Outside the window, thunderstorms like heavy rain and screams continued.

Holst opened his mouth in a hurry before Clement on the traffic surface lit all the candlesticks in his room.

"So, Queen Dowager Sama. Can you tell me everything you know?

A holster that slaps your hands together with restless fingertips.

Surrounded by the great sinners, except Elma, Lucas, Irene, and Felix, Telesia.

The decorative room they were in, which represented rigidity, belonged to Gilbert.

However, the owner of the original room did not even leave his back on the wall and stared at the high-demark room across the door - the hallway.

After Telesia suddenly announced, the great sinners and Elma threw out tea parties and ceremonies, and immediately rushed to the high-demanding room.

So he took a breath.

Because the place that was supposed to be indoors was turned into a forest.

Moreover, the "forest" was changing dramatically in front of them.

The walls collapsed, and the vines that stretched out of the gap fell into branches, eventually into giant trees.

At the tip of the branch, the green sprouts, buds, and the thought of blooming flowers die.

While a tree travels through the Ring of Death and Regeneration, the seeds that fall from it bear fruit one after the other and spread out.

Occasionally flames burst out of the leaves that grew with great momentum, and eventually vanished.

Rain blows in from the walls torn by plants, temporarily eroding the floor with the intensity that reminds me of the sea, and pulling at random.

It was like the creation of heaven and earth depicted in a myth.

And the key high demarcation lies in the middle of the room, where there should have been a spacious sleeping area.

She was floating in the air, supported by a cradle knitted with cymbals, flowers and branches.

The face with closed eyes seems to suffer forever.

And what was remarkable was that her hair, which seemed to be hanging from the plants, was growing at a different momentum.

Hair that was supposed to reach the waist spills from the sky to the floor and still crawls on the floor of the plants.

Even the sinners are hardened to a scene that is impossible in reality.

That's right, no matter how "derailed" they were, they were also ordinary people who had nothing to do with the world of magic and sanctity.

Still returning to me, it was Elma, who had shared some of her mother's world as a daughter, and Holst, who recognized herself as a prison doctor, who rushed to Hydemarie.

Call, take a pulse, and look at your pupils.

Blood was taken and the whole body tested, but all they found out was that they couldn't understand it at all with normal medical technology-and they were in a state of high demeanor that they couldn't cope with.

"There is no problem with the fetus or the fetus, no numbers in the blood, no normal range, no viruses or bacteria. However, your heart rate is rising abnormally, and you have trouble breathing, sweating, and confusion. Above all, that abnormal physical growth. It's not worth it, but I don't really understand it with my knowledge."

Due to his strong desire, Holst left Elma beside Hydemarie and moved to Gilbert's room just across the street, scratching his hair in a frustrating manner.

They needed a place to calm down and argue.

"Besides, I think that the abnormal growth of plants in that room was obviously dragged by Marie. This is no longer a medical jurisdiction. It's a holy power or a magical realm. Isn't that right?"

You can say that voice is hateful.

Holy power and magic are areas that Holst has truncated with a word of "fantasy."

Horst could not forgive the suffering of his precious human being in front of him.

No, it's not just Horst.

Even the great sinners, who always had an atmosphere of elegance and obsolescence, stood in the room without even preparing a drink at this time.

Heidemary is the prison queen, their friend, their wife, their mother.

Everyone had a strong anxiety about the unstoppable crisis of women.

"... that's right."

Questioned Telegia nods in a low voice for a woman.

She answered with a tone of wisdom that keeps her eyes sharp on the sinners.

"I think it's too early to explain what happened to my sister to explain what happened to her."


Lucas and Irene glanced at some of the biggest sinners who were neglectful.

Bloody (Bloody) The origin of Telesia.

Even though she went up to the royal palace as a counselor for her sister, her loving and sacred powers were ignored, and she was sent to the convent as an invisible face.

But the truth of what Telesia told me was quite different from what they had imagined from the rumors.

