The Ultimate Executive Officer

Chapter 422: perfect evacuation

In downtown Atlanta, Rick and Glenn's efforts were not in vain. They quickly escaped from the dangerous place, but Glenn needed to attract zombies a little slower.

"Mor, get your things ready and let's go." Tang Tian looked at Mor and said softly.

"Okay, no problem, boss." Moore nodded.

You must know that Tang Tian has amazing power, which is not something that ordinary people can encounter. Mor is also lucky. Even when the zombies attack, Mor's safety factor will be higher.

"Let's go to the rolling door! It's estimated that Rick and the others will go there." Tang Tian looked at Moore and said softly.

Moer and Tang Tian quickly ran to the front of the rolling shutter door, as if they were thinking about something. They didn't bring many things, but they were all weapons and a little food. Other than that, there was nothing special.

At this time, not only them, but other survivors were ready, they also wanted to live, so they chose to believe in Rick and Glenn.

"Wow!" The glass of the department store shattered, and countless zombies appeared in front of them. When they found a living person, they became even more crazy.

"It's over, they came in." Andrea said in distress.

"There's no way to do this, they came at the right time." Tang Tian shook his head and said.

Mo Er was vigilant with his weapon, and he didn't seem to hesitate at all, but there was the sound of a car outside the rolling shutter door. Mo Er and Tang Tian quickly opened the door and left the position.

The speed of the crowd was very fast, but they still encountered a few zombies, but with the cooperation of Tang Tian and Mo Er, the zombies who were approaching did not approach them.

"Where's Glenn? Rick, didn't you go together?" Andrea asked thoughtfully.

"He attracted zombies and should be back soon."

Rick explained lightly, as if he didn't care at all.

"Glen, are you still there?" Moore picked up the walkie-talkie and asked with concern.

"Of course, I feel better than ever." Glenn said with a smile.

After a while, Glenn came to Rick's truck after attracting the zombies on the road. It seemed that Glenn was in a good mood.

"Rick, where are we going next?" Glenn asked curiously.

Rick thought for a while and said seriously: "Let's go to the survivor camp! This will protect us better."

Rick's words naturally resonated with the people around them. They all hope that in a safer environment, no one else objects at all. Tang Tian's words are casual, no matter where they are.

"By the way, where is that survivor camp?" Rick asked Morales.

"Of course, I know this very well." Morales said confidently, guiding them to an abandoned quarry, where the environment is very good, and it is more suitable for them.

After a three-hour trek, they had arrived at the destination of the operation. In front of the quarry is a barbed wire fence, and there are vans and various cars in front of them. Obviously, the survivors are also here.

"Ha, it looks like we're here, we're safe." Andrea said excitedly.

Almost died in the zombie group today, which is also an unprecedented danger for Andrea. Fortunately, they can save the day. Otherwise, there will be more dangers they may encounter.

"Get out of the car! We can meet new partners soon." Morales said with a smile.

"I think this is very good." T-boy said in agreement.

Before they came in, a group of people came out, as if they were wary of them.

"Who are you? Why are you here." The leader asked questioningly.

"We are survivors from Atlanta and want to join your camp."

Morales said seriously, not joking at all.

"Atlanta, you guys are really amazing, you can run so far and come here!" Sean said with a hint of surprise.

Suddenly, Rick heard the other party's voice and knew that the other party was his friend and his colleague in the town, so he immediately showed a surprised expression.

"Sean, it's really been a long time since I was there."

Rick came in and looked at Sean, smiled and said.

"Hi Rick, didn't expect you to be alive."

Sean looked at Rick a little flustered, but recovered immediately.

"Then let's go in together! Our friends." Sean nodded and said.

In comparison, Sean's enthusiasm made Andrea and Morales feel a little better. They didn't know Sean, but it was better for Rick to know each other.

"Finally don't run away." Moore said with a sigh of relief.

"That's right." Tang Tian nodded and said.

When they came inside, Andrea found her sister and Rick found his wife. Facing such a reunion, they both felt an unprecedented excitement.

At night, a bonfire was lit in front of them, and the survivors were talking about something. Tang Tian came to Sean.

"Hey man, I've heard about you, you're amazing in Atlanta."

Sean looked at Tang Tian who came over and said with a smile.

"This is nothing, you are the leader of this survivor camp, and you are also very powerful."

Tang Tian looked at Sean and said with a smile.

"Speaking of which, you have done a good job of handling all aspects of the team in an orderly manner."

Tang Tian looked at Sean with admiration and said that he was still happy in the face of such a talent.

Although Sean and Rick turned against each other in the end, there was no way to do this. In the doomsday environment, many things will change.

" I'll have a good chat with you when I have time." Tang Tian looked at Sean and said with a smile.

"No problem." Sean nodded.

T Boy came over, looked at Tang Tian with a smile and said softly, "Hey, Tang, let me explain the others to you."

"Yeah." Tang Tian looked at T and nodded.

In less than a minute, Tang Tian understood the personnel of the camp. Unsurprisingly, Darryl was still there, and he was also Moore's younger brother.

"Mor, it seems that your brother is also there, so it's easy to handle." Tang Tian looked at Mor and said softly.

"Haha, this is also very good." Moore showed an excited smile.

"It looks like this time is a complete success." Tang Tian said calmly.

The survivors who escaped from Atlanta are cherishing the hard-won comfort, and this is the best way to face the doomsday environment.

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