
A dragon illuminated by a large full moon looks like a mythical dweller.

If you look closely, the dragon has several arms, of which Isaac and Lucas are hooked to the finest claws.

And above that - a small girl is kneeling in the middle of a splendid upright corner.

The dragon sprays fire and spins violently from side to side, but the girl doesn't shudder.

She slipped her fingers all over her nose, and when she realized there was nothing there, she smiled bitterly.

Then, from the inside of the hem of the dress, I slipped out a giant cow sword.

"Hey....! Where did the cow sword come from?

The sword is as long as herself and cannot be hidden in a dress.

Irene screamed, and Horst and Rezel's great sinners burst into it.

"My God, the blade is dangerous, so I'm telling you to carry the poison!

"Nyau. You don't need a self defense knife, but don't show your legs when you pull it out of the hem!

Unfortunately, the perspective of penetration seemed slightly different.

Elma slowly hoisted the cow sword she held in both hands.

No way, in front of the same line of sight watching,

─ Ha!

She flashed, swinging it down quickly!


As the wind roared, some of them became fools and slammed the walls of the prison.


When the manipulation of the cow sword became endless, the wind finally turned into a typhoon.


When the strong wind blew through the hole in the wall, Irene and the others covered their faces, and the next time they opened their eyes...

"... I...?!

"I'm thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!

The dragon was divided into bones, skins, and blocked meat, floating high in the sky and radially.

"No heart or fireworks!?

When Irene screamed unexpectedly, Elma, who seemed to have heard it, looked back and smiled as she remained floating in space.

Then, when he murmured something, Morgan, who read the movement of his lips, said, "'Thermoyah'...? He leaned his neck - he pulled himself together and entered the landing position.

Lump, lump, lump.

While falling freely, Elma's body keeps spinning beautifully.

On several turns, she stretched out like a cat and grabbed the corner of a big broken prison wall, from where she gained momentum and turned back.

--Shut up!

Raise your hands in the Y-shape to determine the perfect landing in prison.

All of a sudden, the dress that came back in front of her surprisingly tried to clap, but sooner, Elma quickly twitched and spread something toward the outside of the wall.

It looks like a big cloth, and if you look closely, it's a slime that they've hunted in the third layer of the "Dungeon" earlier.


The slime emitting light is stretched thinly towards the night sky by the swinging centrifugal force, as if it were a nan.

Just as it spread to the maximum, those who had fallen a beat behind Elma arrived at the slime's "cushion" at once.


With a short shout, Elma then collapses the spreading slime.

There was a bone in the dragon's cut meat on it.

All the hunting harvest Elma had previously hooked onto the dragon's claws.

And Isaac, Lucas, was pulled inside the prison at once.


The last is a quiet sound, and they are lined up right in front of Irene's eyes.

Next to the dragon meat, Elma shook her hands to her hips, pointing towards Isaac and Lucas, who had been seated when she noticed.

"Father of [convulsion]. We were almost preyed on by a dragon."

"It's disgraceful. You're obsessed with the taste, and you're barely behind it...."

"If I'm the only one, there's no problem. But I'm with you today. Please see, Your Highness has been left in a state of complete silence."

That's what she says, pointing at tight Lucas.

He was forced to climb and descend rapidly from near the mantle to near the stratosphere, and raised his face slowly.


Honestly, the physical load is too strong to get a head on the deployment.

Elma nodded firmly as to what she was saying.

"As a matter of fact, from the moment this hunt began, I was a little worried that His Highness had just stepped into it in desperate shape. Especially when [Raptor] 's father stunned the dragon with his fist, His Majesty's expression mixed with consternation and despair. I couldn't help but be convinced that His Highness had strong doubts about the style of our hunt."

Lucas opened his eyes slightly.

(Elma... understood their insanity...?

I'm sure you won't even read my expression there, but I couldn't help but be moved.

Seeing the color of joy seeping through Lucas's face, Elma nodded heavily, saying, "I know everything."

"It's been a short year, but I've seen the outside world. In the process, over and over again, I learned by myself that the" normal "in prison is different from the" normal "in Shaba."

Now, when Elma stares at Isaac, there is not only goodness that covets the values given, but also brilliance that tries to add wisdom to herself.

Elma continued in a gentle tone to Isaac.

"Father of [convulsion]. Thank you for your arrogance. Father's style of knocking a dragon out with his fist and eating it whole is not 'normal' in Shaba."