"I don't know if you know, but I had a sister. It's called a crystal. My grandfather was of the saint's lineage, but she was the only one in the family whose blood worked and whose sanctity was so high. The more time it takes, the more you will be sent to the chalice as a candidate for the Virgin."

Now Rezel and Clement look at each other.

Telesia didn't realize it and kept talking.

"It is possible to enter the temple, and Christa, who was educated by the Virgin, grew up in a good, unknown daughter. She was totally dependent on my parents and sister. As a result, when the story of studying in Aurelia came up, she was afraid to go abroad alone and went up to the royal castle as a counselor because I was named queen."

But Telesia loved her good sister for her foolishness.

Knowing that it is overprotective, it is enough to give counsellors a title and put them aside, isolating them from malicious social circles.

But as a result, Christa didn't know the truth about the ugly royal castle, and Telesia caught a glimpse of a man playing with fire.

She has conceived a child of a man she doesn't know.

"So... is that why His Majesty Telesia sent her to the convent...?

As Lucas murmured, Telesia laughed bitterly, "How good would it have been if it had been?"

"Originally, I meant it. However, I thought I had to take care of the child until at least I gave birth and named the child. I was lucky enough to get pregnant at the same time, and my sisters pulled me into my parents' house."

Telegia did everything from the parents' persuasion to the clamping order to the renovation of the room.

Because I thought I was responsible for my sister's pregnancy.

A door that connects the sister's room so that she can respond immediately in the event of a crisis.

The pregnant woman was about each other.

"However, neither I nor my sister, who had no connection to the Holy Spirit, threw out the Virgin's education halfway through, lacked the key knowledge. --What happens when a woman with too much sacred power becomes pregnant?"

Horst raised his gaze as he approached the core.

"... that's the sacred excess?

"Oh, I didn't find any supporting literature, but I understand. The holy power that keeps overflowing will destroy the owner's body so that the past medicine becomes poisonous."

Telegia says it was just before her sister arrived on the moon.

Crystal's body began to see abnormalities.

"From time to time, it got worse. Fever, trouble breathing... when she said," It's about to burst from the inside. "So I thought it was one of the symptoms of pregnancy."

But it wasn't.

The symptoms gradually moved away from her body and affected her surroundings.

The sanctity of Christa was primarily to manipulate the water, but when she relaxed, she gradually lost control of it, overflowing the water in the cistern or lowering the frost in summer.

"I also thought it was because of pregnancy. They say they're sleepy, and they sleep a long time. I underestimated that the pregnancy of the sacred might be somewhat different from the others."

Telesia had a great deal of pressure to protect the child in her belly.

One day - the day the sky suddenly burst into tears.

Telegia opened the door of her sister's room to complain about her own abnormalities - where she saw an unusual sight that was not unusual.

"It was raining as if it were outdoors in Christa's room. The water swept on the floor and fell back to the wall. And at the center of it, Christa was cut. I stretched my hair and nails all over the room... and looked like an old woman."


Below Horst, we all breathe.

As Telesia swallowed the bitter past, she twisted her lips and held her fist.

"It was as if I had accelerated the time just in that room. I stood up for a while and watched the sight in horror, but eventually I realized that it was there. At that time, I had a needle wound on my fingertips, but when I touched the water drifting in the room, it seemed blocked. It's not just a small scratch. All the old wounds from sword practice and horse dropping. The room was filled with great sanctity. Focus on my sister's remains."

The sanctity is overflowing.

Telegia thought intuitively.

Holy power is the holy power that heals and nurtures organisms.

But what happens if you lose control and "heal and nurture" the owner indefinitely, without the time running out?

Hair and nails will keep growing.

Bones and meat are degraded and regenerated repeatedly so that the water of the old pond becomes rain and is reborn.

That means that aging will proceed at a frightening rate.

At last, the sacred power to violently "heal" becomes unbearable, and the worn body enters death. That's the sister in front of you.

