"... Cardinal Chelsea"

"Ooh. That's right, we need to be disturbed."

Small body, poor face. Chelsea Roberty was supposed to be the client of this assignment, with his rough hair and expression.

He pulled up the edge of his lips as if he had abandoned his previous reluctance.

"But isn't your body already powerless?

When I was told, I noticed that my whole body was so heavy.

Rather than being tied up in chains - because in this case, normally, it can be destroyed by lightly encasing the force - it turns out that the movement of the body itself is dull.

My head feels dizzy and my thoughts wander.

It's hard to breathe, your body's center of gravity is unstable, and your whole body is hot.

These were very similar to the symptoms when they came into contact with the strong aroma of alcohol and flowers.

At the same time, it was a symptom that Elma had felt light-hearted since she stepped into the academy.

"Give me... what..."

"Hey. I just let him drink strong alcohol. And the honey of the flowers that I used so badly."

Chelsea responded with a lewd smile when asked with her tongue, which was difficult to turn around.

"Hmm. Weak with alcohol and clovers means you're still the devil, right? If so, it's a shame. If your body accepts the sacred - that is, if you have the qualities of a Virgin - then I would have wanted you to be my servant."

Then I lowered my eyebrows as if I wanted to act.

"It's really unexpected. The power to overwhelm contemporary cadets... I don't feel the signs of sacred power I've seen, but it's not like it's a terrible magic. Mutation, I wonder, is the owner of an unusual sacred power, after all, it was nothing but a sleazy magic. I'm glad we got it right."

My devotion to faith, though heretic, is not the only Aur god.

Chelsea shrugs her shoulders in a playful manner.

In other words, through this chalice, he would have identified a person with abundant sacred powers.

In support of that, he even lifted the toy sword.

"Yes, this. After all, I tried to replace the great sword Caliburnus with the holy sword in order to find out what you really are, but it wasn't Caliburnus that I got in exchange, it was this stupid, bloody sword. What the hell are you doing? Looking forward to my ambitions, are you going to have a challenge?

Then, Chelsea murmured and threw away her sword, making her look so low.

"Looks like you've shortened that lifespan. It's probably just a few days apart."

Elma thinks she's blurry and doesn't know anything about the sword.

But before I could say it, Chelsea kept talking again.

"If you don't have the sanctity to feed me, I don't need you. I'm sorry that you came to know the truth halfway through, but I'm going to let you die here. But... yes. As a mercy to you at least, I will tell you all the truth that you know but never get before."

Looking at Celso, who was drunk with his voice echoing through the cathedral, Elma somehow wanted to show off a conspiracy to someone for a long time.

Until the tone, it gradually turned into something a little arrogant, like "my cherished Las Boss of the Day."

"Fu... I have gained and maintained this position faster and longer than anyone in the Cardinal Corps. It is due to the enormous sacred power that is appreciated even when I join Trinitate, despite my clarity, which is familiar with ancient Aurelian and the construction of sacred arts.... and the source of that enormous sacred power. Fufu, that's..."

"Trinitate, that is, by devaluing saints and virgins who hold a great deal of sacred power to harmful spirits, you've been grabbing the sacred power, right?"

Here, the moment Chelsea smiled like evil, Elma broke in.

"The Holy Sword disproportionately pours sacred power into it to distort it, to sever the body and soul that can no longer be accepted, and to spiritualize it."

Summarized well, Chelsea pulled her chin a little.

"... well, you're holding onto a pretty good line."

But he'll get back on his feet soon.

Now I put my left hand on my chest, and when I spread my right hand high, I raised my eyebrows and shook my head.

"But yes. Unfortunately, that wonderful idea was badly flawed. The Virgin's escape. The face is the candidate of the previous Virgin, who is sick and dying, but in fact..."

"You actually escaped, didn't you? As a result, it was only one person who was supposed to spiritualize the Virgin and the Holy Magician, and I know very well whether the Trinity Failure touched the wrath of God, Aurelia fell into the kingdom of Luden, and Lord Celso bitten his regrets in all directions."

Elma also cut in, and Chelsea had a twitchy look this time.

"You. Why did you...?

"Eighty percent of us peeked in the spiritual world, 20 percent in the brain."

"What about it?"

For a moment, Chelsea looked confused, but immediately said again with such serial expressions as "I see, did you mediate memory by contacting the harmful spirit...", and returned to the role of the Shadow Proven again.

