Tossing too late the first night, when An Changqing woke up the next day, the sun had slipped into the house through the window screens. +++ Catino novel website has just snowed at night, and the outside is white. The light winter sunlight reflects from the snow, bright and scorching eyes.

An Changqing yawned in a daze and opened her eyes. An Fu, who was waiting outside, heard the movement and pushed the door in and asked if he was up.

"What time is it?" An Changqing asked, looking at the sky (color).

"It's noon."

"It's so late?" An Changqing was slightly surprised, and looked outside, and the sun was indeed bright: "Why don't you call me earlier?"

"The prince ordered it before going out." An Fu winked his eyes and said, "I said the son was tired yesterday, so I will let you sleep a little longer."

An Changqing: "..."

An Changqing glared at him and said, "Prepare water, I want to wash."

An Fu chuckled twice, and quickly went to prepare. An Changqing lifted the quilt and got out of the bed, the pain in her knees has disappeared. He lifted his trouser legs and looked at it, and the bruise was more terrifying than yesterday. But last night Xiao Zhige rubbed him with medicated wine for a long time. After the bruises dissipated, the pain was much relieved. You only feel the pain when you press it with your hands.

He was watching, unexpectedly Anfu came in with the washing utensils, and saw the wound on his knee, like a noisy goose that was suddenly pinched by the neck. He gasped and said in shock: " did you hurt him? That's it..."

After asking, he patted his head again, wondering why he asked such a stupid question.

What else can I do? It must have been made last night...

He looked at An Changqing distressed and worried, and cautiously said, "Would you like to call a doctor to have a look?"

The prince did it too hard. He thought that those rumors were unbelievable before, and now it seems that they are not all groundless. My son is so thin and tender, how can he toss so much?

If I let Aunty Yu know, I wouldn't feel sorry for it.

"..." Seeing his expression, An Changqing knew what he was thinking, and said with a stern face: "Shut up! It's okay, you are not allowed to talk to your mother."

An Fu reluctantly let out an "Oh" and had to wait for him to wash first.

After washing and changing clothes, Wang Fugui found him and asked him to report the two things he had previously explained.

First, all the accounts of the Zhuangzi shop in the mansion were counted, and he asked him where he kept it.

Second, the Zhuangzi in Qingyun Mountain has been repaired. The Zhuangtou also sent ten well-trained maids over and asked him how to arrange them.

"Move the account book to the prince's study, and put it in the empty penthouse; the maids teach the rules first, and then send them to Qingwuyuan after they have learned them."

-Qingwu Courtyard is the courtyard where Yu and An Xianyu live now.

Wang Fugui kept saying yes.

An Changqing asked again: "How are Zhou Helan's mother and son?"

Wang Fugui replied: "Doctor Hu has already prescribed the medicine, and Mrs. Zhou's face (color) has improved a lot; Gongzi Zhou has come to look for it twice, but you are not in the house. He also asked the old slave. The old slave didn’t dare to make arrangements rashly just thinking that it was your guest.”

After bringing people back from Qingyun Mountain, An Changqing placed Zhou Helan's mother and son in the guest hospital, and asked Hu Shifei for diagnosis and treatment. It was only afterwards that he was busy with Zhuangzi's affairs and was suddenly called into the palace. He only visited the mother and son once in the middle, and the steward Wang was taking care of the rest.

He thought for a while, then said: "I'll go over and take a look."


An Changqing went to the guest house, but did not want to meet unexpected people in the guest house.

"Mother? Yuer? Why are you here?"

When An Changqing stepped into the yard, she saw the Yu family, An Xianyu and Zhou Mu sitting on the corridor, and the three women sitting in one place, embroidering together. It was Zhou's mother that looked quite awkward when she took the needle.

The three of them got up to welcome him, and Yu was the first to say, "I will come and sit down when I am free. Why are you here now?"

"I'm looking for Helan." An Changqing looked at Zhou's mother: "Is my aunt (shen) better?"

Zhou's mother waved her hand again and again, and said in the unskilled Da Ye Mandarin: "My name is Mulla, and Master calls me by name."

Xihu people are nomads, they have no surnames, only first names.

An Changqing smiled and shook his head. Although he helped Zhou Helan's mother and son, he also had the heart to gather Zhou Helan, but he didn't really intend to let their mother and son go to the palace. Zhou Helan is by no means a thing in the pool, it is the best to be his right arm. If he has a small temple here, Zhou Helan will not be able to tolerate him in the future, so that Zhou Helan can help Xiao Zhige, and it will be considered as fat and water not flowing outsiders' fields.

So he treated mother and son with courtesy from the beginning.

Seeing that he was unwilling, Zhou's mother didn't want to say anything, she just said: "Helan is studying in the back, I'll call him."

"I'll go find him." An Changqing didn't want to disturb their interest, so she lifted her foot to the back to find Zhou Helan.

Zhou Helan was reading a book as expected, but An Changqing didn't react until he reached the door, and hurriedly put down the book and saw him.

"I don't need so many false gifts in the future." An Changqing said helplessly, "I heard the steward Wang said that you went to find me before?"

Zhou Helan stood up straight up and said, "Yes, the young master hired a doctor for my mother, and gave us a place to stay. Helan is so idle all day, it is really uneasy in her heart."

An Changqing smiled and said, "There is nothing for you to do."

Zhou Helan's face (showing) happy (color): "Master, just tell me!"

An Changqing said, "Can you settle the account?"

