The Ultimate Executive Officer

Chapter 364: Dr.Brown

Tang Tian and Kuang San quickly headed out to the parking lot of the supermarket. Tang Tian was still very clear about the experiment they were conducting.

In the parking lot, Martin sees Dr.'s new invention, a heavily modified Drolin D-12 sports car that, once accelerated to 88 mph, can travel through time to any era .

"Unbelievable, I didn't expect this time and space to be so weak."

Tang Tian looked at Dr. Brown in disbelief and said, as if a little surprised.

"This seems normal." Kurumi said thoughtfully.

Kuang San explained to Tang Tian: "Different worlds have different degrees of stability in time and space, just like the Marvel world is a little more stable than this world, so they can cause changes in time and space."

"That's it! Then it's interesting." Tang Tian nodded and said.

Then the excited doctor let his dog Einstein sit on it, demonstrated with the remote control, and successfully made the time machine travel to the future 1 minute later.

"Zizzi!" With a flash of lightning, Martin and Dr. Brown saw that the time machine disappeared and reappeared after a while. They changed and did not see the person behind.

"Not bad." Tang Tian was quite certain of Dr. Brown's ability.

Then he sat in the driver's seat and explained the working principle of the time machine to the camera, especially when he knocked his head on the toilet 0 years ago, he had an epiphany and invented the core component, the flux capacitor.

In fact, when Tang Tian saw this scene, he already knew that this was the influence of future Martin, and recalled the past scene with Dr. Brown's cleverness.

Then, just as the Doctor is packing his bags and getting ready to time travel himself, a group of terrorists suddenly appear, annoyed that the Doctor has tricked them into using their plutonium to power a time machine.

"Come, here comes the enemy we face."

Tang Tian looked at a car in the distance and showed a smile.

"What should we do?" Kurumi asked thoughtfully as he summoned the flintlock spear.

"Of course, kill them." Tang Tian said without hesitation.

"Oops, here they are!" Dr. Brown said, looking at this scene in surprise.

"What's going on?" Martin asked in surprise.

"Da da da!" Tang Tian only saw that the other party disagreed and attacked, instantly turning Dr. Brown into a sieve.

"Damn it, Doctor." Martin watched Dr. Brown get killed, and looked at the guys with some fear.

At this time, when the other party aimed at Marty, the ak47 suddenly jammed. Marty seized the gap, hid in the DeRoling sports car, and hit the accelerator to 88 mph.

After a flash, Marty's Derolling appeared on November 5, 1955 - when the Double Pines shopping mall was still just a farm, Marty hit and killed a pine sapling in the field, and was startled again. The farmer's family had to run around and hide their car near the construction site of the Lyon residential area, their future home.

"Kangsan, it's time for us to appear." Tang Tian looked at Kuangsan and said with a smile.

"Of course." Kurumi shot without hesitation, only to see countless bullets and beat the guy inside into a sieve.

Tang Tian also seemed to be rude. He threw a fireball directly, igniting the car and causing a violent explosion.

"Okay, those guys are done, what do we do now?"

Kuangsan thought about it, wanting to know Tang Tian's plan.

Tang Tian thought about the plot, he knew that Martin was already in the past, and he would walk to the valley town in the 1950s, but found that his advanced clothes and thinking were out of tune with this place. When he walked into a cafe, he suddenly found 0 Years ago, his father George was being bullied by Beaver. As Martin replaced George and was hit by Lorraine's father's car, the encounter changed.

"Let's go to 1986." Tang Tian looked at Kuang San with certainty.

The shadow under Tang Tian's feet spread rapidly, and it soon shrouded the surroundings. A robot came out of the shadow, with azure blue eyes looking at Tang Tian.

"Master, I will turn on the time machine, we can go together." T infinite looked at Tang Tian and said affirmatively.

"Very good." Tang Tian said with a smile.

When t Infinite came to Tang Tian, ​​a huge energy storm appeared around him. As t Infinite turned on the time machine, the surrounding arcs were attracted, which was very terrifying.

The quantum position can open the time tunnel. This is also clear to Tang Tian, ​​but Dr. Brown's technology surprised Tang Tian. He didn't expect that the indigenous people of this world could achieve this with backward technology.

Then, they disappeared into the current timeline and appeared in the past 1986.

"We're here." Tang Tian said with a smile, looking at the changes in the environment.

"Where are we going?" Kurumi frowned as he looked at the surroundings.

In fact, Kurumi has traveled through several worlds, and each world is more developed than this world, so he feels that he has lost interest in this backward world.

"Biotechnology company." Tang Tian looked at a sign in the distance and said with a smile.

"What do you want to give them? A t virus or a g virus."

Kuang San said playfully, he knew that Tang Tian would definitely not be that simple.

"It will be given to them when they arrive." Tang Tian said with certainty.

"When it's over, we go to 1991, and I'm going to give the Terminator robots to the guys of that era."

Tang Tian said without hesitation He was completely clear about what to do next.

Tang Tian will use the technology in his hand to lead the world to change, but he wants to see what kind of change can happen.

In countless worlds, the situation in each world is different, but the power of the time machine can allow him to cross any time line and achieve the purpose of gaining power.

Tang Tian needs to know what harm the t virus and Terminator robot technology will cause when they are integrated into other timelines.

After all, there are still multiverses, such as Marvel World and D World, their parallel worlds are terrifying, and a new world can be generated almost every second.

Compared with the changes in the Marvel world, what Tang Tian thought of was to create a world similar to having a multiverse, so that he could better obtain valuable things.

The potential of the plane world should not be underestimated, otherwise, there may be power beyond other worlds. For example, Tang Tian gave the technology of the past timeline, maybe he can harvest improved technology.

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