It was then that Telesia finally understood why the Church did not order the Virgin to be pure - even though the Holy Spirit was inherited by blood.

"I don't know if the sacrament runs wild trying to raise a belly child, or if I keep attacking the fetus as a foreign object. But... the hypercalcemia and the pregnancy are definitely linked. This is my intuition and conclusion from my experience."

Telesia handled her sister's body shortly after her birth, suffering from her own blame for not realizing why.

It was for Christa that I spread the rumor that I didn't raise the funeral and sent it to the convent, hurting my face.

Because I didn't think anyone would want to see that old body.

When he heard that, Holst nodded "I see."

It doesn't matter to him what Telegia's remorse is or what happened 22 years ago.

However, I was seriously examining whether there was enough information to save his precious family.

"Indeed, the incident does not match Marie's current symptoms. Aging is also incomprehensible when it comes to damage to telomere due to abnormal cell division promotion.... but as a prisoner, the former prostitute's [sexuality (high demeanor)] is the owner of the sacred power of the Virgin...?

I promise you that.

And there, Liesel, who was listening in silence, opened her mouth.

"She was only five years old and a candidate for the Holy Grail thirty years ago. And I realized the corruption of the church, and I threw away my seat and became a whore."


Everyone except Gilbert opened their eyes.

Staying close to the wall - and being forced into it - Clemens raised his eyebrows twinkling at Riesel, who had spontaneously exposed his past, and Riesel snorted in response.

"What, it's not good to fall apart? I'll tell you what, the woman who betrayed me first - Hydemarie. I concealed a lot of cards and thought I'd finally show them, but I threw away all the cards. You're treading on people's kindness and worries."

The harsh tone seeps equally frustrated and impatient.

Who cares more than anyone?

It was also a lie that it was the pregnancy that made her look pale.

No, it's not a lie, but she was hiding it.

That you are finally standing in the abyss of death with one foot. She must have "known" this would happen.

"... don't be a jerk"

Rezel chewed his thumb and nail.

I knew that was the beauty of that whore's cowardice.

It's a kind of love, a kind of friendship.

She is like a noble cat hiding on death.

However, from the side where I was reaching out, what an angry behavior it was.

Strong anger echoed an aggressive smile and was directed towards the adjacent Gilbert.

"How do you know, Gil? You should have known. A woman who has been thinking for fifteen years, that she was a candidate for saint. That's why you followed Marie when she was trying to hide her pregnancy around you. Yes, ex-girlfriend, I can handle it."


"Are you satisfied with driving your beloved woman into the abyss of death?


Gilbert, who had been silent for a long time, roared suddenly as if the thread of restraint had broken.

"I heard about her past. But I didn't know this was gonna happen! I was repeatedly told that I was lying down for as long as I could because I wanted to avoid festivals in prison. Marie hid it from me...!

He buried his face in both hands and shouted out blood.

"If I don't tell you... to have a child...!

They took a quiet breath there.

If oversacrifice is caused by pregnancy, Gilbert is the one who can be pushed away most in this situation.

There is awkward silence in the room.

The great sinners, who were supposed to always be greedy, were shaking their emotions.

Until then, the queen's presence is immense.

"----but why didn't Elma have too much sanctity?

At that time, a low voice struck the same ear.

It was Lucas who spinned the question with a careful voice.

"If pregnancy causes excessive sacrament, it is strange that this happens when Elma is born. What was different from Elma's time? There may be something there that can be the thread for a solution."


Holst opened his eyes.

"... magic."

He lifted his calves and arms and crushed his hair unconsciously.

Magic. Elma's magic in her belly offset her excess sanctity.... the blood of the demon tribe, the enemy of God, eventually protected the Virgin Mary...!

"Elma's magic (...)...?"

Then, to Lucas, who made his face strong, Horst responded quickly.

"Oh, yeah. You guys realized it anyway, didn't you? Elma is the truth, the daughter of the Devil.... but she was also a Virgin's daughter."

