The Ultimate Executive Officer

Chapter 490: deteriorating situation

Dawn of the Living Dead, in a department store.

"The current situation is in a stage of comprehensive deterioration, and the military and police detectives are fully addressing this matter."

On the TV, I remember watching nervously in the distance, and said fearfully.

"The situation is really getting worse." Anna shook her head and said.

"The situation should have gotten out of control." Mike frowned and analyzed.

In the TV, countless explosion-proof troops are arranged in various roads to prevent the zombies from advancing too fast. This is also their plan.

"CJ, don't be hostile, no one can be spared in such a situation." Tang Tian looked at CJ and said calmly.

"Sorry, I also apologize for what happened just now. I feel scared about these disasters." CJ looked at Tang Tian and said with a wry smile.

Then, Tang Tian came over and patted CJ on the shoulder and explained to him with a smile.

"I understand your mood, so let's form a team temporarily! I will provide you with weapons."

Tang Tian said without hesitation, in the case of many zombies outside, it is also important to escape with weapons.

"Okay, now let's see if there is any weakness of zombies on TV." Tang Tian looked at CJ and waved his hand.

"I'm Bill, a reporter from 23V Cable, and now we're learning about the weakness of zombies." Bill thought about it and asked affirmatively.

"A headshot can destroy the central nervous system of a zombie." The detective wearing sunglasses said calmly.

"So has the infection route been determined?" Bill asked.

"Sorry, this is not yet, we are trying to find out." The detective said seriously.

Suddenly, Anna saw the wound on Kenneth's hand and showed a hint of surprise. He didn't expect that the other party was actually injured.

"It looks like your wound needs to be sutured." Ana said with a frown as she looked at Kenneth's wound.

"It doesn't matter to me, I should be able to recover slowly!" Kenneth said uncertainly.

Kenneth also doesn't want to trouble other people. You must know that in the face of the environment, it can be said that almost everyone is in danger. This is something that Kenneth did not consider.

In the current situation, they can't get out of the hospital at all, and there are no antibiotics or anything, so infection is troublesome.

"There is a medicine cabinet and alcohol in the office, so disinfection should be no problem." CJ thought for a while and said affirmatively.

"Okay, thank you." Anna said gratefully.

"Nothing said, everyone is a survivor." CJ nodded and said.

The news on the TV still broadcasts pictures of defending zombies, or some meaningless topics, but it makes them, the survivors, somewhat bored.

"Listen, now we have to have a plan, there's food here and it's safe, but we're going to patrol the various floors."

Tang Tian looked at CJ and said seriously.

"Sorry, it's too dangerous for me to refuse." The black man behind Tang Tian shook his head and said.

"Whatever you want, you can stay as long as you want."

Tang Tian didn't force it, and if he wants to live, it depends on his own choice.

"Then I'll go to the roof and set up a distress signal, maybe a helicopter coming over will come to help us."

Mike thought for a while and said affirmatively to Tang Tian.

"Very good, I'll leave it to you. By the way, what are your plans, CJ?" Tang Tian looked at CJ and said softly.

"We use department store materials to reinforce weak spots, otherwise it would be bad if those things rushed in."

CJ thought about it, and then said analytically.

"However, it's okay to be lazy, the food is halved, and we won't care if it's in danger."

Tang Tian said calmly, he didn't care whether the black man would be lazy, so the necessary explanation was still needed.

Mike thought about it, and communicated with the black man for a while, and soon they reached an agreement to help Tang Tian and the others to clean up the safety of the department store together.

In fact, in the face of dangerous situations, human beings will unite as one, even if they are reluctant in their hearts, they must do it.

Within an hour, they checked the department store, and there were sporadic gunshots. Facing those hidden zombies, their shots were all thunderous blows.

"Have you found anything?" Tang Tian looked at CJ who was checking and asked.

"I found the lone zombies and just solved them." CJ said thoughtfully.

"Very good, this will ensure our safety for the time being." Tang Tian said with a slight smile.

"Let's go to the rooftop and have a look!" Mike said seriously looking at Tang Tian, ​​as if he had found something wrong.

"Okay." Tang Tian nodded, without any refusal.

After a while, they stood on the roof, but the dense zombies outside made many of them dumbfounded.

"Why do zombies gather here?" Anna said in disbelief.

"There's nothing strange about this, maybe it's memory, or they sense our presence." Mike said helplessly.

"If this goes on, we'll be finished." CJ said in distress.

"Also, this is the city center. It is estimated that there are many zombies." Tang Tian shook his head and said.

In fact, Tang Tian's words also indirectly proved that the degree of danger will become higher and higher. In the face of the terrifying density of zombies, they must rush out.

"You, there is a survivor at the gun store across from you." Kenneth looked at Andy and said in surprise.

"That's the gun shop he opened, and its name is Andy." CJ explained lightly.

"If he is like this, it is estimated that he won't last long." Tang Tian looked at Andy in the distance, and said with certainty What to do like this, if there is a chance, we will also rescue him. "Anna thought for a while and said seriously.

"Okay, compared to this, let's eat and recharge! It's better to see how the situation is."

Tang Tian said calmly, he won't say much, as for how long those survivors can live, it can be said that it is not certain.

"No problem, at least we can live." Anna frowned and said helplessly.

"Then arrange to take turns on duty and be careful of possible dangers." Tang Tian ordered.

"Okay." Kenneth and Mike had no opinion at all.

In the original plot, the woman named Nicole could be said to be quite deadly. If she hadn't rescued the puppy, they wouldn't have turned into their current state.

In fact, if it was according to their original plan, it would be okay to rescue the one named Andy, but the changes that occurred made them encounter an unprecedented crisis.

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