The Ultimate Executive Officer

Chapter 234: Suresh Mohind

In a laboratory in New York City, Suresh himself injected the superpower potion and obtained super speed and super strength, but unfortunately, without the action of the catalyst, everything mutated.

"Boom!" He responded to the knock at the door, and he looked at the people outside with some vigilance.

After Suresh opened the door, he saw two figures, one was a young man and the other was a beautiful girl.

"Hello, may I ask you, what do you have to do with me?" Suresh tried her best to show a gentle smile.

At this time, the surrounding gravitational field increased, Suresh fell unsteadily to the ground, and the invisible gravitational field suppressed him.

"Superpowers, what are you trying to do?" Suresh looked at Tang Tian and the others and said in surprise.

"Kangsan, it's up to you." Tang Tian turned to look at Kuangsan and said.

"Oops! No problem." Kuang San looked at Tang Tian and nodded, a flintlock pistol appeared in his hand.

"Emperor's Fourth Bullet!" Kurumi used the Time Bullet without hesitation, hitting Suresh on the body, and gradually a little change appeared on his body.

Originally, Suresh used the power of the potion without authorization, but as a result, a terrifying change occurred in his body, and his genes began to collapse, but Kurumi's bullet made him quickly go back in time and restore everything to his state.

"What kind of power is this? Who are you!" Suresh felt the change in his body and said in surprise.

"As you wish, we are superpowers." Tang Tian said calmly, and then walked towards the supplies.

Suresh didn't stop it either. He also knew that he couldn't stop those two people at all, so he had no other idea at all.

When they came to the house, they found Tracy and Nathan Perry who were locked up, and couldn't help showing a smile.

Tang Tian unleashed the psychic power in his hand, an invisible force spread, and their **** was lifted.

Nathan and Tracy felt that the restraints on their bodies were over, so they looked at Tang Tian in surprise and said, "Thank you for saving me."

Hearing his words, Tang Tian just shook his head and said, "Speaking of which, I am very familiar with your father. You can see your father when you come with me."

"Wait, my father is dead." Although Nathan felt that Tang Tian had saved him, he shook his head a little and said.

"Sometimes this can't be considered true unless you see it yourself." Tang Tian looked at Nathan Perry, shook his head and said.

"Then take me there!" Nathan thought about it and said seriously.

When the few of them came out, they already saw Suresh waiting, and Nathan and Tracy saw Suresh showing a trace of anger.

"What is he doing here?" Tracy looked at Tang Tian and said seriously.

"This is Nathan's father and asked him to help." Tang Tian waved his hand and said indifferently.

Speaking of which, the superpowers in this world are still very naive. They destroyed the company in the past, but they also suffered huge damage. Without the protection of Pyhurst, they were arrested and studied, which can be said to be the end. Rather miserable.

Tang Tian sometimes really couldn't figure out what they were trying to do. He thought he could save the world, but he didn't expect to make everything worse.

"Okay, let's go!" Tang Tian nodded to the three of them.

"How did we get there?" Nathan said strangely.

Tang Tian didn't explain much. When they were waiting for them to approach, a powerful spatial fluctuation appeared and enveloped them. Then they disappeared in place and appeared in Paihurst. in the company.

As soon as Arthur sent someone to get another copy, he was in a good mood when he saw Nathan and Suresh appear in front of them.

"Father!" Nathan said in surprise after seeing Arthur.

"Nathan, long time no see." Arthur looked at Nathan and said with a smile.

Nathan came over and gave Arthur a hug, and said excitedly: "It's really good that you're not hurt."

"Yeah! I have nothing to do." Suddenly, while they were talking, two uninvited guests walked in, one was the future Pete and the other was the current Pete.

"Boss, someone broke in." Frank looked at Arthur and said seriously.

"Kacha..." The door was quickly struck by a bolt of lightning and quickly shattered.

"There are enemies." Tang Tian just shook his head and said after hearing their words.

After a while, two almost identical people walked in, but Tang Tian saw that there was a scar on one person's face, which was obviously left by a war.

"Father, it's been a long time." The future Pete looked at Arthur and said nostalgically.

"Pete, you should be from the future, right! It should be very good for future superpowers to be active in this world." Arthur glanced at the future Pete and said affirmatively.

"No, this is a disaster, I have to stop all this." Future Pitt said firmly.

"Interesting, but unfortunately you can't do it." Tang Tian said with a sneer when he saw the future Pete, he threw a bolt of lightning.

Pete felt the crisis and was startled, and he quickly revealed a burst of energy to defeat the attack.

"Who are you too!" Future Pete looked at Tang Tian in surprise.

Starlight appeared in Tang Tian's left hand, and flames appeared in his right hand, which seemed extremely powerful, making Pete even more surprised.

"Multiple superpowers!" Pete looked at such a scene in So far, in his impression, only himself and Sera can do it, he didn't expect Tang Tian to do it too.

"Don't talk nonsense, I hate being busy!" Tang Tian waved his hand and said, a terrifying gravity field poured out.

In the future, Pete was instantly suppressed, and Tang Tian walked over slowly, quickly absorbing his superpowers, and there was more than one on him.

Pete felt that the energy in his body was instantly absorbed, and felt extremely shocked.

"Damn, you're absorbing my energy." Future Pete said with great surprise.

"Yes, your ability is mine." Tang Tian looked at Pete and said with a smile.

"Okay, now you should go back to the past timeline."

Tang Tian smiled at the future Pete and said, a force of time poured out, and Pete was teleported back.

"How did you do it?" Pete said in shock as he watched his future self disappear.

"For me, that's not a problem at all."

Tang Tian said calmly that he had absorbed several superpowers of Peter in the future.

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