The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 497: Drake City's Fallen God Returns

The reception hall of the Kendall family in Drake City, the familiar furnishings and the familiar taste, but the atmosphere is completely different. Yeduo Kendall silently looked at the empty door, and the two old doormen seemed to be in his own impression. I was fired by myself.

   are these two people who were fired by themselves, but now they are guarding them, while the many sweet talks surrounding them have disappeared.

It’s been a month since I left that nightmarish place. Whenever I wake up, I will find my whole body in a cold sweat and my ears are not kobolds, goblins, ogres, laughter, or the sound of a chisel hitting a stone. The voice has been reminding myself not to be evil and waiting for the best time to dedicate Drake City to my lord.

I prayed "religiously" to the goddess of dawn and baptized three times before and after, but the voice in my mind still exists. When I look in the mirror, there will occasionally be a demon mark that only I can see on my forehead, and I am no longer there. become free.

   Demon believers are even more terrifying than this. The devil’s contractor, who violates the contract, is not as good as dying and the soul returns to the devil, as if a curse is branded in his heart.

I originally planned to hide everything, but I did not expect that the Seventh Elder was not dead. He told his family exactly what he had done. Since then, he has lost the support of his family. Those who originally followed him in the capital city have also been secretly dealt with. Only Only those who are truly reliable are spared.

   Refuge in the devil, and was also contested by two demons. He is called the power seizure and is the devil's preferred partner. This reputation spreads, and the Kendall family is estimated to be stinky.

   As Wright and Jasmine said, the people close to them have suffered once again, and they are still affected by them. The Seventh Elders were directly deprived of their positions as elders and sent to a remote city to form a new branch family. The subordinates who bought and Zhang Luo were either killed or imprisoned. There was no hope of appearing in front of others in this life. Only oneself was saved.

   Relying on Wright and Jasmine's face, favor, and huge price once again, he was dangerously saved his life.

Jasmine begged the wizard of Star Mountain, worked as a cow and horse under Will Declan and Floret Declan for a few months, and fought many times with advanced demons and alien races, and finally he was exhausted. The scars were exchanged for a divination by the wizard of Star Mountain.

Great Warrior Nicole, Great Knight Florett, Great Knight Wil Decland, Great Knight Florett Decland, Great Knight Lilith Kendall, Great Rider, Grew Great Hammer The warrior and the two official wizards of the family, a total of nine advanced experts, plus three advanced pets, saved themselves.

   During the process, I didn't have much impression, but vaguely remembered that the place eventually collapsed, and I was almost buried alive, and finally escaped by relying on the steel puppet summoned by Wil Declan.

   The cost of saving herself is expensive. Lilith officially became a member of the Declan family, separated from the Kendall family, and even no longer under the control of the Rose family. Everything about her was transferred to the Declan family.

Jasmine was also forced to leave Drake City, but it was not the Declan family that was persecuting her, but all Drake City’s nobles and the Lord of Bordeaux. The reason was simple. Drake City was small and could not accommodate two Kendall rulers. .

   The Countess Rose was taken back, and only retained the title. The unwilling daughter sold all the properties in a rage, and ran to the Baron Declan of Mabstershire with a large sum of money.

   Floret Declan assisted him at this time. He reported Jasmine’s hard work to save himself during this time, and reported the results of the record to the Lord Corleone, and the Lord Corleone reported to His Majesty the King.

She really paid a lot for herself, and after his Majesty confirmed the accuracy of the information, he issued an order. Jasmine regained a piece of territory, although it is not as rich as the Rose Duchess, and it is close to the Mabster jungle. Because of the close proximity to the Baron Declan, "barely" was maintained.

   Drake City is declining, the reason Seven Elders explained to himself through letters privately, the great **** is gone, taking too much luck, Drake City is still important, but the only important thing is the location and the wizards.

   The seventh elders made no secret of their contempt in the letter, saying that the great **** is gone and the degenerate **** returns, and the decline of Drake City is visible to the naked eye. At the same time, he also made a proposal, suggesting that he should be an envoy abroad to see if he could break the enemy country. This kind of nonsensical thing made Yiduo laugh or cry, but he was dark in his heart. Is he really a catastrophe?

Character determines destiny. Ydor Kendall’s character determines many things, but if his minions are pulled out, then his destructive power is just as good, just as now, he has no minions to use, no status and power. , Every move was stared at by the church and the city lord's mansion, his destructive power was completely invisible.

"My patriarch, this is the income and expenditure of this month. After the eldest lady left, many people started not to buy our account, and their income was more than half of the previous. The patriarch has just returned, and there are a lot of things to buy. This month costs For more than 6,000 gold coins, I was a little bit more than I could make ends meet." The butler respectfully held the ledger to Yiduo.

  More than 6,000 gold coins a month is not too much, but is it really that great for myself to spend money? If he didn't live in the capital during this period of time, he might not care about this number, but he would only know to cherish it when he lost it. The days when there was no source of income sitting in the sky and waiting for relief, let him learn to read the books.

Three new-style carriages, two thousand four hundred gold coins, ten dresses, 30 regular clothes, one thousand five hundred gold coins, and one thousand gold coins are the cost of baptism for the Church of Dawn. These alone cost 4,900 gold coins. , Nearly four thousand gold coins, but I seldom go out this month, I went out to ride the carriage left by Wright before, when was there a new carriage?

   Looking at the income again, this running account is very messy. Compared with the ledger that Jasmine threw to her at the beginning, this is completely rubbish, but looking at the daily transactions, there is not much difference, and why does the price increase suddenly?

   "What's the situation with this so-called interception?" Yiduo saw a line of inconspicuous records, but the amount accounted for more than one-third of the entire income. He couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"Hey, don't the patriarch remember it? This is a previous practice. In order to stimulate the subordinates to work hard, one-third of all income is reserved as a reward." The butler looked suspiciously at Yiduo Kendal, "Could it be that" Haven't the following stewards consulted with the patriarch?"

   Yiduo's face twitched slightly, as if he had actually said this, "After I left, has this item been implemented in this way?"

"No, after the patriarch left, Master Wright changed a lot of rules and kicked out some old people. At that time, another set of rules was The response was not bad, but it was not domineering enough. Once the young master entered the royal capital, many people followed. This steward came back because it was an old man under the patriarch, and changed the rules back under the name of the patriarch." The steward's words made Yiduo face. A piece of iron.

   I have been training this month and have not ordered any changes at all, nor have I delegated a so-called steward to take over the industry.

"Who gave them the order to do this? Why didn't the people who work underneath mention a word to me?" Yiduo felt annoyed. This is really a habit of eating by himself. These old people care about the facts. It's speechless.

"Hey, isn't this the intention of the patriarch? You come back, don't you want to control all the previous properties in your hands? You may not be used to the people of the young master. Why are those people not making trouble, they all make trouble at home? Here, I was beaten back by those stewards, and almost killed people. Many of the people underneath left. After the patriarch came back, all the old people before became hardened, and they spoke very confidently." Thumbs up, boasting of the domineering patriarch.

   Yiduo Kendall took a breath, and a bad premonition grew in his heart. He didn't do anything. Just when he returned home, a group of worms would breed? And this group of people are not good birds. Once they get angry and make trouble, they will definitely be implicated.

   "My patriarch, it's okay. People from the city hall broke into the house and arrested people, saying that the people in our house killed someone."

   Yiduo Kendall was dizzy, he was really wronged, I didn't do anything.


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