"What do you mean...?

Even when the family frowned, Lucas and Irene watched as Elma spoke up, feeling unexpectedly hot in her chest.

Elma is telling the truth.

This girl, who has always been out of her common sense, is now standing between herself and the Great Sinner and trying to explain "normal"!

"That's right. That's right!"

"In Shaba, reptile-based beasts such as dragons and Hydras are basically cut into pieces and fried (...)."

However, the impression suddenly fell on the ground.

"... hah!?

"I wondered when I would point it out... Your father kept the dragon on parole because he was so obsessed with the whole thing. However, in Shabba, justice and" normality "are the only things that drop their heads immediately and make them fried. To put it bluntly, you were attacked by a dragon... and I think that's what happened to His Highness's stupidity."

No, it's not.

That's not true.

However, Elma's face is no longer called Doya's face.

She raised her chest and said, "Really...!" to Isaac, who was surprised.

"Yes, I was surprised when I baked all kinds of Kubinaga in Shaba, but the other day when I fried Hydra, I was very pleased. So there's no mistake."

Elma proudly told him, then glanced at Irene and added.

"And when you get it, the salt is' normal ', not the sauce."

Cutting to the chase, Elma pointed her fist at Isaac, saying, "I don't think it's a good idea."

It contained beautiful crystals that looked like diamonds.

"I tried purifying the salt from the tears of the dragon earlier. Please help me. --Father, I repeat, the dragons are fried and salted. This is Shaba's" normal. "

That sincere smile.

Lucas and Irene both looked up to heaven at the same time, muttering without strength.

"What if... we planted an incredible success experience in Elma...?

"Very few of my hobbies are about to become 'normal' in Elma...."

But without knowing their impatience, Isaac just raised his voice of admiration.

"Elma... you've grown up."

"No, thanks to the guidance of wonderful people such as His Highness and Irene."

"I see....."

Elma answered mysteriously, and Isaac felt something.

When I pressed my eyes again, I hit Lucas on the shoulder with my other hand.

"Lucas von Rudendorf, I admit it. You are Elma's" normal "master...."

"What is that!?

"Give my daughter... my best regards..."

Something like that happened.

The sinners give a sparse round of applause to Lucas, who has been left completely unfolded.

Wow, you're a 'normal' teacher.

I'm so glad.

I've never received such a rude blessing.

"No, it's an impressive sight. The main thrust is that he seems to be missing, but he is also making a statement acknowledging the opponent, and the second match is also Lucas's victory. Now, let the loser's [Conquest Isaac] cook this dragon meat immediately and have a high tea here once."

Morgan shows gentle and cluttered progress.

Apparently, he, a tea lover from Rutland, has finally lost interest in standardization ahead of the tea party (high tea) with meat dishes.

When he skipped the order to remove the ring - Clement was screaming again - he would now have a luxurious tea set on the spot.

While Lucas was stunned, an elegant tea party was about to begin.


What the hell is this?

In their mood, the dinner party becomes a ceremony, it becomes a dungeon strategy, and it becomes a tea party.

In an overly unresolved development, Lucas, whose roots were serious, convulsed his face.

"Your Highness."

Someone pulled his hem gently.

It's Elma.

Well done.

She looked up at us with pure praise in her revealed dawn eyes.

"I was a little chilled by your arrogance that you could safely pass the" liver test "from your family, but there was no need to worry about it at all. I can't believe I let my laziness father and [convulsion] father admit victory."


Neither was Lucas's strength, but Elma's intervention led to an inexplicable development.

Lucas had a subtle look, but Elma cheered adorably and put her hands together to blow it away.

"Besides, it's secondary, but my" normal "growth has also been recognized by my family... When I think about it, it's the first time I've ever spoken to my family, and I'm so proud of myself."

Perhaps it meant suggesting marriage fraud over laundering to Morgan, or fried chicken over dragon roasting to Isaac.

Lucas has far-sighted eyes.


"Thank you very much, Your Highness. --Thank you very much."

Exposed to peachy cheeks, she turned her eyes to a cage of pure respect.

Still, "Rather, I'm trying my best to stay away from 'normal'! Sadly, Lucas couldn't deny it.

"... I see."

"Yes, with gratitude, I will cook deep-fried dragons with my arms too."


However, when you nod briefly, you can feel a warm, raw look from Irene and Felix.

Lucas slipped away quietly.

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