Lucas raised one eyebrow cleverly and tilted his small neck.

"It's fashionable to fit inside a shell."

Light compliments.

But there's something seeping in there, like temper.

"Something..." Felix whispered surprisingly in a quiet space.

"The air has changed at once...?

"Yeah... Yes....! I saw it. I saw it too, the decisive moment when His Highness took it and turned into an attack at once....!

"Ah, aren't you attacking from the 'defense'?

As a courtesy, Felix entered the area, but Irene's ears did not try to pick it up.

Because I couldn't get my eyes off Lucas, who was making a noise and filling the distance with Rezel.

"Hmm... how long have you been seeing incense...!?

"Well, when do you think it started?

Lucas smiled slightly when Rezel was upset because the opponent he thought would be able to do it easily became obviously thin.

That's all, he just... he poked one hand at the table and, with his length, went into action to keep the person sitting in his arms.

"This is...! A tabletop with a wall dong applied....! From the physical composition, you're showing the other person that you're covering up!?

You're quite a deviser, aren't you?

Bringing Lucas to dominance all at once, Irene and Felix turned into fact tellers and commentators to sparkle their eyes.

Rezel walked around, and in the slightest gap, he approached his face and smiled.

"Even so, I've avoided the threat of forced women and poisoning for nearly 20 years. Aphrodisiacs and homosexual allusions are somewhat resistant. The trick is simple. Do not drink, kill breath, distract in front of someone who is getting closer than necessary."

So Lucas raises a small towel that is soaked in wine.

"I'm sorry, but this suspicious wine has been made to drink 'Cotton, Beyond'. That's water absorbent."

"What...!" King Smile "cannot come to mind unless you are a DS-type absolute attacker who has always kept his position on the left side of the multiplication. I can't believe the day will come when His Highness will activate it!

"The subtle incorporation of prison towels makes you feel a touch of blackness."

It's an unexpectedly breathtaking reality of the two of us.

"I can't believe it's so resistant to that incense...", Reese whispered, somehow smiling with distant eyes.

"Immunity to temptation has been well developed over the past year."

What persuasiveness.

Irene, who understood exactly what the word "a year" meant, unexpectedly grabbed her head.

Behind his head, Elma, who dyed her cheeks, and Lucas, who extended his right hand to her, sealed it with his left hand appeared and disappeared.

"Your Highness... What a harsh workout we had before we even realized...."

"That's going to make you stronger...."

That's even Felix's sympathetic voice.

But, of course, Lucas, who couldn't hear it, continued, "It's a shame," and suddenly lowered his hips to the chair.

"When you called me, it was true to relieve me. I can't believe you were only going to try me."


Suddenly the offensive slowed down and the unexpected content shook Liesel's eyes.

Then Lucas squeezed his shoulders in a reckless manner.

"I wanted to have a drink with a simple flavour, not a drugged wine. I wanted to know the true fragrance of you, not the hint."

Then he stepped out and peered into Riesel's face like a prank.

"Is that just selfish of me?

"I just entered my pocket! Aahhhhh! There's a huge gap in this wanker smile from the Absolute Attacker! I can't stand the slightly black spice again! Your Highness is a man with a bipolar smile....!

"The effect is on the surface. He seems to have been weak to his younger brother."

As Felix calmly explains, that seems to have been the decision.

Rezel blushed and flew away from his seat.

Looking at it, Lucas relaxes his shoulders a little.

At last, I feel relieved, rather than happy, by the victory that he alone won.

There's a problem.

"What do you think, Elma?"

Looking back at her proud expression, Lucas closed her mouth halfway as she watched Elma.



Elma tied her mouth with a difficult face.

"... that's right, Your Highness."

Slightly, it spins compliments.

However, his dawn eyes looked like they were scratched somewhere.

"Perfect response without shame to my unfamiliar sister"

After that, Lucas lost his complexion.

"It was because of that knighthood spirit that you whispered favors to me."


Apparently, Lucas, who showed the essence of femininity, was more distrustful than admired.

"I'm sorry I distracted you..."

Even telling Elma a favor from the bottom of his heart once was interpreted as saying, "I treated myself with care and favor that I am unfamiliar with."

"Hey... wait, wait, that's not it. Of course not...!?

"If you think about it, His Highness was kind enough to whisper sweet words like breathing... Please forgive me for my arrogance, which I mistook for being given a strong favor even though I was not deserving of it....."

Elma must be depressed.

Lucas faded even further, but, mercilessly, Holst pushed it further.

"Ugh, that sucks. Doesn't anybody care if he spreads a sweet word and realizes it hurts a girl who's new? Seriously, it's less than shit."


