The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 757: Blood God Trial Level 1, Bone Road

While accompanying several beauties, Hu Kan, Ville was constantly collecting information, and communicated with Lilith quietly.

Everything has a degree, and the capacity is a limited thing. Even the space is the same. The details of the trial of the blood gods are not familiar to Little Weier, but this small square appeared after accommodating ninety-nine second-level powerhouses. A new change.

A white road slowly appeared in the fog with the loud noise of "Rumble~". This is a road no more than ten feet wide, but completely composed of white bones. The **** is not steep but it gives people a feeling that it is difficult to climb. .

A voice remembered in everyone's hearts: the first stage of the trial of the blood god, the road to the bones.

"As soon as you succeed, no one can succeed casually. The achievements of successful people are made by stepping on the bones of other people. Perhaps the white bone road means that." Lilith's eyes flashed with a look of excitement, she She has never been a real good girl. It is her real character to be self-reliant, even if she has become Vill's fiancée.

Blood God? Is this blood the blood of the blood family?

Seeing this road to the bones, Ville couldn't help but think of the road to the bones that the blood count and soul singer Segorith walked in the previous seven-story sacred space. It’s just that the road to the bones is longer and farther. , But the momentum is far from insufficient.

"Now, Lilith, we have discussed before, whether there is a baby in this world that can increase the strength of blood, regardless of blood type, which can be applied to all types of blood." Ville's voice was very low, but it happened to be able to be defeated by Lily. Si, Guai Li Luo, Dolly Carres, BYD, Nancy heard it.

Lilith reacted quickly and looked at him thoughtfully: "This bone road has this effect?"

The Eye of Intermediate Appraisal was activated, and the information of Baigulu was collected by him, and the function was quickly analyzed by Xiaowei. Although the construction method would be impossible to analyze for a while, the situation was generally understood.

This is a trial road. As for the improvement and training of the bloodline, this road has been touched a little bit by people. If it fails to pass, it will eventually become a bone on the side of the road.

"This road is very dangerous, and at the same time it helps us a lot. I hope you remember one thing, don't exhaust the vindictive power in your body." After Xiao Weier finished speaking, he walked over, and at this time, the people in the square The masters have gone seven or eighty-eight, and the rest are solitary lone rangers.

The offensive ability is prohibited. When Ville set foot on the Bone Road, a message came into her mind, and she was immediately forgotten by Ville. Instead, she whispered to remind Lilith, Guai Li Luo, and Dolly Carles to be careful not to be let go I've calculated it.

Ninety-nine Tier 2 powerhouses, Ville, Lilith, Guai Liluo, Dolly Calles, BYD, and Nancy, came together. The scale is already a top-ranked combination. No one dares to treat them. What's more, not to mention that the Blood God Trial is advancing and not retreating. When they set out, the remaining people were already less than twenty, and at most two or two combinations, such a combination would still be a little difficult to deal with them.

The first feeling of the Bone Road is heavy. This is just a passage. The bottom of the foot is the Bone Road. The tops of the left and right sides are covered by blood-red mist, which is similar to the mist in the square. It cannot penetrate and cannot see the opposite scene. A piece of whiteness, a piece of white bones.

"Play steadily, don't worry, there is no time required for this trial." Xiaoweile reminded: "It's better to say that the longer the trial, the greater the reward."

"You seem to be familiar with this place?" The sea clan mage Nancy finally couldn't help but ask in a low voice. She came here by accident. Of course, the breath here is also a very important reason for her attraction.

The advanced players have a so-called hunch. Nancy has a foreboding that this will help her bloodline. Although it is dangerous, she still rushes in without hesitation.

"In addition to the sky knight and the first-level wizard, I also have an identity: the blessed one." Little Weier said casually: "This identity brings me a magical eye, which can see through the reality of many extraordinary things. The Bone Path is very high, and I can see limited things."

"Pop!" Dolly Carles slapped her fist, nodded and said, "I remember, when I first met you, you seemed to say that you were the favored one, it's not right. Both of you are the favored ones."