Zhou Helan nodded: "Yes."

"That's fine." An Changqing originally thought he would not, and planned to invite a clerk to teach him. Now listening to him talk about it, it saves things, and said: "Then you will come to the main courtyard to find me tomorrow morning. Read the ledger with me."

After talking about business, the two went out together. When I arrived in the front yard, I saw Yu's sideways, warmly pointing out Zhou Mu's embroidery skills. Although Zhou's mother looked a little sick, but she was in good spirits, she smiled and matched (color) needles according to Yu's instructions. An Xianyu smiled and watched from one side, and the atmosphere was very pleasant.

Zhou Helan stood still, watched for a long time, and then said in a low voice, "I haven't seen my mother so happy in a long time."

After he was ten years old, his father suddenly disappeared, and his mother took him to Daye to find his father, and she never smiled again. The search for her father has been squandering these past few years, perhaps because she knows that there is little hope in her heart, and she is seriously ill and does not want to drag him down. She has a desperate ambition and doesn't even say anything.

Although An Changqing didn't know what he had experienced before, but this kind of mood can be experienced more or less, patted him on the shoulder and said: "It will be better in the future."

Zhou Helan smiled at him, took a step, called a mother,

An Changqing sat in the courtyard with him for a while before returning to Qingwuyuan with the Yu family. On the way, most of the Yu family was talking, An Changqing and An Xianyu were listening.

Back to Qingwuyuan, An Xianyu went to put the embroidered bandage. The Yu family dismissed the servants outside, and then pulled An Changqing in a low voice: "You and the prince... are you okay?"

Changqing An didn't understand the meaning for a while, and naturally said: "Okay, what can be wrong?"

Yu slapped him and said anxiously: "Mother is asking about your aspect..."

She shouldn't have asked about it at first, but she still had something in her heart. If she didn't ask clearly, she was really worried.

An Changqing's face was thin, and his face turned red all at once. She was embarrassed to say that they hadn't rounded up the room, so she mumbled and complained: "Mother, what do you ask this (gan)?"

Yu was anxious: "When you were in the same room... there was nothing unusual, right?"

"Abnormal?" An Changqing was stunned, "What can be abnormal?"

Yu looked at his expression, and saw that he was indeed puzzled, and then he was relieved, and said, "It's nothing...just listen to the scary rumors from the outside, I'm afraid you won't tell my mother if you're wronged."

"That's all arranged by someone else." An Changqing was angry now when he heard the rumors, and said unhappy: "Mother, don't listen to nonsense. The prince is fine, and it is good to me."

Yu smiled: "Yes, I won't listen anymore."

As the two were talking, An Xianyu came over. This topic is not suitable for girls who are not out of the cabinet, so I stopped.

An Changqing said: "There is only one thing I forgot to mention. Zhuangzi sent ten maids. My mother and sister will pick a few pleasing ones and stay with them to serve. The rest will be left as rough maids. Wait for it to be over. I'll send you to Zhuangzi again."

"In the new year?" Yu hesitated: "We are living in the palace these days, it's enough to attract people, so it's better to go to Zhuangzi earlier."

An Changqing actually thought about this issue, but asked him to leave his mother and sister in Zhuangzi for the New Year. He couldn't bear it. After thinking about it, he talked to Xiao Zhige and sent someone to Zhuangzi after the New Year. .

"The prince didn't speak, anyone else would dare to gossip?" An Changqing said intimately: "Mother, don't worry, there will be nothing wrong."

"Yu'er, isn't it boring to spend the whole day in the mansion? I will ask you a female husband in two days. You will study with your husband, and when you go to Zhuangzi, let your husband go with you."

The expression on An Xianyu's face, who had always been quiet, became lively, and her voice should be clear.

The Yu family on the side joked: "Your sister is also happy to hear that she studies. What if she marries someone else's house in the future?"

An Xianyu's face (color) turned red, her head hanging down her handkerchief, and she stopped talking.

But An Changqing remembered the news that Anfu had received, and after considering it for a moment, he said, "Speaking of marriage...there is already news from the Zhongyong Hou Mansion."

The cheerful atmosphere suddenly became condensed, and Yu's eyebrows condensed and said, "What can I find?"

An Xianyu also fell silent, staring at him blankly.

"I won't know until tomorrow." An Changqing shook her head: "Don't worry, this marriage won't happen, it's just that Yuer will be wronged for a few days."

Yu sighed, (touching Mo) distressedly (touching Mo) his daughter's head. However, An Xianyu was uncharacteristically. She wringed her handkerchief for a while and then gathered up the courage to say, "I'm not afraid of those rumors...I, I don't want to marry him."

Since the last time I went back to the door, I heard An Changqing said that Wu Junshu may have raised the outer room, and An Xianyu's former little daughter has lost his mind. Although she is accustomed to accepting the taciturn, it may be the support of her mother and brother that gave her courage. She confessed (disclosed) her true thoughts for the first time.

She does not want to marry.

An Changqing's expression is complicated. For a long time, (touching Mo) in her worried eyes (touching Mo) her head, nodded and agreed: "Okay, if you don't want to marry, we won't marry. You will never be wronged again. ."

The author has something to say: An Fu: The prince really doesn't pity Xiangxiyu. The princess doesn't say anything wronged. I'm going to tell my aunt.

Counsel:? ? ? ?


Today's counseling did not appear, but he still carried a pot. Look at this pot, it is black and round, and you are daunted.

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