This should be the first grand victory Lucas has won on his own in this prison.

Why, things are getting so bad.

To wandering Lucas, Morgan sent a pitiful gaze, but relentlessly told him so.

"Congratulations, Lucas. You have shown admirably that you can withdraw the temptation of [jealousy (Liesel)]. --However, as a result, you may not even have had a" friend "status."

Breathe in cruel words.

Morgan lifted the cup of tea that had begun to cool and smiled.

"Next - [Greed (Holst)], let's grasp the opponent?

Horst, pointing his cheek stick at the cup, raised his face.

He smiled fiercely like a carnivore and told him low.

"... nice to meet you.

It was the announcement of Lucas' death.

"No way, you...!

Telesia blurred her voice.

The discomfort I've been holding.

Now I finally know who it is.

Beautifully tied up silver hair - it's longer than before.

From the time I first saw her at the dinner party, in this short period of time, the knitting became loose and her hair loosened.

An almost unreal sight.

But Telesia knew about the phenomenon and its causes.

"No way, you..."

"Ah, already. It's finally starting."

But before Telesia continued her words, Hydemarie shook her head and stood up lamenting.

When she returned to the sofa she had just sat on, she relaxed.

Slight, elegant movement.

But that alone shows that she has been subjected to considerable suffering.

Hydemarie buried her face in the arm pointing at her by the knee and gently exhaled her trembling breath, but at the next moment she raised her face again and smiled.

"Excuse me, I'm a little... I'm breathing. It happens to pregnant women."

Scratch up the silver hair on your forehead to say nothing.

But the applause finally loosened my hair ties and covered my shoulders.

It is now clear that the hair grows at an unusual speed.

As the light of the stars reached the seat of the sofa where Hydemarie sat, Telesia turned her heel back.

"Where are you going?"

"Call people."

"No, I can't."

But as soon as Telegia put her hand on the knob of the door, the wooden door pulsated (...), surprised, and she let go aggressively.


"I'm sure you did. Stay by until it stops raining - don't call anybody. I don't want to be seen. You know that, right?

Hydemarie sat on the sofa, hugging herself with both arms, and watched Telesia.

"If only you had seen your sister die on a rainy day 22 years ago."


The sound of rain outside the window intensifies.

At the same time, white light ran down the dark night sky.

A flash of delay sounds like a roar through your ear.

Like that day, a thunderstorm.

Hydemarie spoke kindly to the stiff Telegia, looking back in front of the door.

"It's okay. I'm not scared. You have only to stay there. Those who fill this room will not hurt you at all.... because this is a healing (...) power."

Her lips twisted slightly into the shape of self-mockery, and she continued.

The skin began to seep slightly with sweat grains.

"The rain will stop eventually. You just stay there until then. Keep others away, don't ask for help, and swallow secrets deep in your throat."

Again, the flash.

And thunder roars.

The deviation between the two narrowed, and at last the light and sound coincided.


"Just like that day... now you can hide me."

The light that fell on the ground with the roar dyes the room white.

Hydemarie, with her outline in the light, smiled beautifully like a saint.

"............ Ru"

Eventually, a small voice fell out of Telegia's throat, mistaken for a violent rain sound.


"I'm sorry."

She told the person she had heard back.

"It's because I love my sister that I hid her death. The" Wish "of a nasty whore - who will listen to you!

High-demary opens her eyes.

"Listen, wait here. I'll call someone right away. These crazy people might be able to do something."



Telegia put her hand on the door, and when she knew it wouldn't open even if it shaken, she punched, kicked and punched her tongue.

"No, I won't let you go."

Instead of moving the door stubbornly, the branch began to stretch, as if it had been a tree, in response to the words of Hydemarie.

Thin branches, like young trees, surround the knob as it sprouts everywhere.

If this had taken decades, it would have been a beautiful sight, as if the wooden door had returned to nature.

Telegia took a breath in front of the scene, which is only creepy now.


"... this was also a healing force."

Mumble low and quickly turn back to the sofa set to pick up the cup of tea.

And don't hesitate to smash it apart,


I grabbed a sharp fragment and slit my arm without changing my expression!

Soon, the "branch" around the door stretched into Telesia's arms like a beast with its prey in front of it.

However, unlike the monster, it had a pale light, blocking the wound on his arm while looking.

"Hmm, a creepy miracle...!

Telesia didn't miss the gap and rushed to the door quickly.

With that momentum, I pushed the door open to hit my body.

Looking through the door, he looked back at the high demerit saying, "You missed your mark."

"I repeat the same sin, not me!

That's how Telesia ran through the thunderbolt roaring inside the prison, breathing roughly.

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