The Ultimate Executive Officer

Chapter 137: The mighty Obama

New York City, Stark Industries.

Pepper followed Tony's instructions, opened Obadeh's computer, and the hidden disk, and found a large amount of arms deals.

"It turned out to be him, using those warlords in Afghanistan!" Little Pepper said in disbelief.

Little Pepper thought of something, people from SHIELD contacted her and left a phone call, these are the contact information that Coulson left.

"Mr. Coulson, you need to bring a large number of agents, I'm in trouble here." Pepper said nervously after connecting.

"Miss Potts, now?" Coulson asked in disbelief.

"Yes, leave here." Little Pepper said seriously.

After Coulson heard Pepper finish speaking, Nick Fury in the office also nodded, and Nick Fury also knew about it through the speaker.

"It seems that we have made a different discovery this time. Go and help Poz!"

Nick Fury looked serious, looked at him wearing the second-generation fist **** gloves, and said seriously.

"Yes, sir," Coulson replied.

Coulson quickly mobilized three agents wearing the fist **** gloves, this is also the power they can use.

After Xiao Chili called S.H.I.E.L.D., he quickly looked at other information and discovered the technology of the steel suit, and was even more surprised by the purpose of Obadeh.

"Zizzi..." Suddenly, the computer screen turned into a snowflake, and Obadai suddenly appeared here from behind Little Pepper.

"Really a smart kid, so what if he knows this? These are also what I let you see."

Aubadi didn't have the slightest sense of tension, and confidently introduced to Pepper that he had basically controlled the overall situation.

He gently closed the laptop, wearing a biochemical current-enhanced suit, and looked at Chili pepper with a smug look on his face. Everything is under his control, and there is no problem at all.

"Do you think it would be useful to call those agents here?" Obadi asked, staring at Little Pepper.

"Could it be because of your enhanced battle suit." Pepper said sarcastically without the slightest fear.

"Of course, Tony will make a lot of good things, and I'm also using his weapons." Obadi said seriously without any fear.

"Touch!" After the critical moment was in progress, a violent punch flew out of the door, and Coulson walked in with three agents.

"Mr. Obadiah, please leave Miss Potts!"

After Coulson smashed the door with the fist **** gloves, he said coldly to Obadeh with the gun in his left hand, and the other agents aimed at him with the black muzzle.

"This is not a good idea!" Obade shook his head and walked over.

"Shoot!" Coulson also knew the enhanced suit that Obadeh was wearing, and ordered his agents to attack.

"Bang bang bang!" The four bullets were instantly thrown towards Obadeh, but Obadeh smiled and avoided the past easily.

"Oops!" Little Pepper was startled and ran away quickly, she knew she couldn't stay here any longer.

"Stop him." Coulson gave an order to the agents under him, and the three agents went forward without hesitation after hearing the order.

"There's no problem with Pozze's departure, should we solve you first?"

Obadeh's face turned cold, and he caught the fist from the opponent. He just shook slightly, which completely canceled their strength. Then it turned into a hand knife and easily knocked out a few agents.

"How is it possible, your battle suit can resist the fist **** gloves."

Coulson looked at it for less than a minute, and asked in surprise that all his subordinates were solved. He was also very surprised by the comprehensive strength of the opponent's battle suit.

At this moment, a streamer descended from the outside, and it was Tony Stark who was notified by Pepper's escape.

"Tony is here, and the first thing I have to deal with is him."

"Okay, I'll let you go and witness the moment when Tony was killed by me today!"

Obadi said with a grim expression that he was not in a hurry about S.H.I.E.L.D. He also had his own network of connections, so he didn't care at all whether he was discovered by S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Tony, it seems that our armor is more powerful!" Obadeh looked into the distance and said seriously.

Obadi's Iron Overlord armor has been completed, loaded with a lot of Stark Industries weapons, powerful and destructive.

At the same time, Tang Tian and Kuang San were also watching such a scene across from the cutting-edge industry.

"Oh! The curtain has been opened, it's really interesting." Kuang San looked at the golden-red Iron Man outside and chuckled.

"Yeah! It is indeed the beginning, I don't know what will happen next?"

Tang Tian said with a look of interest, and he was also interested in their battle.

The agents of SHIELD entered just now, but as long as Coulson came out, it means that it has been dealt with by Obadeh.

"Obadai's strength has indeed increased a lot, and it is very good in all aspects."

Tang Tian said with a look of satisfaction, Obadai did not disappoint him too much, at least not as **** as the original plot, and his strength in all aspects has been greatly improved, which is exactly what Tang Tian hopes to see a result.

The Iron Man brought by Pepper is here, and Obadi also has his own Iron Overlord armor. Everything is developed according to the original script, but the power of the villain has been excessively enhanced.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. are still a little insufficient in the face of the enhanced body-strengthening The biochemical current not only stimulates his brain, but his body and cells have also been increased a lot, so This is why they failed.

"This time, we don't need to intervene for the time being, let them solve it themselves!" Tang Tian said seriously.

So far, this choice is the most ideal, and these are not Tang Tian's business. It doesn't matter who Stark Industries controls Tang Tian at all, as long as he can get the benefits, it will be no problem.

Tang Tian traveled through the Marvel world not to make friends with those superheroes, he came here just for pure plunder, so he would do whatever was beneficial to him.

There are almost no restrictions on Tang Tian's trading skills, whether it is S.H.I.E.L.D., Obadiah, or if Hydra wants, he can do it.

The rule of plane merchants is to try not to get involved in the struggle between the two forces. When a bystander makes them die, it is another experience for Tang Tian.

Entering the Marvel world this time, Tang Tian's change of strategy was indeed effective. At least some things don't need him to participate, but there is also his influence. ( )

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