Lilith smiled and nodded: "Not two, the three of us are the favored ones."

The pressure is increasing. Although each step is very weak, it is very small, and this pressure exists all the time, which makes the tester bear continuous impact, and this impact is after the 100th floor. Immediately changed, in addition to the gravity pressure, there was a hint of mental shock.

This layer is the wolf howling, the next layer may be the tiger roar, and the next layer may be the banshee howling. Different blood abilities are transmitted to them through mental impact. At the same time, as long as they step on the bone road, the blood is also there. Slowly upload to them.

Every one hundred floors of Baigu Road will have a small resting platform next to it, with a diameter ranging from three to five hundred meters, where there is no excess pressure, gravity and mental impact can temporarily rest, everyone only has ten minutes to rest, ten minutes He was kicked out immediately.

This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that Ville and the others saw two shriveled corpses on the rest platform on the 200th floor, the corpses that had run out of blood after being killed.

"There is a small tree here, and the fruit on it has been picked." BYD keenly discovered some problems. Not far from the corpse, there was a small blood-red sapling no more than two feet high. One branch was obviously picked. trace.

"Blood veins evolve grass, blood veins evolve fruit, blood veins evolve gems." Although Dolly Carres' voice was very soft, it could be clearly transmitted to someone's ears, "The map that spread out has a hint that there are three in this place. A treasure that enhances bloodlines, is this the tree that breeds the fruits of bloodline evolution?"

Ville pointed at it and shook his head slightly after a while and said, "I'm not sure, but it's not wrong that a fruit was picked here before. What should I do? Do you want to take the whole tree away?"

Dolly Carres squinted at him: "Do you think we are easy now? Don't you just lighten the burden now, and if my guess is correct, this little tree will wither away from here."

"That's right, but there is no reward." Little Will cut off a small branch and put it in his arms (actually thrown it into the Snowwood World, perfecting the plant collection in Snowwood World), and then strode out.

"If I were you, I wouldn't try those leaves easily." Ville's words made Nancy's hand pause. In the end, she didn't put the leaves she picked in her mouth, but as small as Ville into her arms.

"This is the second-hundredth floor. There will be more treasures in the back. It should be." Dolly Carres patted Nancy on the shoulder. Everyone is a group. If there is a real gain, how should we distribute it?

Dolly Carles is actually not worried. They are in the middle and late stages of the trial army. It is almost impossible to gain something. If there is a gain, whoever deserves the most credit, she doesn’t think. I can have such a chance.

A burly figure approached a little bit from behind, his footsteps sounded steady and strong, but his body was tinged with blood.

The six Villes quickly built a defense, and a tall, **** figure with a broken arm and a thigh came over, holding a head in his hand.

"Evil Whale Barber!" Dolly Carres couldn't help but exclaimed. She hadn't seen this person in the square before.

"Blood Moon Warrior Dolly Carres." Barber frowned and his footsteps stopped slightly, and the gaze at Dolly Carres suddenly became a bit softer.

"Why are you here? I didn't seem to see you before." Dolly Carres seemed a little weird when she felt it.

"Trial of the Blood God, do not enter the trial field within a quarter of an hour after opening the trial. If a person comes in afterwards, one person in the square in front will be disqualified." Babel had a murderous look on his face: "I was attacked on the road. Now, the opponent is weird."

The head "grumblingly" rolled to the feet of Dolly Carres, and the blood on it was absorbed by the Bone Road almost instantly and turned into a shriveled zombie skull.

"Miss Lilith, can I trouble you to heal him?" Dolly Carres turned to Lilith. The latter casually fell on Babel with a healing magic, and the latter's vindictiveness increased but he abruptly resisted it. Did not start.

"Thank you!" Barber thanked him, took a deep look at their team, and walked forward. He did not ask to join, and Dolly Carres did not take the initiative to solicit. Compared to himself, Babel is even more lonely.

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