
Irene and Lucas tried to get out of the car before, but they couldn't do it because they were wrapped in tight vines.

Elma raised her eyebrows worried.

"... it's kind of like someone who's been grabbed to sacrifice to an evil god. Are you all right?

"You too!

"You too!

Both names sing beautifully in harmony.

At the same time, the group of plants that had bound them all dissolved at once, and as they rushed away - they left because they fulfilled Elma's "wish" - they all raised their confused voices.

"Hey, what's up, these plants! If you suddenly feel like touching someone and kidnapping them, you leave without even attacking them... No, I don't want to be attacked!

"A strangely sophisticated cathedral... this is the home of the mastermind, Sir Celso? Are you going to gather us here and use us for rituals...?

Apparently, they were not summoned to the "same place" as Elma, but rather to the "same place" as Elma.

Elma raised her hand quietly to watch out for the appearance of mastermind Chelsea.

"We apologize for any confusing behavior. I'm the one who brought you here."

"What about it?"

"I have encountered a crisis and, as a normal and natural act, I have asked for help."

Elma's facial and facial state sparkles dawn colored eyes.

For a moment, I forgot my reaction to that expression, which might be called Doya's face.


"So Sir Chelsea took me away and made it difficult for me to scream for help. So it seems that the earth, the flora and fauna have worked together to create a way for Irene and her family to get there."

"... yes?

It was explained as if it were too natural, and Irene and the others had to take it easy.


If you raise it, the earth and the plants?

Work together, make a road, carry people...?

".................. yes?

I tried to rebel about three times, but I didn't know anything at all.

Everyone complains about an unexpected response.

In the meantime,

"Wait... Elma..."

Lucas, who was the only one to polish up his soul, raised his hand while holding his forehead down.

"Why do you think you can do that...?

There is no way that words will unnaturally cut off.

Because, until now, Lucas and the others had been worried that Elma was a demon and could not exert enough power in this land.

And yet, why is there no problem at all, rather, is it exerting "more power than ever" away from humans?

Lucas finally answered the question when he should have penetrated the plant when it was growing abnormally with a singing voice.

"Are you... able to manipulate your sanctity...?


But Elma looks suspicious.

"Aren't we supposed to be able to manipulate sacred powers? I don't have that kind of family, and I don't have any special training."


It was Raul and Goode who got caught up in the answer and arrived here.

Plants that move and obey as they please.

The earth caused crustal fluctuations only to create a path to her.

If magic were activated, there would still be some pretty bad signs, but only the aftertaste of clear light would float.

That said, she should have exercised her sanctity, but the power was too different from what Raul and the others knew.

The earth moves by itself, without chanting, just screaming - it is no longer sacred.

"Then what kind of power did you use...?!

With the pride of a contemporary sacred magician, Raul made a bloody cry.

The answer is that the sacred power that cannot be understood and grasped at modern levels is correct, but Elma herself did not know whether it was happiness or misfortune.

She therefore answered strangely tilting her neck.

"I mean, you used your powers... you just usually asked for help."

"Why do you ask for help when the earth rings and the mountains blow fire!

"Because, of course, if a woman asks for help, it's 'normal' for the world to reach out for help."

Raul, silence.

Determined that it would be cruel to entrust Elma novices with questioning, Lucas slightly chased Raul and advanced.

"Elma, who the hell blew that 'normal' into you...!?

Father and mother.

Yes, it is.

In retrospect, Gilberto, a former brave man, told young Elma, "If anyone is seeking salvation, we must extend the hand of salvation, and the world should." Heidemarie also told Elma the story of sleeping.

--Why are mountains so high?

Oh, that's because your mother raised you.

The town at the bottom was hot, so I wanted it to be shaded all year round.

So I said, "Please," and I grew taller.

Whether that was possible or not, the young Elma had rounded her eyes, but the beauty queen only smiled gently.

--It's not that bad.

If a woman wishes, the earth moves and the sea swells.

Fufu, once a woman sings, a national treasure is offered to her asking her not to destroy her country, and when she stands on the stage, crowns are offered by several kings asking her not to destroy her own country.

But that's why you should be careful.

If you seek salvation easily, you will perish.

That's what my beautiful mother always said to close the story.

That's why Elma believed it without doubt.

Along with the admonition that you should not rely on your surroundings easily.

Yes - the exhilarating feeling of "Hi Elma" has already left, and the usual cool thinking power has returned to Elma, but that's why there was no way that she could be surprised or bluished by this situation.

Because the calm thinking ability that came back itself was mostly insane.

"It's actually the first time I've ever been nervous about 'seeking salvation', but isn't it a normal paradigm as a result? Especially since the country has not perished."

Elma leans her head and speaks.

Then, I dyed my white magnetic cheeks slightly and looked at Irene with a shiny face.

"Dialogue and trust. That's what it is, isn't it? Irene often tells me to rely more on my surroundings. I... I feel like I finally understand."

It's nice to depend on someone.

Who can blame Irene for being told happily and falling from her knees?

"No...! That's not true....."

On Irene's shoulders, squatting on the floor and trembling little by little, Lucas gently nodded.

I know how that feels.

"--don 't do it with Elma, okay?"

And there, now Guy cuts it out with a mysterious expression.

Of course there were many things I thought about this anomaly, but he had more matters to worry about than that.

"May I confirm the fact that you were abducted here by Sir Chelsea?"

When he asked carefully to reveal Chelsea's true intentions and trends, Elma nodded lightly.

"Ah, yes. Yes, I was chained to the altar and drank more powerful alcohol than sacred alcohol, a lethal amount."

"What a thing to say...!

"In that case, there was a lot of power, and this is the result."


The goodies took a breath and turned a little subtle.

I'm worried about this, but how does it feel to be "already resolved, but something"?

In particular, Lucas and Irene seemed to be confused.

Elma must be a demon.

If you are bound to the altar of the sanctuary and you are to be drunk, you will undoubtedly be weak, why do you become energetic there?

After all, is the assumption that she is a demon in itself wrong?

With the two of them in doubt and unable to move, Goode coughed and switched his mind, then stepped in again.

"I'm sorry to ask, but did Sir Chelsea say anything at the time? Something that could be a clue to the truth of the matter."

"I'm sorry. My ill health prevented me from listening to him carefully."

I see. I can't help it in that situation. "

"Instead, I quickly revealed the truth to you. Sir Celso seems to have exploited the sacred power of the power base by degrading the Trinitate cadets into harmful spirits. It should be noted that the truth of this" request "is that by pretending to be a parent Ruden and harming me and drawing out the anger of the Ruden side, we managed to wipe out the anti-Ruden and seize power, but Sir Admits the fact in both cases."

"What is that!?

Unexpectedly, the tone of the guid is disturbed by the diagonal development.

We thought about it again.

I don't know, this feeling of "already solved, but something".

It is a mysterious development that the girl will tell the truth about the incident, even though she should have come to rescue the girl who was taken away, but she just didn't make it.

Goode was stunned, but he distorted his face sadly thinking of the fact that his best friend had been harmed.

"Is that what this is about...? Damn it, Chelsea... I'll catch you and expose your sins to the day...!

Ah, well then...

Elma blinked her eyes and snapped her fingers.

"Lord Chelsea. Camon!"


"Wow, ahhhhhhhhhh!

Soon, the flora of plants thought to have decided to leave appeared again, bringing people wrapped around their bodies.

Chelsea Roberty was the one who tore into thorns a suit soaked in sea water and looked unbearable, covered in animal dung.

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