The Ultimate Executive Officer

Chapter 468: McCarran

Desert, special forces base.

After receiving Tang Tian and the Duke, General Hawke asked his subordinates to contact McCarran to inform him that the nano-warhead was safe in his hands, so that he could turn on the stereo projector to determine the condition of the nano-warhead.

"Sir, Mr. McCarran is ready and can continue the call at any time." The soldier looked at General Hawke and said respectfully.

"Very well, let's start now!" General Hawke nodded and said.

However, when Tang Tian heard about McCarran, he knew that the other party was a conspirator and the villain in the movie, so he didn't think the other party would do anything good.

"By the way, can you investigate the person named Baroness?" The Duke looked at General Hawke and said seriously.

"What's the matter, have you found anything?" General Hawke said suspiciously.

"Their weapons are so advanced that they nearly destroyed a squad of mine, so we have to know their weaknesses."

The Duke thought for a while and then expressed his opinion.

"That's right, such an enemy, even us, would find it difficult."

General Hawke understood that the special forces of electromagnetic pulse weapons did not have them, and such weapons were a great threat to them.

"McAllen's nanotechnology should not be developed by him alone." Tang Tian looked at General Hawke and said affirmatively.

"How did you do it?" The Duke pondered for a moment, and said full of doubts.

"The reason is very simple, that is, his nanotechnology was taken from Dr. Will, the scientist who wanted to develop transcendental hackers."

Tang Tian thought about it and told General Hawke what he knew, but it made the other party think of a possibility.

"Wait, I got a news some time ago that the crack organization that attacked Dr. Will was killed by the Cobra organization. It seems that there seems to be some connection between them."

General Hawke felt bad and said seriously.

"It seems that it is indeed not that simple!" The Duke also frowned and said.

"However, we can't determine anything for the time being." General Hawke shook his head and said.

Immediately afterwards, McCarran appeared in front of their eyes, with a hint of gloom in his tall and handsome appearance.

"Mr. McCarran, long time no see." General Hawke looked at McCarran and said calmly.

However, Tang Tian knew that McCarran's identity was not simple. On the bright side, there was the MARS Industrial Group as the backing, and he secretly controlled the Cobra Organization. It could be said that he was a rather powerful enemy.

After McCarran heard their words, he just gave the Duke and Tang Tian a cold look and asked, "General Hawke, I trust you with the nano-warhead, but I didn't expect it to be almost lost."

"My troops are also fully protected. For this, a lot of subordinates have been sacrificed. Did your company leak the secret?" The Duke asked.

"My company is even more impossible. You almost failed to protect, and you are too weak."

When McCarran heard the Duke's words, he was shocked and said even more angrily.

McCarran also knew that the Duke's guess was correct, and that the nano-warhead was also what he wanted to snatch, which was to add trouble to them.

"I think, after 10 years, Mr. McCarran, who has researched the results from Dr. Weir, should not do these thankless things!"

Tang Tian looked at McCarran and said with a sneer.

"Who are you!" McCarran frowned, he felt that the guy in front of him was not very easy to deal with.

"The chief researcher of the superpower potion." Tang Tian said calmly, as if he didn't care about McCarran's changing expression.

"Superpower, does that thing really exist?" McCarran said disdainfully.

Before McCarran could finish speaking, he saw a flame appear in Tang Tian's palm, which then turned into black lightning, which looked amazing.

"This is super power, it's up to you to believe it or not." Tang Tian explained calmly.

"Okay, I'm very interested in your research, but General Hawke open the box first! I must turn off the tracking signal."

McCarran said seriously to General Hawke that he was about to start his own plan.

Then, the circuit breaker picked up the instrument for the box in front of him, like a test, and reported it to McCarran after confirming that everything was OK.

"Sir, my instruments show that he is intact." Circuit Breaker said calmly, looking at McCarran.

"Sorry, you need to open the box, I'll check it out with confidence."

McCarran said distrustfully, and immediately told the secret, motioning them to open the box.

After the circuit breaker did as McCarran said, he watched McCarran wave his hand as if to let him go down.

Then, McCarran touched the virtual panel, turned on the tracker quietly, and made some arrangements for the Cobra to attack the special forces.

"How is it, Mr. McCarran." General Hawke said suspiciously.

"Well, I've got it done, keep me updated on the progress of nanowarheads."

After McCarran finished speaking, the stereoscopic projection disappeared in front of their eyes.

"It doesn't look like his actions are unnecessary." Tang Tian frowned and said seriously.

"Also, through analysis, I found that he was talking to another person, so the stereo projection is not very stable."

The circuit breaker thought for a moment and told the Duke of his findings.

"Yes, it seems that we need to be careful." The Duke said thoughtfully.

On the other side, in the base of the Cobra Organization, McCarran was talking to the Baroness.

"Anna, I finally know the reason for your failure. Did you encounter that superpower?"

McCarran looked at Anna and said thoughtfully.

"In the beginning, if the attack was in your factory, maybe it would have been Anna frowned and said.

"Impossible, I can't take such a responsibility."

McCarran shook his head and said, with a wily look.

"And they've turned off the trackers, we don't know where to find them."

Anna frowned and said a little worriedly.

"Rest assured, I have activated the activation code, and you can already find their location."

McCarran said confidently, as if he had everything under control.

"By the way, grab the person next to the Duke for me, but the other party has an amazing power."

McCarran said with interest.

In comparison, the superpower potion is a legendary thing, but I didn't expect that the special forces base would have it. This is what he desperately desires, so McCarran also wants to get it, and has such an arrangement.

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