The Ultimate Executive Officer

Chapter 220: Extreme plan

Earth 2, Gotham City.

A huge Wayne industrial logo stands in the center of the city. This is the city under the control of Bruce Wayne, the night owl of Earth 2. This building is also a high-tech survival center.

In a laboratory in the building, a man with a gloomy face woke up, exuding amazing blue lightning, and the smell of scorched lightning appeared around him.

"You're awake." Ye Xiao walked over to look at the speed, and said with a smile.

"Ye Xiao, what's wrong with me here?" Jisui touched his head and said with a very headache.

"The invaders of Earth 1 detonated the nuclear bomb, and you were hit so hard that if Superman didn't bring you in time, you might have died."

Ye Xiao shook his head and said to Jisu. As the actual owner of Gotham City, he naturally knew a lot about it. Even the superheroes that existed in Gotham City were cleaned up by him and locked up in a lunatic asylum.

After Jisui heard Ye Xi's words, a trace of coldness appeared in his eyes, as if biting cold. He remembered a huge shining sun at the moment when he lost consciousness, and his face became very ugly.

"Where is that guy?" Ji Speed ​​stood up tremblingly and growled.

"Calm down, he has returned to Earth 1, and relying on your strength can't solve him."

Ye Raid thoughtfully looked at Extreme Speed ​​and they said that they are also super criminals who control the city, so they established their own organization and declared it to be the Justice League. In fact, there is another name called the Injustice League.

"By the way, what happened to Superman!" Jisui looked at Ye Xi and nodded and said.

"Superman's condition is okay. After being hit by a nuclear bomb, he was not injured."

Night attack thought for a while and nodded.

"Okay, thank you, Ye Xi, I'm leaving here." Speedy nodded to Ye Xiao and said.

"Are you trying to get revenge? But I advise you to give up this plan temporarily. The other party's government is very deep, and you can't solve him." Ye Xi said very disapprovingly.

"I know this very well. I want to take the Flash's speed force and gain more powerful power." Speed ​​thought for a while, and said seriously.

"So do you need my help?" Ye Xiao walked over and said with a smile.

"How can you help if you don't have superpowers?" Jisui frowned and said, obviously not optimistic about Ye Xiao.

"Hehe, you forgot that I'm a scientist. I have brains and wisdom. I can help you solve The Flash first."

Ye Xiao said in a relaxed tone, he also learned a little about The Flash through speed, and naturally there is a way to deal with the Flash.

"Then what should we do? Do you want to find Shazam for help?" Speedy looked at Ye Xiao and said.

"No need, there are people on Earth 1 who are similar to us." Ye Xiao thought for a while and said seriously.

"You're right, we should plan in detail." Speed ​​nodded and said.

"How much do you know about that mysterious man?" Ye Xiao thought for a while, and said seriously.

"He is very good at hiding his abilities. He not only controls an invisible power, but also constantly absorbs the abilities of superpowers." Jisui said with a frown.

Jisu has already suffered a lot from Tang Tian, ​​so there is no other way except feeling aggrieved.

"This is a little troublesome. You should know that we can deal with those superheroes, but we are only afraid of guys like us who don't play cards according to common sense."

Ye Xiao shook his head, with a thoughtful expression on his face, and said softly.

"That's right, we have to plan this." Extreme Speed ​​said with certainty.

At the same time, in the cutting-edge laboratory of Earth 1, Tang Tian and Sisko's plan has reached a critical moment.

"Hey, man, I heard that you are going to Xingcheng, what are you going to do!"

Barry looked at Tang Tian and Sisko and they were about to go out, and said thoughtfully, he couldn't understand that Dr. Wells actually went with them.

"Hey, Barry, we're going to do a big plan." Sisko said as he was equipped.

"The Flash, it will definitely surprise you." Echo also said with a smile.

Except for the few of them, no one has told this plan at all, and only a few of them know about the importance of the plan. As for the opening of the latitude channel, it is unknown whether Barry objects or not.

"Okay, guys, let's go!" Tang Tian looked at Dr. Wells, thought about it, and said.

"Okay, no problem." Dr. Wells said softly as he prepared his luggage.

"I'll go too!" Kurumi said seriously with a thoughtful smile.

"Okay, no problem." Tang Tian looked at Kuang San and said with a smile.

Shizaki Kuangsan has been with Tang Tian for a long time. He has traveled through worlds, and he has also led him to the future of the Terminator world, which is of great help to Tang Tian.

"By the way, do you want to tell Caitlin?"

Seeing such a scene, Barry said thoughtfully.

"No, don't tell her that." Dr. Wells looked at Barry and shook his head.

Dr. Wells found a hat and put it on, and put on a backpack. Their plan was just the beginning, and there was no special explanation.

And Tang Tian didn't need to explain at all, as long as it was what he needed, he would definitely do it without hesitation.

"By the way, what about Hal's closest person?" Tang Tian looked at Barry suspiciously and said.

Barry thought of people who haven't seen Green Lantern for a, so he said something strange.

"I also looked for it. Hal said that he went to the headquarters of the Green Lantern Corps, and he will be back after a while." Barry thought about it and looked at Tang Tian and said.

"That's it! It seems to be a good choice." Tang Tian smiled at Barry.

The DC world has generally developed in the original direction, and members of the Justice League are gradually appearing. The Superman seen in Earth 2 is such an example.

However, this is still under Tang Tian's control, and there is not much deviation, but General Zod should not appear yet, otherwise it will be a huge trouble, Tang Tian is still very clear about this.

General Zod took the remaining Kryptonians and wanted to transform the earth into Krypton, but Superman protected the earth. For the Kryptonians, they are traitors, but they are also saviors for humans. They are still very clear about this.

After the Justice League gathers, the big event unfolds. After Darkseid arrives, the power of the earth may not be enough, so he still needs the help of superpowers in the X-Men world.


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