"Fufu, but even that serious flaw has benefited me around... Do you have any idea why I went all the way to my parent, Ruden, and took the trouble to bring the humans of Ruden to the chalice? I don't know, I guess. That means..."

"By harming the candidate from Ruden and targeting the anti-Ruden as the culprit, you were aiming to wipe out the anti-Ruden by Ruden. The aim was to concentrate Aurelian religious knowledge, and thus power, on yourself as the hub, by strengthening Ruden's dominance and deepening its language and culture."

"You! The one in front of you! Stand up! Don't you know!?!?

At last Chelsea's face turned bright red.

"I've been feeling all over myself for a while! What are you doing?

"I'm sorry. I'm not familiar with the scene of listening to a mastermind confession in a chained state, so I don't know what to do."

Honest Elma lowered her head sharply from the position pressed against the altar.

"By the way, I'm not feeling well from earlier. If you don't mind, I'd like to ask you to proceed with the winding...."

"No, I'm the one who made me feel better! It's up to you! On the contrary, why do you think it's okay!?

Completely disturbed by the pace, Chelsea shouted with her hands in her healthy hair.

"It's a mess!

Elma made a sober decision, saying it was self-directed.

Chelsea scratches her bright red face.

An obviously unbalanced attitude, like that of an eclamptic toddler - perhaps his spirit has already broken down a great deal.

He suddenly stopped screaming and laughed.

"Hahaha... hahahaha! Hahahahaha!

The tall laughter stops.

He looked down at Elma with dark eyes and distorted his lips.

"There seems to be plenty of room, but that's enough.... do you know what this is...?

What he took out was a really cheap bottle.

The surface is clouded with fine scratches, and the liquid shaking inside is the color of water without any aberration.

Rather than the holy water used to exterminate the demon race, it seemed like it would fit into cheap alcohol.

But Elma instinctively frowned, picking up a slight smell from the cork-fitting lid.


"It's alcohol. It's just cheap alcohol that burns so hard."

But he laughed and approached the lying Elma.

I wonder if the demons can stand this? Haha, it is a terrible laugh that alcohol that helps the holy spirit owners, but it is also just an alcohol that affects the demons so much more than the holy water that the church sells at a high price.... but yes. Such knowledge is noble because it is administered without the knowledge of the lowly people. "

Cu... make a noise and take a cork stopper. Suddenly, the smell of alcohol spreading all around me, even to ordinary people.

"Knowledge is power. Exactly. And that noble wisdom must be inherited only by a very few chosen men. In fact, only I have been able to read the ancient Aurelian properly since I became a member of Rouden. All you have to do is appreciate the rough Rouden culture of the elephant people. In which I - and only I - unlock the truth and gain power in the religion of Auruism."

When Celso grabbed Elma's jaw, which was stuck by the fragrance, she tilted the bottle and forced her to pour in.


"Here, have a drink. It's a farewell from me."

I try to turn my face away, but it doesn't come true.

Even though it's not a demon race, it's so high that you faint with just a few drops of alcohol.

Even if you swallow it without being able to spit it out, it can be said to be a lethal amount.

To this, Elma frowned and looked at the anguish.


The glasses slipped down with a small sound as he shook his head violently.

Seeing the exposed beauty and the distortion in pain, Chelsea finally nodded as if she had dropped the sip.

"Suffer, demons. Ruden's wrath, which has sent you, can be stirred up... in pain and breath."

With a harsh expression on his face, he turned his heel back.

Because some work was needed to mislead the anti-Luden into believing that this was their work.

Only breathtaking Elma remained in the dim cave.

"... hah... uhh, fu... nha..."

Your heart is racing.

I'm breathing loudly.

It's hot.

It's cold.

I have tinnitus in my ears.

She probably felt the signs of "death" for the first time in her life.

"... hah, hah, ah...!

Your body trembles little by little.

Inside, countless emotions, thoughts, and videos were disturbed and disappeared.

It was a mixed surprise of abandonment that I was still a demon.

The sad face of [greedy] 's brother, who told him not to drink.

Mother Hydemarie, who could not always ask for sincerity - but somehow had a sad grin.

Confusion about a sudden crisis.

It is not worthy of me to believe that I can get through this situation.

My angry friend who was worried about herself is so close to her heart right now.

"... I,... hah...!

It was true then that Elma tried to scream something.

But before you know what it was, your violent exhalation takes away your voice.

I thought it was painful for the first time.


Very powerless and unrelated words to trust someone.

The moment I tried to talk about it,

- Get out of the way!

Her heart was beating so loudly that Elma opened her eyes to her limits.

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