The Ultimate Executive Officer

Chapter 174: Darwin Corporation

USA, Chicago.

2035 is not a long-term future, but it is not bad at all. The time line is slightly earlier than the future of Boxing God and Terminator world that Tang Tian has been to.

"The taste in memory, try the Chicago-style pizza synthesized by Jazz City."

"Fluorescent fish, the world's best-selling genetically modified food, comes from Darwin."

On the street, Tang Tian and Kuang San were walking in this future world, so hundreds of black shadow warriors naturally attracted attention, but they all thought they were having a masquerade party.

Although the Sombra Samurai was a little weirder than the ns robot, it didn't cause any confusion.

"It looks pretty good here, there's a robot almost everywhere."

Kurumi glanced around and saw robots everywhere.

"Of course, the robots in this world have become the hard-working partners of human beings." Tang Tian explained without hesitation.

The popularity of robots in the future world is already very high. Almost every two people have a robot, which is convenient to do various housework or other things for themselves. The living standard of the indigenous people in this world is still very high.

"What's your purpose in going to this world!" Kuang San said with a smile, looking at Tang Tian.

"Dr. Alfred Langning and Wiki, and the future of technology in this world."

Tang Tian frantically told Kuang San that he was still very obsessed with technology, and the transformation of Star City into a city of machines needed those things.

"The strongest model robot is online, absolutely safe!"

"NS5 robot, tomorrow's technology, today's dedication!"

"Say goodbye to never-ending upgrades! Connect to the usr central computer wiki for daily live updates."

Tang Tian looked at the advertisement of usr company in the distance, and was not surprised. This place is also the company where the story started.

Spooner has gone to the Chicago Police Department, and Tang Tian has started his own operation. Their goal is the Darwin Gene Company and plunder their technology.

After a while, they slowly observed the future world for a while, and came to the gate of the heavily guarded Darwin company.

Darwin's research field includes genetic modification, cloning technology, gene optimization, gene transplantation and other technologies. In the future, the average life expectancy of human beings will be about twice as high as that of other worlds.

At the entrance of the Darwin company, two black-clothed bodyguards stood at the entrance. There are many military transformation NS robots in the company to strengthen the company's defense.

The mechanical enemy world has civilian robots, and naturally there are also modified military models, which are used to protect some large companies and act as bodyguards and soldiers.

"Sir, please show your appointment, otherwise Darwin Company will not be allowed to enter!"

"Also, the company prohibits the influx of a large number of people." The black bodyguard pointed to the shadow warrior behind and said solemnly.

As soon as Tang Tian and Kuang San reached the door, a black security guard stopped them both. Obviously, a large group of shadow warriors were seen behind, and they all knew that the other party was a bad visitor.

"Oh, it sounds interesting." Tang Tian said blankly, and took out a freezing gun from the storage space.

"Damn, they are enemies." Another bodyguard quickly took out his pistol when he saw it, but unfortunately it was too late.

Through the induction of telekinesis, he knew the bodyguard's thoughts that the other party would fight back, but he did not press the cryo gun, just let them attack first.

"Bang bang bang!" The two bodyguards released 20 rounds of bullets at one time, and the m9 pistol was slightly hot in their hands.

Then, they saw an unforgettable scene where all the bullets completely solidified as if they were fixed.

"Stupid native." Tang Tian shook his head and turned on the freezing gun. Two white mists spread rapidly. Before the bodyguard was surprised, it was condensed into a statue by an absolutely zero-degree cold air.

"Let's go in!" Kurumi looked at the statue in front of him, and had no opinion at all.

In Darwin's office, the company's president, Clyde Simeone, was reading the newspaper in the office. The company he founded 30 years ago has also become a leader among GMO companies.

Suddenly, the sound of the m9 pistol firing at the door surprised Clyde. He couldn't imagine who would be doing something here.

"Touch!" The door was violently opened, and a bodyguard looked at Clyde nervously and said, "Sir, it's not good, a group of people broke into the company illegally, and our bodyguards were also killed."

"What!" Clyde frowned, this seemed impossible, he thought he had heard it wrong.

"Immediately dispatch our robotic force to contact the Chicago Police Department and the military."

Clyde also heard the chaos outside and calmly ordered.

"Yes, sir." The bodyguard didn't dare to stop and quickly followed Clyde's orders to deal with various things.

At this time, thousands of transformed military NS robots were activated in Darwin's warehouse, and the combat robots that were almost never used, but showed their hideous fangs.

"Bang bang bang!" After the Sombra Warrior in the company snapped a bodyguard's neck, a blue-painted NS robot swept towards the Sombra Warrior with a Gatling machine gun.

After Tang Tian released the Black Shadow Corps to attack here, the rest of the personnel had already hid behind the combat robot, and Clyde's emergency operation with the robot began.

Facing the NS robot's Tian used the psychic barrier to block their attacks. Facing the intensive firepower, Tang Tian was completely calm.

"It's interesting, the depth of this world looks good too!" Tang Tian said with a smile.

"That's why you like to dig into the world of experience, don't you?" Kuang Sanyi said as a matter of course.

In fact, every plane world has its hidden side. For example, there are three epic Terminators in the Terminator world. Each world has enough depth to dig, and it will definitely not be as simple as the movie world.

Because in a word, this is a complete world, and civilian robots have become so popular, not to mention in the military or some companies, it can be said that robots are perfect killing machines.

The ns robot army is not afraid of death, no fear, no thought, and it is the perfect ultimate weapon in all aspects. It is conceivable that the military in this world must have more powerful weapons.

In addition to the United States, other places connected to the Internet through Tang Tian also found that the popularity of robots is also very high, and some of the black technologies they transformed should not be too bad.

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