The Ultimate Executive Officer

Chapter 156: Frost Lord Laufey

Marvel World, Asgard.

Laufee easily brought a few men to Asgard through the secret passage that Loki gave him, and his target was the sleeping Odin.

In the Immortal Palace of the Gods, Laufey quickly controlled it, and Sol's mother, the mother of the gods, Frigga, was all under control.

"Lao Fei, you actually broke into Asgard, aren't you afraid of Asgard's counterattack?" Frigg looked at Lau Fei coldly and said.

"Boom..." There was a violent explosion in the periphery, causing the palace to vibrate to varying degrees.

"What's going on?" Frigga was startled, the Frost Giant's fighting style naturally wouldn't cause such a violent shock.

"Mother of the gods, you broke the agreement first." Laufey came over and explained to Frigga coldly, as if thinking of something, and continued: "It seems that it is not only us who have hatred for you! "

Lauffe playfully explained to Frigga that he had sent soldiers to check outside, and he would know the result soon, and he had a hunch that this was a good chance.

"My king! The Asgardians outside are restricted. It seems that the wizards of Misgard killed them." Laufey quickly learned the result and sneered.

"Impossible, Misgard respects us as gods, how could that be?"

Frigga said in shock, she didn't want to believe it.

"Hehe, nothing is impossible. Compared with this, it would be better for you to see me deal with Odin with your own eyes."

The ice blade popped out of Laufey's palm, looking at the dormant Odin showing incomparably coldness.

In the palace, Loki woke up after releasing the Destroyer here, but some memories were selectively forgotten by Tang Tian.

"What's going on? After releasing the Destroyer, I should deal with Laufee and be a hero of Asgard!" Loki muttered to himself in armor, as if he had thought of something.

"Lauffy should be here too!" Loki grinned, and he seemed to have forgotten the energy of the Calamity Gem in his body.

Loki is also a wizard, but it can be said that some academic skills are not good. If he can be beaten like that on Earth, it can be said that he is not even worthy of being a god.

At this time, Thor on Earth also went to the place surrounded by S.H.I.E.L.D. in order to get Thor's Hammer.

After Sol came in through the barbed wire, he was quickly discovered by the patrolling agents, and immediately reported it to Tian's old friend S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Coulson.

"There is a gap, an enemy has come in." Coulson said loudly through the communicator.

"Put on the fist **** gloves!" Coulson added.

"Okay!" Hawkeye also put on the fist **** gloves, and the stimulation of the biochemical current was enough to improve his shooting and reaction by several grades.

When Sol saw the black agent in front of him, he raised his fist and attacked without hesitation, but the opponent's reaction speed was ridiculously fast.

"Boom!" The fist **** gloves collided with Sol's fist, and Sol took a step back and stared at the black agent in front of him in disbelief.

"It is forbidden to enter here, or pass my level first!" The black agent was full of interest and said to Sol.

After the agents of SHIELD wore the fist **** gloves, almost no matter what enemy they dealt with, they could deal with it with one punch.

"I didn't expect that Misgard also has people as powerful as you." Thor said in shock.

"Yes, then should I feel lucky! However, we are using the power of technology." The black agent looked at the fist **** gloves and said softly.

It's true that Thor was stripped of his divine power, but his physical quality is three times that of the earthlings, so the attack was easily blocked by the opponent, and I have to say that Sol was extremely surprised.

In Asgard, the situation on Tang Tian's side is still in a stalemate and no one can do anything about it.

Entering the Marvel world this time, Tang Tian planned a lot of good things, and almost got them all right away.

Steel suits, Ark reactors, Jericho missiles, Hulk genes, Extremis virus, Cosmic Rubik's Cube energy, Frost Box and Eternal Fire, etc., have given Tang Tian a huge harvest.

If it was Asgard in the prosperous period, he would not dare to go here to die, but the weak period gave Tang Tian a chance. Asgard has not reacted yet, it should be that Lau Fei has arrived.

Loki's memory is set by him to release the Destroyer, the previous memory will be forgotten, and Loki will help him contain him for a period of time.

As for the gun of eternity in his hand, Tang Tian did not plan it. He was afraid that Odin would sense the existence of the gun of eternity next time he entered the Marvel Universe.

In Asgard, the shadow warriors and the Terminator robots, but the warriors of the gods gradually adapted to the battle, and the proportion of Tang Tian's battle damage continued to rise.

"Ulu Metal is really good." Tang Tian counted the Ulu Metal ore and showed a satisfied smile to Kuang I can also feel the special energy it contains! Kuang San turned his head to look at Tang Tian and explained.

"Yes, this time our luck is also very good!"

Tang Tian showed a confident smile. After planning for so long, he finally got the treasure he dreamed of at the right time.

On the battlefield, the shadow warriors also dragged the dead warriors of the gods into the shadows. Their blood was enough for Tang Tian to study it.

"I'll try the power of the armor, how about we together?"

Kurumi showed a smile and put on the Godslayer armor tailored for her from the shadow field.

"This is no problem. Your armor is mainly gold! The various weapon systems are not bad at all."

Tang Tian looked at Kuang San's strange-colored pupils and said thoughtfully.

"Of course, I'm very satisfied." Kurumi giggled after putting on the armor, and flew out quickly.

"Okay, let's start our battle!" Tang Tian put on his armor again and flew into the fierce battle area.

Tang Tian and Kuang San controlled Skynet and dropped five armored Jericho missiles and various ammunitions at the Divine Realm warriors in the crowd. Suppress the gods as much as possible and get more genetic samples.

"Boom rumbling..." The fighters of God's Domain were shrouded in huge flames in an instant, and many fighters of God's Domain were also blasted out.

With the addition of two sets of Tang Tian's most high-tech godslayer armor, the situation on the battlefield has also undergone a subtle change. But not much has changed, except for a little bit of confusion at the beginning, and then quickly recovered.

They are worthy of being called the Asgardian gods, and they can resist for so long. The frost giants are not as tenacious as the gods, so Tang Tian can destroy the frost kingdom.

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