The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 157: Dwarf Casting

At noon, the senior knights followed Jasmine to the City Hall to complete the formalities. The Sister Opera House was officially owned by Little Will, the name was also changed to the Drake City Youth Activity Center, and the blacksmith shop was renamed the boutique blacksmith shop. Then, under the leadership of the Jasmine Senior Knight, they found two apprentices of the equipment master, two rough men with five big three and three rough men, who didn't know a few big characters, and only had a brute force. Xiaowei directly used a 120-jin hammer at the blacksmith to hit a rough embryo three times and five divided by two. The atmosphere did not take a breath, leaving the two rough men dumbfounded, exclaiming in unison: "Bai Lian Jing steel!"

   "This is the tried and tested method of dwarf casting in the legend? Why did you do this?" This time it was Jasmine's senior knight's turn to be shocked.

"It's not a hundred-smelting of refined steel, it's at most sixty-smelting. I didn't get this set of hammering for a long time. It belongs to the old technology thousands of years ago, and I need to be more skilled to make it better. But at present Drake The city does not have a blacksmith's shop that can do all kinds of refinements, fifty or sixty refinements are enough." Little Weier didn't care. In fact, the dwarf's hammering method contains the strength training skills of lifting weights, which is very helpful for increasing strength. Little Ville thought of Angel for the first time. Would you like to pull him over to become an apprentice blacksmith?

   "Now, Little Ville, can you sell this dwarf casting technique?" Jasmine's senior knight immediately turned into a businessman. This technique is a good thing that can enhance the overall strength of the family. Ville glanced at her, "Can you be the master?"

   "Of course!" The Senior Knight Jasmine gave him a very dissatisfied look, "I still have this kind of power, but you can't speak loudly."

"The decoration of the Drake City Youth Activity Center is handed over to you. I will give you a rendering of the decoration later, and then help strengthen the warehouse defense of the blacksmith shop. I don't want to be patronized by others." Little Ville is not as big as a lion. Open your mouth, but gave a very favorable price.

"It's so simple?" The senior knight Jasmine couldn't believe his ears, and Ville asked, "What do you think? You know, this is a dwarf casting technique a thousand years ago. It's not too advanced, and the effect is similar to that of the intermediate knights of our human race. The cultivation method is almost the same, except that it has always been cherished by the dwarves and refused to make it public. In fact, there were still many human blacksmiths who knew this craft a thousand years ago." It should be true. Little Will thinks of the human apprentices in the forge. Skull, he didn't believe that these apprentices hadn't inherited this craft.

   "Master, please accept us!" Two rough men in their twenties, five big and three rough men, knelt directly to Little Will.

"You two have poor qualifications. They are too hard to train. You can only be coolies. You will not be able to master the most basic crafting skills in three to five years. Don't mention the higher-level casting techniques. Better ordinary blacksmiths, don't even think about it, the master.” Little Weier sentenced them to death, but the two apprentices were overjoyed. “Ordinary blacksmiths are just fine, we don’t pursue that much.”

"You, you, didn't pursue it!" Little Weier shivered with anger. Who are these people? Just kick them out, but these two guys looked honest and honest, and they didn't get caught up because of an accident with the equipment master. People who leave things can be regarded as good people.

Immediately afterwards, the senior jasmine knight knew what an evildoer was. This **** actually practiced casting on the spot. The first time he created it was crooked melons and cracked dates, the second time it looked good, and the third time it was ready to be sold. . What's more, this **** only took more than an hour to build it three times, but for the fourth time he built a pretty good kitchen knife with two magic runes engraved on it: toughness and sharpness.

   Then, it failed!

  Yes, the magic rune equipment created by Ville for the first time simply failed because the equipment master blended with him was too impurity. But even if it fails, the kitchen knife can barely be used. After all, it is made of sixty-smelting steel. Didn't you see the eyes of the two little apprentices shining brightly? They have been learning ironing from the equipment master for three years, and now they can't even build a better kitchen knife.

   "Put it on the shelf. The nominal sixty steel kitchen knife is priced at two gold coins." Xiaowei'er's words surprised the Senior Knight Jasmine: "You are crazy, you dare to sell two gold coins with a kitchen knife."

"Then I would like to ask, is a piece of sixty-forged steel equipment expensive or two gold coins?" Ville asked back. The senior jasmine knight was stunned. Yes, a piece of sixty-forged steel equipment is needed. how much is it? But would anyone use a kitchen knife as a weapon? Really as the brand says, the boutique blacksmith shop, even the kitchen knives are made of sixty steel.

   Littleville built five kitchen knives in a row, until the sixth one was reluctantly refined into a magic rune kitchen knife, and it was still a low-quality equipment, and its toughness and sharpness were only average. But this is enough to make Jasmine's senior knight fearful, "Have you practiced before?"

Nodding lightly, Ville couldn't help but think of the soul battlefield. In order to get rid of the horror of death, he tried casting, and after the devil mask boy surrendered, he used crafting equipment in the painful torture. Way to vent their negative emotions. But the soul battlefield is not real after all, even if it will be synchronized to the body, it took a little time to get familiar with it, but until now it is not as good as the soul battlefield. You must know that you can cast on the soul battlefield. Out of fifty refining equipment of ordinary quality. After all, my strength, agility, and reaction were not as good as now, and the fifty exercises are already at the limit.

Later, Ville inspected the foundations of the two blacksmith apprentices, and unexpectedly obtained the original casting technique left by the equipment master. Although it was only the ordinary casting technique of the human race, it also had some reference. Ville directly based on this casting technique. , Pointed out some of their mistakes and omissions, and let them continue to practice and improve. And each gave out a gold coin as a reward, asking them to build fifty yuan of refined iron within three days. As the saying goes, one hundred refining into steel, but that is the division of ancient times, now more than fifty refining is steel, and ten refining is called refined Of course, there are also superior and inferior points. These two apprentices are now Can only do more than ten exercises. If you can save a little time, you can save a little time. They build the ten exercises, which is enough to save themselves nearly half of their time.

   Two tall blacksmith apprentices pinched the gold coins, their appearance was particularly twisted, leaving Little Will with a black line, and the disciple chosen by the equipment master is too strange.

Then the two people rushed to the next place non-stop. Ville bought a lot of things, some of which were extraordinary materials. Although they were not very precious, they also cost him thirty or fifty gold coins, making the senior knight Jasmine confused about him. What to do. In the end, Ville bought a high-end drawing board and a set of painting tools, and drew the renderings of the Drake City Youth Activity Center on the spot. The first, second and basement parts were all displayed in perspective, so that Jasmine's senior knight Shockingly, there is still this kind of operation!

After busying for a long time, the senior jasmine knight took the "Dwarf Elementary Casting Technique" made by Ville using transcripts and the renderings of the Drake City Youth Activity Center to go home, while Ville rushed to the city defense army barracks, before the sun went down. I must rush to Teacher Renn. The only time I ask for leave is during the day, and I still need to leave it for him at night. There are three days to start school by himself, and the old General Renn will leave Drake City in three days and take his own adaptation. Good orc-like boxing and the training plan summarized in the past two months rushed to the next city. Drake City will leave a high-level warrior and a high-level knight to stay in charge of follow-up training for a one-year period and then return to the royal capital. Ville’s title will not be revoked as long as he is still in Drake City. I'm afraid that he won't go to the city defense camp once a year, and the title will not change.

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