, but she suppressed it with her fingers, gradually enlarged the scale of the story, and continued to spread rumors until it became an area of absurdity.

Indeed, when Elma was actually reborn from the Mother Earth and saw the creation of this continent three times, people began to return to me saying, "No, no, that's..."

People's interest in the demon kings dropped sharply, and the fact that Elma asked for blood from them was also exaggerated: "When I asked for blood transfusions for my difficult mother, it was passed along with her superhuman character. Though 10,000 blood was unnecessary, the person and surroundings were very grateful."

In the end, people gained distrust and vigilance towards mass information (the media), such as the "Felix False King case", which Elvin was going to throw away, saying that they were obsessed with various demon king topics, "You shouldn't believe the rumors very easily."

There it is, this "pseudo-king inquiry".

The former people would have been excited before the inquiry, throwing stones at the Felix who had come out to the balcony in captivity, but they were different from the ones who had been taunted by rumors to improve their information literacy.

That's what they thought.

I wonder if the information that Felix is a fake king is true.

So they stared at the Elvins on the balcony with distrust and suspicion.

But sadly, Elvin's valves are just emotional, and I'm not sure exactly how the sacred instruments will react to "positive."

No, in the first place, it was honest that there were too many people and I barely heard the explanation.

"In general, the design itself of 'If this discoloration occurs (...) it is not the birth child (...)' is intuitively unacceptable. I doubt the designer's taste, even though the results are positive, the conclusions are negative."

That's what Morgan said when he produced this group scam.

He switched hands behind Elvin's back to spontaneously "brighten up the response of the sacred instrument", while, on the other hand, pointing at the confusion around the people and imprinting it with "the color of the king", he switched lightly between white and black.

Five hundred people say fraud skills are effective face-to-face.

Morgan mourned his abilities so much, but on the contrary, he could deceive as many as 500 people near the balcony, for as long as it was properly prepared.

And if those 500 people change the truth at once, it is no longer difficult to overturn it.

By the way, it was thanks to Liesel's cooperation that things were so easily carried out.

He gave everyone a small amount of perfume in gratitude for his blood donation and used the subliminals in the thank you paper to reduce people's cognitive abilities and then guide them to the square.

In addition, Felix and the others were carefully prepared many times more than acting instruction and rope-breaking training - that is to say, Elvin's naive rebellion.

Incidentally, the prison side took the word from Felix that it would not exploit Elma in the future as a consideration.

They are great sinners in all directions, including that.

"When I think of those special training days, my face still feels strong... Son of a concubine, if you think you're a knight with all your beauty, push the sinners forward...."

I don't know what to hide, but against the life of Hydemarie, the great sinner leaned his neck and said, "Oh, but if I do that, I'll cut off the legitimate lineage of Luden."

"Fine, you've done it already."

It was Lucas who approved it.

"When my brother-in-law was abandoned, I forgave the throne, and I forgot to call Elvin king. You can stay on your brother-in-law."

That is why.

Since Felix's reign, Ruden has been steadily flourishing, and if he is able, he will not be particularly attentive to Ruden's pure blood.

Maybe it's because he's mixed with Rattrand's own blood.

"Well, if this comes to light later, you'll be the one who's the worst at covering up the truth. You know what I mean?

When Felix stunned and pointed out, Lucas put a smile on his tough face and looked at his half-brother and his surroundings, "What are you talking about?"

"If that doesn't happen, will your brother-in-law, Her Majesty the Queen, and the people in prison do their best?

It seemed like abandonment, but it was an attractive smile anyway.

After all, Hydemarie laughed so that he could play, and the other sinners smiled bitterly and shook their shoulders.

"It's called the Devil's Manners, this time... that guy's got a pretty good liver and he's good at getting people involved."

Remembering the exchange in prison, Telesia murmured.

The voice seeped with little remorse.

--But then... if I had relied on my surroundings, would my sister have been saved?

Telegia leaked the words, looking at the innumerable help offered to Elma.

If you believe more about your surroundings. We have to keep people away.

I have to hug him alone.

A fierce woman who has given birth to a child by herself, disposed of her sister's remains, and fought alone in the backyard since then, now has such thoughts.


Felix still denied it in a relaxed tone.

"He's just a sweet person to rely on right away." It's my brother, by nature. "

Felix stepped closer to Telesia, looking back with his eyes open, and lined up beside him.

"On the other hand, we want to hug ourselves. This is more like the ability of the eldest son and eldest daughter.

Then he looked down at the tingling crowd beneath the balcony and lifted the edge of his mouth slightly.

"- But that's the destiny of those at the top."


Telegia stared seriously at her "son".

A word of consolation is too temperatureless.

But there was certainly something lying there that they could only share.


Telegia will never call him Felix.

And he would never call Telesia "Mother."

Even though they know the past and know each other's feelings - no, because they know it, they do not exchange warm, "normal" parent-child love.

So Telesia spinned another word in the same tone that her mother told her child to love.

"Let's keep it safe."

This secret.

This sin.

This country.

Murmuring without gazing, Felix still responds in a prolonged manner.

Well, of course.

A careless conversation must be their "normal" distance.

No hugs, no smiles.

With their fists open for a minute, they keep looking in the same direction, and they raise their hands as they rinse.

In the presence of the majestic King and Queen Dowager, the audience cheered.

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