The Ultimate Executive Officer

Chapter 689: rebuild the ecosystem

Wandering the earth world, when the crisis of Jupiter was resolved, Tang Tian met Liu Peiqiang very much, and the discussion was quite reasonable.

Their original plan was to change the earth's environment. A journey of more than 2,500 years is not something that can be imagined.

"Has our new mission come yet?" Li looked at Tang Tian and asked suspiciously.

"Yes, exactly as you think, our new task can be said to be quite complicated." Tang Tian looked at Li and said softly.

"So what can you do? We can fully assist you in doing so." Wang Lei asked curiously.

"Our task is very big, and it may be to improve the earth's ecosystem. Otherwise, we can't continue to sail for thousands of years. This is what we need to pay attention to." Tang Tian said thoughtfully.

Because of the various problems the earth is facing, they must also find a way to solve it, otherwise there may be quite a lot of trouble.

"No matter what, if you help me, I will definitely help you. This is what I have always wanted to do."

Wang Lei looked at Tang Tian firmly and said that it is quite understandable to face such a situation.

"With your words, I'm quite relieved. Are your wife and children okay?" Tang Tian turned to look at Wang Lei and asked suspiciously.

"They are already quite safe. Thanks to your help, there may still be a lot of trouble later." Wang Lei said gratefully.

"Nothing, since we can solve this crisis, then the next crisis can also be done." Tang Tian said confidently.

At this time, Tang Tian walked out and came outside. There were a lot of rocket launchers not far from them, but there were no weapons inside, but only the most basic nano-worms.

About three months after the Jupiter crisis was resolved, Tang Tian successfully created a nanoworm modified bomb with the resources of this world, and the effect can be said to be exceptionally good.

"Tang, how long will these nanoworms be able to completely transform the earth?" Wang Lei asked curiously.

"Yeah! I thought so too, can the earth's environment really be completely restored?" Liu Qi also said excitedly.

"No problem, it will take at least about a week to basically recover. At present, the most important thing is to rebuild the atmosphere and activate the planting of plants. Nanoworms can accelerate the growth of their cells." Tang Tian said patiently.

"Boss, you can release in ten minutes." Li said to Tang Tian thoughtfully.

"Very good, let's witness the beginning of a new era now! This is also what I want to tell you. Whether this era is good or bad, it depends on how we develop." Tang Tian said casually to Li.

"However, what I'm sure of is that this era should be the best era." Wang Lei interjected.

"Yes, we are all people in the new era, and we are about to welcome a brighter world." Liu Qi also added.

"It's time, let's start!" Tang Tian said calmly.

Then, countless nanoworms covered it and turned into a green smoke that gathered a storm of lightning in the sky. With the modification of the material, it was enough for the atmosphere to appear.

The whole world became darker, countless storms were brewing continuously, and the nanoworms were constantly transforming the power of the atmosphere, and they continued to protect the earth as they were originally.

"Mr. Lieutenant Colonel, have the seeds of the plant spread to other places now?" Tang Tian asked Liu Peiqiang using the communicator.

"It's alright, we've done it, and it's up to you." Liu Peiqiang thought about it and said seriously.

"DiDi DiDi!" When they finished speaking, countless rainwater fell down, as if they wanted an order, countless plants grew rapidly, more than ten times faster than the original speed.

"Plants are growing quite rapidly, and oxygen levels are rising rapidly."

Liu Qi looked at the sensor of the protective suit with a surprised expression.

"This is nothing surprising. The transformation of nanoworms can be said to be comprehensive, allowing plants to continue to grow in such a cold environment."

Tang Tian explained calmly, without the slightest emotion in it.

"By the way, sir, what are your plans for the next step? In this case, we should still have a little advantage." Liu Qi thought about it and looked at Tang Tian and said seriously.

"Next, I hope that humans can return to the ground without wearing protective clothing. This is the situation I thought of, and restoring the ecosystem is also my goal!" Tang Tian said very firmly.

The reason why Tang Tian came to this plane was to change what had happened and bring mankind back to the ground. It was quite easy to say, but there was still a little obstacle.

There are still their enemies on the earth. There are about tens of millions of enemies. It is the possibility of hindering them. Maybe they will use a lot of problems to prevent them from returning to the ground.

In fact, there are still human beings on the ground, but they are quite ruthless dungeon people, and they still have a good understanding of this kind of problem.

"Our plan is a preliminary success, I hope everything goes well! Do I want to fish in Lake Baikal?" Liu Peiqiang said jokingly.

"Don't worry! The ice will always thaw one day, and we will still have a new future. Everything is possible to change." Tang Tian said encouragingly.

"Listening to you I'm a little excited." Li also said longingly, quite happy in the face of such a situation.

"Nothing, everything will be fine." Tang Tian waved his hand and said.

There are still many methods of Tang Tian that have not been used at all. Even if he encounters danger, he is not afraid. He understands this very well.

When Tang Tian came to this world, he felt quite warm. When human beings faced these crises, they all worked hard.

Although the human species has only spent a few hundred thousand years or so, and there may be some problems with continuation, human creativity and intelligence are quite different.

Dinosaurs lived for 200 million years and did not continue, but relying on human wisdom, they were enough to survive on countless planets.

It may require continuous development by human beings, but this is quite inexhaustible. All hope is in the hands of human beings. Facing such changes, they still understand very well.

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