The Ultimate Executive Officer

Chapter 449: New Krypton

DC World, Above Mars.

General Zod and Tang Tian stood on this somewhat barren land. Lightning erupted from time to time in the sky, and the falling comets also melted rapidly.

Tang Tian looked around and found that there was no sign of life. He couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. Obviously, the environment like Mars is still a bit unsatisfactory.

Furla and other Kryptonians transported Krypton's Origin Room from the spacecraft. As long as they can be transplanted, it won't be long before Mars will be thriving.

General Zod was quite satisfied with their actions. They already had hope and were about to realize this dream.

"General Zod, you have worked so hard, you can only build a new Krypton on Mars." Tang Tian looked at General Zod and said thoughtfully.

"This is nothing, it is much better than the wandering journey." General Zod said thoughtfully.

"By the way, I promised to help you." Tang Tian said calmly to General Zod.

"However, our agreement has come to an end, you have given me the secret tome." General Zod said thoughtfully.

"Speaking of which, there is nothing wrong with this, but I think you are a good person, and we can form an alliance."

Tang Tian looked at General Zod and said with great certainty, obviously he had his own plans.

General Zod heard Tang Tian's words and felt extremely surprised. In order to re-establish Krypton, he did a lot of wrong things by any means, and even killed Superman's father, but he didn't expect anyone to help him.

In fact, General Zod is not a brutal Kryptonian, just to survive for his own race, he has sacrificed too many things.

Tang Tian knew that in countless worlds, the Earth and Krypton faced the same situation. Basically, the planet's resources were exhausted. Humans were transferred to another planet, but they were more brutal than Kryptonians.

In the world of Avatar, in order to obtain those minerals, human beings have developed the campaign to eliminate the natives at all costs. If it weren't for the hero's zeal, the natives might have already died.

In comparison, General Zod just wanted to persuade Clark to return to Krypton at the beginning, and he would destroy the earth if he changed his hands.

In the original plot, Superman Clark destroyed the Origin Room and made General Zod die all hope, so General Zod became crazy and did things that Clark didn't want to see.

"Then how can you help me?" General Zod looked at Tang Tian and asked.

Tang Tian didn't say anything, and released countless octopus robots from the storage space, only to see those robots, which quickly floated up and built the structure of the house.

"Are these also your troops?" General Zod said in shock.

General Zod fought against Tang Tian several times, but he didn't know that Tang Tian actually had such power. If he just started using it on the spaceship, maybe their plans would all fail.

"Yes, it's a good idea to use them to build houses at the same time." Tang Tian looked at General Zod and said with a smile.

After a while, Tang Tian released 500 million octopus robots. These are nothing in the world of "The Matrix", but they are special in this plane world.

"I heard that you need a world engine, is that so?" General Zod looked at Tang Tian and said seriously.

"Of course, I need the World Engine badly."

Tang Tian looked at General Zod and said without hesitation.

"Well." General Zod nodded.

The world engines of the South Pole and North Pole were restrained, and they took refuge in front of Tang Tian. It seemed that it was when General Zod fulfilled his promise.

"General Zod, you are..." Tang Tian looked at General Zod and said suspiciously.

"You have reached your own agreement, so I can't fall behind." General Zod said kindly to Tang Tian.

For ordinary people, General Zod would not give him face, but Tang Tian gave him the opportunity to help him build Krypton, which really made General Zod full of goodwill.

Tang Tian also knew that General Zod had a forthright character, which was better than the indecisive Superman Clark. He would not affect the things he had already decided for other things, even if he knew that he would fail, he would not give up at all.

Then, Tang Tian used the power of magic to open a space gate on Mars to link to the earth, only to see that they could see many plants and trees of the earth.

"General Zod, I want to transplant some plants to the earth, you have no opinion!"

Tang Tian looked at General Zod and said in consultation.

"Of course not! Thank you." General Zod looked at Tang Tian thoughtfully and said.

Although Krypton's technology is already powerful enough, one thing is obvious, that is, their energy is not much. After the destruction of Krypton, there were problems with many data and energy blocks. If they hadn't found the outpost area, it is estimated that it would be impossible to find other things.

Tang Tian didn't talk nonsense, and directly summoned the Terminator robot to help General Zod collect all kinds of good things.

Anyway, there are a lot of things on the earth. Maybe it would be better to give General Zod a little. Besides, this is the DC world. Maybe the earth will blow up one day, or face more crises, so give the things to Zod. The general should be right.

"By the way, General Zod, when the earth faces a crisis in the future, I hope you can help."

Tang Tian looked at General Zod and said solemnly as if he was not joking.

"Of course no problem, I have caused so much trouble to the earth, and I will make up for it."

General Zod said without hesitation that he had already calculated what he should do.

"Very good, I didn't see you wrong! General Zod." Tang Tian looked at General Zod and praised him.

"Nothing, I just did what I was supposed to do." General Zod nodded silently and said.

In fact, it's not that he wants to win over General Zod to help him defend against Apocalypse's attack. It's just that the aliens are so powerful that they can only win if they unite.

In "Justice League: War", all members of the Justice League can't hurt Daxed, and even Superman Clark was caught by the opponent and almost turned into a humanoid weapon, so such preparations are necessary.

What's more, Tang Tian likes to have such a friendly neighbor on earth. Otherwise, in the face of more crises, he will definitely need more energy.

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