Lucas and Irene are disturbed by the light revealed truth.

Impossible origin.

But at the same time - it's a fact that falls into too much of your heart.

Not only Gilbert and Riesel, who already knew about it, but also Morgan and Isaac nodded mysteriously.

You wouldn't be surprised.

Holst left behind the reaction and started walking around the room.

"Just hit the magic and shred your sanctity. But how? Dammit, if it's an organ that generates sacred power, perhaps we should pierce it with a magic sword, but does the sacred power match the physical structure... no, first we need to secure the magic. A powerful magic against such sacred powers....."

Sacred powers and magic are outside his jurisdiction.

But Holst was trying to force it into the realm of understanding with a clear mind.

"Why don't you use Elma there after all?

And there, a relaxed voice echoed.

Even Telegia's confession was heard like other HR members, Felix.

His green eyes, very similar to those of Telesia, were sparkling happily.

"After all, it was proven 15 years ago that Elma's magic could handle it. There's a magic generator right there, but you don't have to use it."

It's a statement that shows that you only see Elma as a token or a tool.

Below Horst, the great sinners narrowed their eyes enough to catch the glacial period with their eyes alone for a moment, but immediately remembered the current situation and restored their expressions.

"... Elma has a strong demonic nature because of her physical structure and abilities, but it's not magical. It is also obvious from the fact that the eyes are not red. [Anger [Gilbert]] has never shown any aversion to the kind of holy sword that comes and picks it up."

The attending physician (Holst), who has been watching Elma for many years, says in a low voice.

"Fifteen years ago, I was able to offset Marie's sanctity as a Virgin, probably because Elma was in her womb. Differentiated (...) Now I don't think I can save Marie with a faint magic that doesn't even react to the Holy Sword."

Well, why don't you wake her up?

Felix shrugged his shoulders more and more pleasantly and looked back at his half-brother.

"See, Lucas. Because you wrote the Aurelia report so well, I was curious. I checked it myself. Elma must have manipulated the earth and plants as a result of being given a poisonous and powerful drink by the Demons, which would be a strange medicine for the Holy Spirit Holders, right?

Lucas and Irene were dismayed by the information that had been brought to them too easily.

I meant to hide it without difficulty.

The person himself/herself was showing a faithful belief in the contents of the report, but when was the investigation going on?

When Felix saw the two faces, he deepened his smile, saying, "It's a hobby to sneak around."

"So, here it is. At that time, I was worried whether the Elma's power was a mutant magic that was resistant to alcohol or a sacred power, but now I know. The answer is both. Elma has magic and sanctity, and they usually sharpen each other. However, if you are placed in an environment that strengthens one side, the balance will lean towards you at once - that is, wake up. In Aurelia, perhaps she awakened her sanctity."

Now, Felix laughs innocently around like a curious child.

"I want to see Elma awaken her magic."

No, no, no.

The eyes seemed innocent, and the fruit, the light of cunning and ruthless intellect was floating.

He wants to see it.

The limit of how useful a token you have is.

"... it's a means worth considering. But I hate you so much, King Felix Sama."

Holst responds coolly to Felix's suggestion that no one should think of anyone.

"It's a strange encounter. I don't like looking at you either."

Felix didn't smile, but the air around him was more slaughtered.

"You must hate your clan."

Morgan summed it up lightly and turned to Holst.

"[Greed (Horst)]. Medicine is not my specialty, but magic and sanctity - in a fairy tale world, I am good at legacies and books. I mean, it's my job to manage the library in this prison. Find out how to use the Search feature to awaken Elma demonically."

Morgan is not interested in the truth of chemistry and physics, but he is always more interested in language and stories than in being a con artist.

The result is a prison library, a gathering of intellectuals that outweighs even the Royal Palace library in Rouden.

From that vast library, I was sure I'd find a way to wake up.

The unexpected light of hope boosts morale on the spot.

With the exception of Lucas, who offered to call Elma, they quickly started moving to the library.

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