The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 627: Battle against the Sky Knights

"Captain of the 16th team, the 19th team, the 23rd team, take down that girl." The girl in armor saw the three defeated but uninjured big warriors, and cast her eyes on the battlefield with a smile not far away. , While the girl who was still playing with her hair, the expression on her face was even worse.

   There is no fear? She and the boy should be companions, right? In this situation, why didn't they panic at all from beginning to end?

Little Ville frowned slightly. To be honest, he never regarded snooker as a thing. Playing with the Academy City patrol was mostly just a joke, but they actually tried to threaten Lilith, even though they knew Lily. Silk's strength is not inferior to her, and it is impossible for them to easily take it, but Xiao Weier still couldn't help being angry, all the consequences were serious!

"Night night magic, deprivation of vision!" Dark night gave me a pair of black eyes, which can also deprive me of the ability to see light in the dark. This was developed by Xiaowei after relying on the idea of ​​the goddess of the night to be promoted to the official wizard. With the magic that came out, the three great warriors suddenly saw nothing in sight.

Ville's figure shook without the slightest sound of wind and came behind a big warrior. He grabbed his right arm with both hands and bends his arm gently back, "Crack~ A soft sound, the big warrior's arm broke, and Ville moved quickly. , The arms of the three big soldiers holding weapons were broken in three seconds, and they didn't even react.

The three warriors who had just rushed to Lilith heard the screams. They couldn't help but burst into their hearts. The young man who had beaten them by a surprise attack came behind them in no time. The three warriors hurriedly turned around to fight. They didn't dare to face them. This boy would die miserably.

   "Dark night magic, visual deprivation!" Ville's old tricks repeated, and the three warriors suddenly panicked. They stood still and did not dare to move their long swords in their hands, but they wielded impenetrably, protecting themselves tightly.

"Clang! Clang! Clang!" Little Weir was too lazy to wait, even too lazy to look for the flaws in their moves, he directly fisted their swords one by one, and then swept his legs, "Kacha~" "Kacha~" "Kakcha~" kicked them and broke their legs.

   "Boom!" A fireball came towards him, and was slapped to the ground by Ville, and exploded directly beside the three large soldiers who fell to the ground.

   "All the big warriors, take back the injured colleagues, the archers are ready!" The armor girl suddenly had a bad feeling that the patrol team is different from the guards, and there are also archers among them, but the number of strength is too far.

   Xiao Weier rushed into the patrol team like a gust of wind under the shining earth armor. The two big fighters were repelled by him. The girl in the armor flashed light, and a defensive cover instantly wrapped her.

   Elemental attribute defensive cover? It's a pity that there is only the strength of a senior professional. As soon as Xiaowei pointed it out, the defensive cover instantly fell apart, and his fingers were on the side of the long sword in her hand without reducing the impact, and the long sword was directly bounced by him, "Chang!" It fell ten meters away with a sound, and the three-pointer was inserted there tremblingly.

Ville's hands were placed on her shoulders. The Devil Moody's hands directly removed her shoulder joints. The armor girl continuously activated three witchcraft defensive shields and was instantly broken by Ville. She could only say coldly, "Youth, I Acknowledge that you are very strong, but this is the Academy City, and it is still too late to surrender."

"I know this is the Academy City, and I also know that this is the Wizard Islands, not hell." Ville grabbed her neck and looked at her coldly: "That's why I have been merciful, but you have violated something that shouldn't be offended. Since your mouth likes to talk nonsense, I will help you pull out the tongue that caused you trouble. I think you can understand it, right?"

   "Do you dare!" The armor girl kicked it out with intense heat, but was easily resolved by Ville.

"Stop it all, it's just a misunderstanding!" Wizard Klein stood up. He wanted to see the true strength of this young man, but he didn't really intend to make them stiff, but the young man's strength was too terrifying. Some, let things develop beyond his expectations.

Ville gave him a slanted look, pinching the armored girl’s neck with her right hand and forcibly squeezing her mouth open, and slowly extending her left hand, the uninjured warriors of the patrol approached to rescue her, and Ville's body flashed light. , A defensive shield opened instantly, and these great fighters could not break it for a while.


With a loud noise, a slightly fat body came to the front in an instant, the defensive shield was broken by a bright sword aura, and a faint arc appeared at the corner of Xiaoweier’s mouth, and finally a second-tier master arrived. this moment!

   The girl in armor was thrown into the arms of the lord of the Academy City as a shield, and Ville retreated a dozen steps away lightly, a long sword appeared in the palm of his right hand, and a sword spirit immediately swung straight towards the sky knight.

