The Ultimate Executive Officer

Chapter 375: Rita's Opportunity

In a place in Washington, Tang Tian created countless exoskeleton armors through the Shadow Kingdom, enough for them to use for a long time.

Soldiers equipped with exoskeleton armor are gradually ready to evacuate. They have to go to the lower places to gain greater advantages.

Unfortunately, the aliens, in the face of their troop movements, also began to destroy General Smith's troops with all their strength. All I saw was huge aliens, releasing energy **** that attacked their troops.

"Boom!" The aliens released energy **** densely, causing a violent explosion, and the approaching armored vehicles and tanks were almost destroyed.

"What's the matter?" Tang Tian looked at the chief of staff and asked on the walkie-talkie.

"Report sir, we have found part of the main force of aliens and they want to eat our troops."

The chief of staff said nervously, as if worried about the situation.

"Stabilize, establish a defensive position, and allow the release of absolute zero grenades."

Tang Tian said to the chief of staff that this is also his method.

After a while, countless Terminator robots began to accelerate their construction, and a command headquarters appeared in front of them. The overall metal structure seemed to be extremely solid.

And Rita's superpower unit is also quickly cleaning up the aliens around. With their terrifying superpowers, it seems that few aliens can approach.

Then, a blue tentacle alien, countless tentacles spread, and instantly penetrated several superpowers, making the scene suddenly silent.

"No." Rita said angrily, condensed an ice thorn, cut off the tentacles, and used the power of ice to freeze the alien.

"Tucker, are you okay!" Rita looked at her companion and said loudly.

"Cough, I can't do it anymore, you hurry up and leave here." Tucker said with difficulty.

"Kacha..." Before they could finish their words, the alien came out of the confinement and rushed towards Rita.

"Boom!" Rita was caught off guard and was knocked a few meters away. Before he could react, the tentacles had penetrated her body.

"Damn it, alien." Rita was furious like never before, he condensed an ice blade and stabbed the alien's head.

Suddenly, a streak of blue blood spilled out from his body and splashed onto Rita's face.

"Zizzi!" A white smoke appeared, and Rita was corroded when she came into contact with the alien's blood.

Immediately afterwards, the screen changed, and Rita went back to the day before the battle, and Tucker and Rita were training their abilities.

"We'll be ready to use it right away," Tucker said thoughtfully.

"That's right, that's it." Selavi said softly next to him.

"Tucker, it's good to see you." Rita said excitedly to Tucker, not knowing what was going on.

"What's wrong, this is not like you!"

Tucker said strangely, as if he didn't understand what Rita was talking about.

In fact, Rita looked back a day and knew a lot of things, such as where they encountered threats, and he was puzzled by all of this.

Rita was still doing things as usual, and soon she found out that these were all things she had experienced. Originally, he thought he had changed the fate of their deaths, but unfortunately it was not so simple.

The second time I went back in time, they found about 300,000 aliens surrounded them on the way to retreat. With a lot of hard work, their troops suffered heavy losses, and the super-power team lost again. .

Rita was also accidentally hit by an energy ball and annihilated into the most basic particle.

"Damn, we were ambushed by aliens!"

In the training ground, Rita opened her eyes again and found the superpower team looking at him strangely.

"Haha, Rita, what's wrong with you?" Tucker asked thoughtfully.

"It's nothing, I just thought of a bad situation."

Rita shook her head helplessly and said that she could not tell others that she had traveled to the past.

"By the way, where is the doctor? I'm going to find him."

After thinking about it, Rita could only be a doctor.

"Okay, the doctor is in the laboratory." Tucker nodded helplessly and said.

When Rita heard Tang Tian's location, she rushed over without stopping, pushed open the door, and smiled at Tang Tian who was still studying calmly.

"What's the matter, Rita, is something wrong?"

Tang Tian put down the alien blood for the experiment and asked suspiciously.

"Captain, please go out, this is General Smith's secret laboratory."

The soldier in the laboratory looked at Rita coldly and said, in his eyes, Tang Tian is the most important.

"No, this is a very important matter, so I need your help, Doctor."

Rita is not stupid, she knows that her status is not comparable to Tang Tian, ​​so she finds Tang Tian's best choice.

"Go down!" Tang Tian waved his hand and said, the soldier heard Tang Tian's order, and went straight down without hesitation.

"Doctor, there is something very important and I need your help." Rita looked at Tang Tian seriously and said.

"What is it, it's worth running over with a lot of fanfare."

Tang Tian remembered being very calm and did not notice any aliens nearby.

"It's like this, there's a new kind of alien that can block radar and hide most of the troops."

Rita frowned and said everything she knew.

"How did you know?" Tang Tian frowned and questioned.

"I went back to the Rita thought about it, but she felt it was inappropriate, and she didn't know how to describe it.

"Really? This is the best joke I've heard." Tang Tian looked at Rita and said calmly.

"Sorry, Doctor, I'm not joking," Rita said bitterly.

During this period of time, he did not feel the fluctuation of time and space. Obviously, there was no change in time and space. Since Rita came from the future, then the deeper meaning was revealed.

In Rita's words, he naturally knows what power the other party has awakened. Like Cage, he has the power to go back in time, so he is also a "reborn."

The reborn can be said to be the darlings of fate. They understand the past and can complete the most impossible things with the least cost. In order to know in detail what happened in the retrospective time, he needs Rita to speak out completely, and Tang Tian Knowing what can't be expressed.

Moreover, in the blank period before the plot began, he didn't know anything, so it would be great to be able to use Rita's information. Since the other party is a rebirth, he should be able to obtain more valuable information.

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