"Young man, stop, I also listened to what happened. If it's really just a misunderstanding, let's just say it." The lord of the city pushed the armor girl away, and the long sword in his hand lightly waved, Xiao Weier's grudge. After being broken by him, breaking this sword aura, the Lord of the City's face showed a touch of astonishment, this feeling? It's kind of weird.

Little Ville winked, Lilith suddenly understood, and the Rainstorm Pear Spear stood with Ville in her hand, "Let’s talk about it, even the favored ones dare to slander the city of **** demon believers. Is it really useful to speak? ?"

Little Ville’s words are undoubtedly suspected of slapping the face, but the meaning in his words is very obvious. He is not a simple wizard apprentice, nor an ordinary knight, nor a priest, but a favored one, but the favored one. However, he was provoked by his own patrol captain in the name of being a believer in **** demon. Under the circumstances that the besieging people couldn't beat him, he actually tried to seize the other's female partner as a threat.

But soon, the members of the patrol team discovered how lucky they were just now. The boy was indeed very strong, and he did not use all his strength before. Now facing a senior sky knight like the lord of the city, his performance is surprisingly tyrannical, and he is actually head-to-head. Not letting the wind fall in the slightest, although it is obvious that the outer body blessed the magic.

What shocked them even more was that young girl. Compared with the young man's swordsmanship, the girl's marksmanship seemed more domineering and mighty. The strength, speed, skills, and especially the skills were able to vaguely suppress the city lord, two minors. The young girls joined forces to force the lord of their Academy City to be a little unable to use them.

Ville's right-hand sword and left-hand fist, body armor of the earth, Lilith changed her Valkyrie suit, all excellent quality magic rune equipment, after being blessed by Ville's divine arts in all directions, it can actually be able to defeat the sky knight-level city lord. Sixty percent of the attacks did not appear to be strenuous.

"This, is this their true strength?" The armor girl couldn't help sweating coldly. Fortunately, this is the Academy City, her home court, and there are many partners around her, as well as more powerful helpers hidden in the dark. She didn't dare to imagine what would happen to her when she encountered such an enemy in the place, maybe her tongue would really not be able to keep it.

"Clang! Clang! Clang!" The city lord of the Academy City's long kendo ray flickered, and the feeling of vigor and strength instantly flooded the whole body of Xiaowei and Lilith. The two of them were immediately shaken back by two steps. Before they can come back, the city lord of the Academy City doubled. Holding the sword high above his head, he severely chopped it down.

   "Is the elemental vindictiveness of the sky knight?" The long sword in Xiaoweier's hand suddenly disappeared, and a long spear appeared in his hand. A black shining light appeared from the tip of the flat spear, which was astonishing as steel.

"Chang!" The city lord almost went all out and was missed with a sword. Xiao Weier stepped back for five consecutive steps before he stood firmly, his arms trembling slightly, while the city lord of the college city remained unchanged, but his face was shocked. Can't hide it.

"Catch it?! It's impossible!" The great warriors and knights of the patrol exclaimed in unison. They all knew the true strength of this seemingly harmless, fat city lord, and even be beaten by him more than once. The khaki vindictiveness they just displayed is the most clear. The elemental vindictiveness of the sky knight is also the essence of the promotion of the great knight and the great warrior to the sky knight and sky warrior.

   But, after using this trick, Lord City Lord was caught by the underage boy on the opposite Although it was a little embarrassed, but in the end it was not really defeated, how could this be possible?

   "Could it be the problem with that spear? Magic rune equipment also has superior or inferior points." A big warrior whispered his guess.

The City Lord of Academy City stood still at this moment, but he was very panicked. The young **** the opposite side had two spears pointed at him, one with a faint black light and the other with white light, if I didn’t have it. If you guess wrong, this is definitely an elemental battle with extreme light and dark attributes.


  Who did tm tell myself, how did two underage teenage girls practice this stuff? Although Lao Tzu is also a sky knight, but not to mention the two knights who are not below me, the two knights who are not below me, they have magical blessings, and their solid foundation is amazing, and their skills are completely compared to themselves. I feel ashamed today!

  Moreover, the most important thing is that the chance to return to the Sixth Ring Wizard Islands is right in front of you. If you lose face now, will you lose this chance? After all, these big people are probably unwilling to help a stupid idiot, right? Speaking out may embarrass them.

People really shouldn’t be too proud. If they weren’t smart enough to take them around the city, who would have thought that they would encounter a trouble with a Tier 2 master that is rarely encountered once a year, or even in three to five years. There are two, and they are all in one group.

   The most important thing is that, according to the process I just heard, this matter is completely irresponsible on my own. Even if I want to coordinate, I still have to look at the other side's face.

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